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Volume 92, Nº 10 (2018)

Chemical Thermodynamics and Thermochemistry

Thermodynamics of the Formation of Complexes and the Hydrogen Bonds between Oxyanions and Water

Mikhailov G.


The most stable structures of 32 complexes containing oxyanions with HOH···A are optimized according to density functional theory M06-2X with basis set 6-311++G(d,p). Thermodynamic characteristics of the formation of complexes are calculated with allowance for the basic superposition error (BSSE), and correlations with the enthalpy of formation of ion-molecular hydrogen bonds (ΔHIog) (Johansen’s formula) are found. The contribution from enthalpy ΔHIog to the enthalpy of formation of HOH···A complexes changes in the range of 12 to 54%. Molecular graphs of complexes are calculated according to QTAIM and the densities of the full energy of electrons at critical point (3, −1) of O–H···O bonds are analyzed. As the values of ΔHIog grow in the range of 28.0 to 58.4 kJ/mol, the contribution from the covalent constituent to the formation of O–H···O bonds increases as a result of stronger polarization interaction between anions and water molecules.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2018;92(10):1861-1864
pages 1861-1864 views

Viscosity of Aluminum during the Glass Transition Process, According to Molecular Dynamics

Kirova E., Norman G., Pisarev V.


The behavior of the autocorrelation functions of shear stress and the kinematic viscosity coefficient during glass transition processes is studied by means of molecular dynamics using the example of liquid aluminum. A film of liquid metal cooled at a rate of 2 × 1012 K/s is simulated. The dependence of the kinematic viscosity coefficient on temperature is obtained using the Green–Kubo formula. Over long periods of time, the behavior of the autocorrelation functions is approximated by a power-law dependence throughout the range of temperatures. The dependence of the exponent on temperature, which enables us to estimate the temperature of the transition from the liquid to the amorphous state (it agrees with the temperature from the calorimetric criterion), is given. The temperature of the transition to glass is determined. When it is lower than that of the glass transition, features of a solid body appear: shear stress is maintained and transverse oscillations arise.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2018;92(10):1865-1869
pages 1865-1869 views

Isotherms of the Molar Viscosity of Liquids and Fluids over a Wide Range of Pressures

Tyunina E., Badelin V.


The results from investigating the relationship between the characteristics of viscous flows and pressure are presented. Multiple linear regression is applied to a set of viscosity data of different pure liquids and fluids over wide ranges of pressure and temperature. For compounds with simple molecular structure, the pressure dependences of viscosity are satisfactorily described by linear equations containing molar volume. For more complex molecules (including associated liquids), a regression equation containing molar volume and molecular packing density is proposed for estimating viscosity at high pressures. Experimental data from the literature are in good agreement with the viscosities calculated with the equations proposed for both fluids and liquids.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2018;92(10):1870-1876
pages 1870-1876 views

Analyzing Data on the Thermal Expansion Coefficient of Substances

Fokin L.


The behavior of the entropy on the isotherm depends on the sign of the coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE). The boundaries of positive and negative CTEs are considered for water in the normal and supercooled state as a model for the behavior of other substances in structural transformations that ultimately ensure non-negative entropy values of matter.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2018;92(10):1877-1880
pages 1877-1880 views

Critical Properties of n-Alkanes Binary Mixtures Based on Equations of State

Akhouri B., Kaur S.


The aim of this work is the parameters test of the equation of state for hard convex body chain in predicting the critical properties of binary mixtures of n-alkanes. The predicted critical properties agree closely with the experimental results and are better than the predicted values both from the hard convex body equation of state and the Guggenheim equation of state for hard spheres. The agreement between theoretical and experimental results of the critical properties of n-alkanes appears to be improved negligibly, even if the shape of the molecule is considered. However, an improvement in the accuracy of the result is obtained with the equation of state of the hard convex body chain compared to the simple hard convex body equation of state.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2018;92(10):1881-1888
pages 1881-1888 views

Chemical Kinetics and Catalysis

Effect of the Nature of Catalysts on Their Properties in the Hydrogenation of Carbon Dioxide

Tarasov A., Redina E., Isaeva V.


