
Specific Features of the Magnetocaloric Effect in a Uniaxial Paramagnet with Kramers Ions
Kokorina E., Medvedev M.
Investigation of the magnetocaloric effect in correlated metallic systems with Van Hove singularities in the electron spectrum
Igoshev P., Kokorina E., Nekrasov I.
Effect of Ferromagnetic Exchange and Magnetic Field Orientation on the Magnetocaloric Effect of Uniaxial Van Vleck Paramagnet
Kokorina E., Medvedev M.
Anisotropy of magnetocaloric effects in easy-axis antiferromagnets
Kassan-Ogly F., Kokorina E., Medvedev M.
Physical Conditions for Realization of Large Magnetocaloric Effect in Magnets
Valiev E., Pirogov A.
Magnetocaloric Effect in an Ising Ferromagnet in the Constant Coupling Approximation
Kokorina E., Medvedev M.
Structure, Magnetic and Magnetocaloric Properties of Nonstoichiometric TbCo2Mnx Compounds
Inishev A., Gerasimov E., Mushnikov N., Terent’ev P., Gaviko V.
Magnetocaloric Effect in Ni50Mn36Sb14–xZx (Z = Al, Ge; x = 0, 2) Heusler Alloys
Emelyanova S., Bebenin N., Dyakina V., Chistyakov V., Dyachkova T., Tyutyunnik A., Wang R., Yang C., Sauerzopf F., Marchenkov V.
Magnetic Properties of Nonstoichiometric 4f–3d Intermetallics
Mushnikov N., Gerasimov E., Terentev P., Gaviko V., Inishev A.
Structure, magnetic and magnetocaloric properties of nonstoichiometric TbCo2Nix compounds
Inishev A., Gerasimov E., Mushnikov N., Terent’ev P., Gaviko V.
Effect of Chromium Substitution for Iron on the Magnetic and Structural Properties of (TmxPr1– x)2Fe17
Kuchin A., Platonov S., Iwasieczko W., Voronin V., Gaviko V.
Inverse magnetocaloric effect in the uniaxial paramagnet with non-Kramers ions
Kokorina E., Medvedev M.
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