
Terent’ev, P. B.

栏目 标题 文件
卷 117, 编号 2 (2016) Structure, Phase Transformations, and Diffusion Structural state and magnetic properties of multilayer-graphene/Fe composites
卷 117, 编号 5 (2016) Electrical and Magnetic Properties Structure and magnetic properties of a Ni3(Al, Fe, Cr) single crystal subjected to high-temperature deformation
卷 118, 编号 3 (2017) Structure, Phase Transformations, and Diffusion Investigation of the intermetallic β'(B2)-phase in the Co–Al–Si system
卷 118, 编号 5 (2017) Electrical and Magnetic Properties Mechanical and magnetic properties of alloys near the concentration range of the existence of Co3(Al,W) intermetallic compound
卷 118, 编号 10 (2017) Electrical and Magnetic Properties Effect of hydrogen intercalation on the critical parameters of YBa2Cu3Oy
卷 118, 编号 11 (2017) Electrical and Magnetic Properties Structure, magnetic and magnetocaloric properties of nonstoichiometric TbCo2Nix compounds
卷 119, 编号 1 (2018) Electrical and Magnetic Properties Analysis of the Deformation Process in Ni3(Al, Fe) Intermetallic under Longitudinal Bending
卷 119, 编号 7 (2018) Structure, Phase Transformations, and Diffusion Hydrogen in a Nonstoichiometric YBa2Cu3O6.96 Compound: Study by Raman Spectroscopy
卷 119, 编号 9 (2018) Structure, Phase Transformations, and Diffusion Effect of Hydrogen Intercalation on the Structure of YBa2Cu3Oy with a Low Oxygen Content
卷 119, 编号 11 (2018) Electrical and Magnetic Properties Structure, Magnetic and Magnetocaloric Properties of Nonstoichiometric TbCo2Mnx Compounds
卷 120, 编号 13 (2019) Article Magnetic Properties and Structure of Products from 1.4540 Stainless Steel Manufactured by 3D Printing