The effect the nature of a metal has on the activity and selectivity of the catalysts in hydrogenation of carbon dioxide into carbon oxide and hydrocarbons under high pressure is studied for the catalysts containing Au, Pt, Fe, and Co. Based on a comparison of measured values of СО2 conversion and calculated data, it is concluded that only the catalysts containing Fe and Co display pronounced bifunctional properties. These catalysts exhibit activity in both hydrogenation and subsequent CO conversion to С2+ hydrocarbons, shifting the equilibrium toward the formation of products.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2018;92(10):1889-1892
pages 1889-1892 views

Au(I) and Au(III)-Catalyzed Mechanism of the Cyclization Reaction of 3-(Ethynylamino)-1,3-diphenylprop-2-en-1-one

Yuanqiang Zhu ., Wang Y., Liu X., Mo X.


The mechanisms of the cyclization reaction of 3-(ethynylamino)-1,3-diphenyl-2-en-1-one catalyzed by AuCl and AuCl3 catalysts were studied using the density functional theory based on the M06 and B3LYP functionals combined with the 6-31G(d,p), 6-311++G(d,p), LANL2TZ) basis sets. The results show that the reaction can occur through one pathway containing four processes to yield the final product both with AuCl and AuCl3 catalysts. The energy barrier of the rate-determining step of the reaction with AuCl, hydrogen transferring process, is 18.22 kJ mol–1 lower than that of the reaction with AuCl3. And the energy barrier of the catalysts depriving from the product with AuCl is 58.11 kJ mol–1 lower than that with AuCl3. These results indicate that the catalytic activity of AuCl is better than that of AuCl3 for this type of reactions. The results of this study can be a theoretical reference in selecting a suitable catalyst for this type of reactions.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2018;92(10):1893-1899
pages 1893-1899 views

Highly Active CeO2 Nanocatalysts for Low-Temperature CO Oxidation

Amit Singhania ., Shipra Mital Gupta .


Ceria (CeO2) nanocatalysts were synthesized by three different methods via a simple sol–gel method (SGM), precipitation method (PPM), and solution combustion method (SCM) for CO oxidation reaction. The results show that the CeO2 catalysts prepared by SGM possess small crystallite size (9 nm), more lattice defects (active sites), high specific surface area (188 m2 g–1), and better thermal stability. Raman spectra showed that large number oxygen vacancies were possessed by CeO2-SGM catalysts as compared to CeO2-PPM and CeO2-SCM. It was observed that the catalytic activity for CO oxidation reaction is greatly influenced by the preparation method. The order of activity and stability of CeO2 material prepared by different methods for CO oxidation process is as follows: CeO2-SGM > CeO2-PPM > CeO2-SCM, respectively.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2018;92(10):1900-1906
pages 1900-1906 views

Physical Chemistry of Solutions

Thermodynamic Characteristics of Acid–Base Reactions in Aqueous Solutions of DL-α-Alanyl-DL-norleucine

Lytkin A., Chernikov V., Krutova O., Badelin V., Barannikov V.


The heat effects of the interaction between a solution of DL-α-alanyl-DL-norleucine and solutions of HNO3 at different pH values at 288.15 and 308.15 K and ionic strength values of 0.5, 1.0, and 1.5 (background electrolyte, KNO3) are measured via calorimetry. The heat effects of the stepwise dissociation of the dipeptide are determined. Standard thermodynamic characteristics (ΔrH°, ΔrG°, ΔrS°, and \(\Delta C_{p}^{^\circ }\)) of the reactions of acid–base interaction in aqueous solutions of DL-α-alanyl-DL-norleucine are calculated. The relation between the thermodynamic characteristics of the dissociation of a dipeptide with the structure of this compound is considered.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2018;92(10):1907-1910
pages 1907-1910 views

Acid–Base Forms of Dimethylaminoazobenzene Derivatives, According to UV–Vis Spectroscopic Data

Mikheev Y., Ershov Y.


UV–Vis spectra of neutral and acidic solutions of C-methyl derivatives of dimethylaminoazobenzene are compared to the analogous spectra of dimethylaminoazobenzene (DAB), the main state of which is Rydberg dimers (rydimers) DAB2. The identical nature of the spectra of DAB and its 2-, 2′-, 3′-, 4′-methyl derivatives in neutral ethanol is established, testifying to the rydimer structure of these azo dyes and the identical nature of their chromogens, which have intense Vis bands at 400–430 nm. Uniform spectral changes are observed for solutions of 2-, 3′-, 4-methyl-substituted DAB and DAB2 during protonation at low acidities, demonstrating the stability of the respective rydimers and the identical protonation mechanism of their dimethylamino groups. UV bands at 320 nm and Vis bands at 500–530 nm are observed in the spectra of the resulting rydimers with ammonia groups. It is concluded that as acidity rises, these rydimers first attach a proton to the azo group, change into a triprotonated form, and then decompose with the formation of diprotonated monomers. At low acidity, rydimers with methyl groups at positions 2′ and 3 on phenylene rings are also protonated on amino groups but dissociate with the formation of the corresponding monomeric ammonium cations, the spectra of which copy the UV–Vis spectrum of azobenzene. Based on an analogy between the observed spectral characteristics and those known from the literature on a large number of azo dyes, it is concluded that the rydimer structure is a common property of azo dyes.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2018;92(10):1911-1919
pages 1911-1919 views

