About One Approach to the Construction of a Solution to the Problem of Coal and Methane Emissions from the Marginal Zone of the Formation




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Based on the model of the geomechanical state of a coal massif containing a coal seam with a fragile layer, a mining working and the ideas developed by S.A. Khristianovich about gas-dynamic processes in the development of coal seams, a solving of the ejection of the marginal part of the formation is constructed. The conditions for the occurrence of gas-dynamic phenomena are formulated, which manifest themselves in the form of the formation first of a main crack in a formation with free methane, then the formation of a crushing wave in it, followed by the release of a jumper and a mixture of crushed coal and gas into mine working.


N. Cherdantsev

Federal Research Center of Coal and Coal Chemistry, SB RAS

Email: nvch2014@yandex.ru
Russia, Kemerovo


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