Optimization of the Guaranteed Information Transmission Rate by Pseudorandom Signals with a Randomized Base in Conditions of Intentional Interference




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The principles of analysis and optimization of the parameters and signal processing mode in an information transmission system with a reverse channel operating under the influence of intentional interference, the structure of which can be selected from the position of disruption (deterioration) of the system have been considered. An algorithm for the formation and processing of pseudorandom signals with a randomized base is proposed, which provides an increase in the speed of information transmission by the system in the
class of interference with limited average power while ensuring the initial reliability indicators. The methodology is presented, calculation examples are given, and graphs of the dependences of the guaranteed information
transfer rate in a system with a randomized two-stage switching of the signal base from the average power of the optimized interference are shown.


A. Chudnov

Military Academy of Communications

Email: chudnow@yandex.ru
St. Petersburg, 194064 Russia

Ya. Kichko

Military Academy of Communications

Email: chudnow@yandex.ru
St. Petersburg, 194064 Russia

L. Sapunova

Military Academy of Communications

Email: chudnow@yandex.ru
St. Petersburg, 194064 Russia


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版权所有 © А.М. Чуднов, Я.В. Кичко, Л.П. Сапунова, 2023