Density Functional Theory Study of Solvent Effects on 3-Fluoro-, 3-Chloro-, 3-Bromopyridine

Mustafa Tuğfan Bilkan .


Optimized molecular structures and total energies of 3-fluoro-, 3-chloro-, 3-bromopyridine (3‑FP, 3-CP, and 3-BP) molecules in vacuum, benzene, toluene, chloroform, dichloromethane, ethanol, dimethylsulfoxide and water media were investigated using DFT/B3LYP-6311++G(d,p) method. Moreover, in order to be able to see the effects of changing physical conditions, the thermochemical properties of the structures have been calculated in different temperatures and solvent media. Vibrational frequencies of 3-FP, 3-CP, and 3-BP molecules in vacuum and solvent media were calculated and compared to experimental data from the literature. Also, the chemical reactivities of the structures were calculated from HOMO–LUMO energies. Molecular electrostatic potential maps were plotted and atomic charges of each atom were determined. As a result of the study, it was determined that the molecular parameters of these three structures were slightly influenced by the changing solvent polarity, but the vibration frequencies and other chemical properties have very seriously affected.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2018;92(10):1920-1931
pages 1920-1931 views

400 MHz NMR Study of Isotope Effects on Albumin in H2O/D2O Solutions

Korunur S., Zengin B., Yılmaz A.


Chemical shift measurements were performed for several percentages of H2O added to D2O, in several H2O/D2O mixtures without and with a single concentration of albumin, and also in a mixture of 0.1H2O/0.9D2O containing increasing concentrations of albumin. The chemical shifts of pure mixtures decreases with increasing fraction of pure water. This is closely related to isotope effects. The chemical shift corrected for isotope effects increases with percentage of H2O. The chemical shift obtained for the mixture of 0.1H2O/0.9D2O increases with increasing concentration of albumin. These increments are consistent with fast chemical exchange in H2O/D2O mixture. In conclusion, present study reveals the presence of isotope effect on albumin in H2O/D2O solutions, and demonstrates fast chemical exchange in D2O solutions with albumin in a different way.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2018;92(10):1932-1934
pages 1932-1934 views

Structure of Matter and Quantum Chemistry

Model of Interaction of Fullerene С60 with Epitaxial Graphene

Rekhviashvili S., Bukhurova M.


Equations for the potential and force of interaction of fullerene C60 with epitaxial graphene adsorbed on a thick substrate were derived using the Lennard-Jones pair potential. The nature of this interaction is mainly determined by the fullerene–graphene system, while the substrate makes a critical contribution to the attraction force at long distances between fullerene and graphene. A numerical simulation of the incidence of the fullerene molecule on epitaxial graphene was performed. The molecule oscillates near the surface; the character of this motion depends on the initial conditions and interaction parameters. An equation for the specific adhesion energy of graphene was obtained.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2018;92(10):1935-1939
pages 1935-1939 views

Quantum-Mechanical Modeling of the Elastic Properties of Aluminum-Based Metal-Organic Frameworks

Saleev V., Shipilova A.


The elastic properties of some aluminum-based metal-organic framework compounds with rod atomic packings were studied. The tensors of elastic constants were calculated by the ab initio quantum-mechanical methods. The dependences of elasticity moduli on the direction were studied. They were correlated with the configurations of organic linkers and metal centers. The dependence of elastic properties on the nature of the functional group in the isoreticular series CAU-10-X was studied.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2018;92(10):1940-1946
pages 1940-1946 views

Changes in the Crystal Lattice Parameters of Montmorillonite during Its Modification by Cobalt and Aluminum Cations

Sokolovskiy P., Roessner F., Vezentsev A., Konkova T., Alekhina M., Manokhin S., Greish A.


