Biological Activity of Leached Chernozem under Oil and Sodium Chloride Pollution and the Effect of Treatment with Halotolerant Oil-Destructing Bacteria




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Soil contamination with oil is often accompanied by pollution by oilfield wastewater, which contains a significant amount of NaCl, which enhances the negative impact of hydrocarbons on soil, plants, and soil microbiota. Therefore, for the biotechnological purification of soils subjected to such combined pollution, hydrocarbon-oxidizing bacteria resistant to salinity should be used. In a model experiment, the effect of artificial pollution with oil (5%) and sodium chloride (1 and 3%) and their combinations, as well as bioremediation using halotolerant hydrocarbon-oxidizing bacteria on the biological activity of leached chernozem (Luvic Chernozem) was studied. Soil contamination with all types of pollution increased its phytotoxicity, while bacterization did not have a positive effect on this indicator in the presence of NaCl and with combined pollution, but contributed to a decrease in toxicity for plants of oil-containing soil. The most sensitive to the presence of oil and/or NaCl were actinomycetes, the number of which decreased by 1–2 orders of magnitude. The introduction of microorganisms increased the decomposition of hydrocarbons, including in complex polluted soil by 10.5–31.8%. In general, the presence of pollutants reduced the activity of soil enzymes. Bacterization contributed to some increase in the level of catalase in soil with oil, restored urease activity in oil-containing soil and under the combined action of pollutants, and increased invertase activity under combined pollution.


E. Kuzina

Ufa Institute of Biology of the Ufa Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Russia, 450054, Ufa

G. Rafikova

Ufa Institute of Biology of the Ufa Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Russia, 450054, Ufa

S. Mukhamatdyarova

Ufa Institute of Biology of the Ufa Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Russia, 450054, Ufa

Yu. Sharipova

Ufa Institute of Biology of the Ufa Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Russia, 450054, Ufa

T. Korshunova

Ufa Institute of Biology of the Ufa Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Russia, 450054, Ufa


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版权所有 © Е.В. Кузина, Г.Ф. Рафикова, С.Р. Мухаматдьярова, Ю.Ю. Шарипова, Т.Ю. Коршунова, 2023