The effect the modification (pillarization) of montmorillonite clays from different locations has on the crystallographic lattice parameters of montmorillonite is determined. It is revealed through ultrahigh resolution transmission electron microscopy and analyzing microdiffraction patterns that pillarization raises the distance between montmorillonite structural units to 2.2 nm, while the intracrystal distance between the atoms grows by 0.4 nm. The catalytic activity of specimens in the oxidation reaction between organic dyes and hydrogen peroxide is enhanced 2–3 times.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2018;92(10):1947-1952
pages 1947-1952 views

Structure of a Composite Material Based on Polyfluorinated Alcohol and Montmorillonite

Kudashev S., Shul’ga Y.


The structural morphological characteristics of 1,1,9-trihydroperfluoro-1-nonanol and layered aluminosilicate montmorillonite are studied via X-ray diffraction, electron microscopy, EPR spectroscopy, and FTIR spectroscopy. Estimates of these characteristics allow the subsequent construction of polymer materials containing these nanofillers and characterized by an improved set of properties. It is shown that the formation of hydrophobic polyfluoroalkyl layers stable with respect to desorption is observed both on the surface and in the interlayer space of clay. The elemental composition of samples is studied by means of X-ray fluorescence analysis and micro–X-ray spectral analysis.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2018;92(10):1953-1958
pages 1953-1958 views

syn- and anti-H Bonds in Ammonia and Phosphine Complexes with Proton Donors

Isaev A.


The quantum chemical calculations of the molecular complexes of ammonia and phosphine with NH3, H2O, HCl, and HF proton donors were performed by the MP2 method of the second-order Mӧller–Plesset perturbation theory with Dunning’s correlation-consistent aug-cc-pVTZ basis set augmented by diffuse functions. Complexes of two types were considered: with syn (A) and anti (B) orientation of monomers. An analysis of the nature of intermolecular interaction by various methods, including the decomposition of the binding energy into components, showed that the Y···H–X (Y = N, P; X = N, O, Cl, F) interaction in complexes of both types is a hydrogen bond. According to the calculated data, the binding energy in the B complexes is smaller than in the A complexes in accordance with the smaller calculated second-order perturbation energies \(E_{{n{\text{Y}} \to \sigma {\text{*XH}}}}^{{(2)}}\) and electron density at the critical point of the Y···H contact in the B complexes. Elongation of the X–H covalent bond of the donor and red shift of the XH band in the IR spectrum characteristic of molecular systems with an H bond were found for all the complexes.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2018;92(10):1959-1969
pages 1959-1969 views

The Equilibrium Molecular Structure of 4-Cyanopyridine According to a Combined Analysis of Gas-Phase Electron Diffraction and Microwave Data and Coupled-Cluster Computations

Khaikin L., Vogt N., Rykov A., Grikina O., Demaison J., Vogt J., Kochikov I., Shishova Y., Ageeva E., Shishkov I.


The equilibrium structure of the 4-cyanopyridine molecule was determined from experimental data for the first time. The computations performed at the CCSD(T) level agree well with the results of the combined electron diffraction and microwave data analysis. The effect of the para-cyano substituent on the geometry of the pyridine ring is observed in comparison with the literature data for the pyridine molecule.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2018;92(10):1970-1974
pages 1970-1974 views

Spectroscopic Analysis of 1-Butyl-3-methylimidazolium Ionic Liquids: Selection of the Charge Reference and the Electronic Environment

Shuang Men ., Rong J., Zhang T., Wang X., Feng L., Liu C., Jin Y.


Seven 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium ionic liquids are analyzed by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. A reliable fitting model is developed for the C 1s region. The electronic environment of nitrogen and sulfur atoms is demonstrated. The selection of the internal charge reference is discussed in detail. It is found that when the Kamlet-Taft hydrogen bond acceptor ability value of the anion is larger than 0.75, the aliphatic carbon component can be used as a reliable reference; otherwise, in other cases, F 1s peak is applicable for the charge correction.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2018;92(10):1975-1979
pages 1975-1979 views

Comparison of Cation-π and Anion-π Interactions by Way of Antiaromaticity

Pouya Karimi .


Cation-π and anion-π interactions were studied in the Na+-substituted-COT and F-substituted-COT complexes (where substituted-COT is planar cyclooctatetraene with four X‒C≡C-substituents (X = OH, CH3, H, F, and CN) using computational quantum chemistry methods. There are no direct electrostatic interactions of substituents with cations and anions in these complexes. The electron-donating and electron-withdrawing substituents lead to increase of the strength of cation-π and anion-π interactions, respectively. There are meaningful correlations between the Hammett constants and binding energies. The AIM analysis shows that the electron-donating and electron-withdrawing substituents lead to increase in electronic charge density values at ring critical points (RCPs) of the Na+-substituted-COT and F-substituted-COT complexes, respectively (compared to complexes with X = H). NMR calculations demonstrate that the cation-π interactions are consistent with more antiaromatic rings and the anion-π ones are in accord with less antiaromatic rings.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2018;92(10):1980-1986
pages 1980-1986 views

Physicochemical Study of Some Thiobarbiturate Derivatives and Their Interaction with DNA in Aqueous Media

Abbas Khan ., Khan I., Usman M., Farooqi Z., Khan M.


The aim of this study is to investigate the physicochemical behavior of some selected thiobarbituartes and explore their interaction with ds-DNA. To the best of our knowledge limited work has been reported on physicochemical investigation of these medicinal compounds and their interaction with ds-DNA. Therefore, this lack of information on the fundamental physicochemical studies of such medicinal compounds needs to be addressed. For this purpose five thiobarbiturate derivatives, denoted as: MKA 25, MKA26, MKA27, MKA28, MKA29, have been synthesized and characterized. Various physicochemical investigations of these thiobarbiturates are carried out. The thermal decomposition of these medicinal compounds was also studied by TGA technique. Further the mode of interaction and binding of these newly synthesized compounds with ds-DNA was carried by using UV–Vis spectrometry. It was seen from the overall results that the physicochemical properties as well as the extent of their interaction with biopolymer not only depend on the side alkyl groups but also on varying the functional groups of the samples.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2018;92(10):1987-1995
pages 1987-1995 views

DFT Modeling of 4,6-Di(2-furyl)pyrimidine Derivatives As Efficient Charge Transfer Materials

Shamoon Ahmad Siddiqui ., Abdullah M.


We have modeled multifunctional compounds from 4,6-di(2-furyl)pyrimidine, because 4,6-di(2-furyl)pyrimidine has alternate π-rich and π-poor units. The π-backbone has been elongated along with push–pull strategy to reduce the HOMO–LUMO energy gap and to enhance the intra-molecular charge transfer. All the molecular geometries in ground state have been optimized by using density functional theory (DFT). The time dependent density functional theory (TDDFT) was used to compute the absorption spectra. The frontier molecular orbital (HOMO and LUMO) has been conferred and the charge transfer properties have been discussed on the basis of electron affinities, ionization potentials and reorganization energies. We tuned the optical and electronic properties of 4,6-di(2-furyl)pyrimidine derivatives and it is anticipated that the proposed derivatives might be comparable to the widely used hole and electron transfer materials such as pentacene and (tris(8-hydroxyquinolinato)aluminum). The relationship between structure and property has been thoroughly discussed.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2018;92(10):1996-2002
pages 1996-2002 views

High-Pressure Electronic Structure and Optical Properties of N-Doped ZnO

LingPing Xiao ., Li X., Zeng L.


The electronic structures and optical properties of N-doped ZnO under high pressure have been investigated using first-principles methods. The pressure effects on the lattice parameters, electronic band structures, and partial density of states (PDOS) of crystalline N-doped ZnO are calculated up to 8 GPa. The lattice parameters a, and c are decreases by 0.062 and 0.091 Å, respectively. Moreover, the evolution of the dielectric function, absorption coefficient (α(ω)), reflectivity (R(ω)), and the real part of the refractive index (n(ω)) at high pressure are also presented.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2018;92(10):2003-2008
pages 2003-2008 views

Physical Chemistry of Nanoclusters and Nanomaterials

Synthesis of Iron and Cobalt Nanoparticles in an IR-Pyrolyzed Chitosan Matrix

Vasil’ev A., Muratov D., Bondarenko G., Dzidziguri E., Efimov M., Karpacheva G.


Metal–carbon nanocomposites IR-CS/Fe and IR-CS/Co in the form of metal nanoparticles dispersed in a carbon matrix are synthesized via the IR pyrolysis of a precursor based on chitosan and metal nitrates. The synthesized samples are studied using IR spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy, and X-ray diffraction. The morphologies and degrees of dispersion of the reduced metal nanoparticles in a carbon matrix are compared, and changes in the chemical structure of the polymer at different stages of synthesis are described.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2018;92(10):2009-2014
pages 2009-2014 views

Response Surface Methodology Optimized Sol–Gel Synthesis of Ag, Mg co-Doped ZnO Nanoparticles with High Photocatalytic Activity

Leila Airemlou ., Behnajady M., Mahanpoor K.


In this paper, pure ZnO, Ag, and Mg mono-doped and co-doped ZnO nanoparticles were synthesized via sol-gel method. The synthesized nanoparticles were characterized using XRD, DRS, BET, TEM, SEM-EDX, and PL techniques. The photocatalytic activity of the prepared photocatalysts was evaluated in degradation Rhodamine B (RhB) dye. Response surface methodology (RSM) was used as a statistical technique for optimizing the effect of synthesis variables on the removal efficiency of RhB. The results predicted from RSM were found to be in good agreement with the experimental results as indicated by correlation coefficient (R2) of 0.9624. Furthermore, statistical tests such as ANOVA table and lack of fit indicated that the model was adequate for representing the experimental data. Ag and Mg co-doped ZnO nanoparticles demonstrated the highest photocatalytic activity in comparison with pure and mono-doped ZnO. Maximum photocatalytic activity of co-doped ZnO nanoparticles was observed for a sample with 3 wt % Ag, 4 wt % Mg calcined at 530°C.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2018;92(10):2015-2024
pages 2015-2024 views

Physical Chemistry of Surface Phenomena

Thermodynamic Characteristics of the Sorption and Separation of Pyridine Derivatives Using Pyrazinoporphirazine Based Sorbents

Kuvshinov G., Koifman O.


The retardation factors and specific retention volumes of pyridine and its derivatives are determined via inverse gas chromatography in the 130–170°C range of temperatures on packed columns with silicone-based XE-60 stationary phases and additives of camphor-substituted tetrapyrazinoporphyrazine or its copper complex. The separation factors of sorbates with close boiling temperatures are calculated, and the high separation ability of the binary XE-60 silicone–pyrazinoporphyrazine Cu(II) complex phase is established. The thermodynamic characteristics of the sorption of pyridine and methyl- and dimethylpyridine isomers from the gas phase are determined along with the macroheterocyclic compound–sorbate complexation constants and thermodynamic parameters. The high selectivity of a sorbent based on XE-60 silicone and the copper complex of camphor-substituted tetrapyrazinoporphyrazine is substantiated thermodynamically.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2018;92(10):2025-2031
pages 2025-2031 views

Kinetic Model of Batch Sorption Processes: Comparing Calculated and Experimental Data

Khamizov R., Sveshnikova D., Kucherova A., Sinyaeva L.


The possibility of deriving a model of the kinetics of batch sorption processes is considered by transforming a nonlinear difference kinetic equation with a nonconstant equilibrium parameter for the interface into approximate pseudo first- and second-order equations with fixed parameters, depending on the characteristic of equilibrium isotherms in a certain way. The calculated and experimental equilibrium and kinetic parameters are compared for a large number of processes, including the sorption and electrosorption of metal ions on activated coals, the sorption of lead on nanostructured carbon materials, and phosphatidylcholine sorption on ordered mesoporous nanostructured silica materials. Good coincidence is observed between the calculated equilibrium data and the respective experimental results obtained in kinetic experiments. At the same time, there is no correspondence between calculated and experimental dimensionless parameters based on the relationships of kinetic coefficients for different order equations (due apparently to great errors in determining these coefficients when processing the experimental data using the pseudo second-order model of kinetics). The obtained results confirm earlier conclusions that it is impossible to characterize the mechanisms of kinetic processes based only on good descriptions of experimental results using pseudo first- or second-order kinetic equations.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2018;92(10):2032-2038
pages 2032-2038 views

Sorption of Copper(II) Ions by Apple Pectin Modified with Organic Pharmacophores

Sagitova A., Mudarisova R., Kukovinets O.


The sorption properties of apple pectin, native and modified by pharmacophores (nicotinic, salycilic, 5-aminosalycilic, and anthroic acids), are investigated with respect to copper(II) ions. It is established that the modified pectin materials retain high sorption ability as a result of introducing functional groups into their structure, which can efficiently bond metal ions. Sorption isotherms of Cu2+ ions in the 273–333 K range of temperatures testify to the exothermal character of the process. It is found that the sorption of Cu2+ ions by P-SA, P-AA, and P-5ASA complexes is described by the Langmuir equation; for the P-NA complex, it is described by the Freundlich equation.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2018;92(10):2039-2043
pages 2039-2043 views

Adsorption Properties of a Magnetite Composite with Coffee Waste

Pham Thanh Minh ., Lebedeva O.


Magnetic composite sorbent consisting of a synthetic magnetite and ground coffee waste is produced and characterized. The point of zero charge is determined. The presence of carbonyl and carboxyl groups on the sorbent surface is established. The sorbent’s sorption capacity toward methylene blue dye is determined. The adsorption kinetic curves are analyzed using models of diffusion and chemical kinetics. It is shown that adsorption proceeds in the mixed diffusion regime and can be described by pseudo second-order kinetics. The correlation between the adsorption isotherms and the Langmuir and Freundlich models is evaluated. The possibility of sorbent regeneration is demonstrated. It is concluded that the proposed composite magnetic sorbent has high efficiency and can be used to purify water of organic dyes.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2018;92(10):2044-2047
pages 2044-2047 views

Sorption of Vanillin by Highly Basic Anion Exchangers under Dynamic Conditions

Sholokhova A., Eliseeva T., Voronyuk I.


Features of the dynamic extraction of vanillin from aqueous solutions using highly basic anion exchangers with a gel or macroporous structure are studied. The possibility of their regeneration is evaluated and the most efficient desorbents for this aromatic aldehyde are selected. Using the macroporous-structure anion exchangers is shown to have advantages in recovering vanillin due to their more rapid and complete regeneration. The presence of vanillin dimers and trimers in the feed solution is confirmed by ESI-MS and found to result in expansion of the sorbent matrix and an increase in its capacity in the second and subsequent cycles.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2018;92(10):2048-2052
pages 2048-2052 views

Physical Chemistry of Separation Processes. Chromatography

Ion-Exchange Sorption of Palladium(II) from Hydrochloric Acid Solutions in the Presence of Silver(I)

Kononova O., Duba E., Medovikov D., Krylov A.


The sorptive extraction of palladium(II) chloride complexes in the presence of silver(I) chloride complexes from 2 and 4 M aqueous solutions of HCl with a series of Purolite anionites with different functional groups is studied. An anion exchange mechanism of sorption is identified from Raman spectroscopy data. Kinetic properties that are inherent to the investigated ionites and allow the elution of palladium(II) and silver(I) after their extraction in a dynamic mode are revealed.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2018;92(10):2053-2059
pages 2053-2059 views

Extracting Vanadium, Molybdenum, and Tungsten from Acidic Solutions via Adsorption on Modified Montmorillonite

Ordinartsev D., Sviridov A., Sviridov V.


The possibility of extracting vanadium, molybdenum, and tungsten compounds from acidic media via adsorption is demonstrated. Highly dispersed layered aluminosilicates, modified with a cationic surfactant (didecyldimethylammonium chloride), are used as sorbents. Interactions between the cationic surfactant and the sorbent’s surface are confirmed by means of spectroscopy. It is established that the sorbent is modified through immobilization of the didecyldimethylammonium chloride molecules in the interlayer space of the sorbent. It is observed that the sorbent’s surface acquires a positive charge as a result of modification, allowing adsorption of polyoxoanions of vanadium, tungsten, and molybdenum from solutions. Spectroscopic and thermodynamic investigations show that the interaction between the vanadium and the active centers of the sorbent was due to the formation of ionic associates and corresponded to physical adsorption. Because of the similarities between the chemical properties of vanadate, molybdate, and tungstate ions, their adsorption on a surface of modified montmorillonite is governed by a similar mechanism. Experimentally determined limiting adsorption values of vanadium, molybdenum, and tungsten are 1.65, 1.96, and 1.21 mmol/g, respectively, which corresponds to a 94–95% degree of extraction. It is established that the optimum conditions of isolation are found at рН 3.4 for vanadium, pH 4.0 for molybdenum, and pH 4.5 for tungsten, due to the different forms of their polyoxoanions in solutions.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2018;92(10):2060-2064
pages 2060-2064 views

Photochemistry and Magnetochemistry

Effect of the Irradiation Conditions on the Yield of Hydrogen Peroxide in Frozen Aqueous Solutions of Adenine Derivatives

Lozinova T., Lobanov A., Lander A.


Comparative results are presented from detecting hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) in aqueous solutions of adenine derivatives irradiated at 77 K in the near-UV range of wavelengths (λ = 260–400 and 290–460 nm). It is shown that the efficiency of H2O2 formation, estimated from the ratio of [H2O2] to the integral intensity of EPR signals observed in the irradiated samples, grew in the latter case. Based on the literature data, this increase is assumed to be due to specific features of the photoexcitation of aggregates of adenine derivatives that form in frozen aqueous solutions.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2018;92(10):2065-2074
pages 2065-2074 views

Photocatalyst Bi(OH)SO4 · H2O with High Photocatalytic Performance

Haojie Lu ., Wang R., Zhang L., Chen D., Hao Q., Ma C., Yao W.


In this work, Bi(OH)SO4 · H2O, a novel photocatalyst was prepared by a facile method. The sample was characterized by XRD, XPS, SEM, Mott-Schottky curve and ESR. The band gap of Bi(OH)SO4 · H2O is about 4.64 eV, and its CB and VB are estimated at –0.5 and 4.14 eV, respectively. Degradation of RhB and PhOH under UV light irradiation illustrates that the sample has good UV activity. The results of ESR spectra and tapping experiments indicate that the main active species in the photocatalytic reaction process are hydroxyl radicals, superoxide radicals and holes. A possible mechanism of catalytic degradation of organic pollutants was proposed. This semiconductor has a positive valence band and high oxidation capacity theoretically and it may have broad application in synthesizing highly efficient photocatalysts through doping other elements or creating heterojunctions.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2018;92(10):2075-2080
pages 2075-2080 views

Photocatalytic Performance of Sm-Doped ZnO Prepared by Sonochemical Process

Anukorn Phuruangrat ., Thongtem S., Thongtem T.


0–3 wt % Sm-doped ZnO nanostructures were prepared by sonochemical process. The products were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Raman spectroscopy and Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. In this research, the products were specified as oval particles of hexagonal wurtzite ZnO. Photocatalytic activities of the products were investigated by measuring the degradation of methylene blue (MB) under ultraviolet (UV) irradiation. Among them, the 3wt% Sm-doped ZnO product is a promising material for wastewater treatment.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2018;92(10):2081-2085
pages 2081-2085 views

Optical and Electrical Properties of Copper Zinc Tin Sulfide Films As Solar Cell Absorber Materials Prepared by a Compacting Process

Wenliang Fan ., Wang Y., Zhu J., Ban S.


The copper zinc tin sulfide (CZTS) thin films are prepared by a promising non vacuum compacting process based on ball milling and coating technique. The results reveal that a well-formed crystalline structure of kesterite CZTS are observed after sintering at 450°C. The optical band gap is 1.49, 1.59, 1.33, and 1.21 eV for the films with Cu/Zn/Sn atomic radio of 1.00 : 0.50 : 0.52, 1.00 : 0.44 : 0.41, 1.00 : 0.60 : 0.49, and 1.00 : 0.49 : 0.58, respectively. The compacting process can further improve the performances of CZTS film. For the CZTS thin film with Cu/Zn/Sn atomic radio of 1.00 : 0.60 : 0.49, the surface morphology of the film is significantly improved by a compacting process applied to the coating films before sintering, and the resistivity decreased from 23.67 to 1.18 Ω cm with the compacting pressure increasing from 0 to 200 MPa at room temperature, which showing a promising application of the compacting process method in fabricating CZTS film for solar cells.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2018;92(10):2086-2091
pages 2086-2091 views

Short Communications

Mechanisms of Photoreactions of 2,6-Diphenyl-1,4-benzoquinone and Its Dimer in Different Solvents

Porkhun V., Aristova Y., Gonik I.


An investigation of 2,6-diphenyl-1,4-benzoquinone (a class of substituted benzoquinones) and its dimer is performed to study the effect the solvents have on the reactivity of semiquinone radicals and their complexes and the courses of their reactions.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2018;92(10):2092-2094
pages 2092-2094 views

Solvation of Piperidine in Nonaqueous Solvents

Volkova M., Kuz’mina I., Kuz’mina K., Belova N., Sharnin V.


The enthalpies of solvation of piperidine (Ppd) in methanol (MeOH), ethanol (EtOH), N,N‑dimethylformamide (DMF), and dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) are calculated by means of quantum-chemical modeling. The enthalpies of solvation of Ppd in EtOH and DMF are determined calorimetrically. The energies of Ppd solvation in aprotic solvents is found to be generally governed by universal types of interactions between amine and solvent molecules. The energy contributions from both universal and specific types of interactions to the overall enthalpy of Ppd solvation are determined in amphoteric MeOH and EtOH.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2018;92(10):2095-2097
pages 2095-2097 views

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