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卷 119, 编号 11 (2018)

Theory of Metals

Effect of Magnon–Magnon Drag on Spin-Wave Current in Metal/Magnetic-Insulator Structures

Lyapilin I., Okorokov M.


This paper presents the results of our investigation of the formation and interaction of two injected and thermally excited energetically distinguishable magnon fluxes and phonon flux in metal/magnetic-insulator structures and their influence on spin-wave current and drag effect. These have been studied under the conditions of the spin Seebeck effect. In the approximation of effective parameters, when the fluxes of magnons and phonons are characterized by their specific drift velocities and effective temperatures, we constructed macroscopic equations of the balance of the momenta of each of the subsystems in question. The analysis of the macroscopic equations was performed at different relationships between the drift velocities of these fluxes. The study has shown that it is possible that the basic channel of scattering of the injected magnons is the interaction with thermal magnons, and it is precisely this interaction that determines the temperature–field dependences of the spin-wave current under the conditions of spin Seebeck effect.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2018;119(11):1031-1035
pages 1031-1035 views

Electrical and Magnetic Properties

Structure, Magnetic and Magnetocaloric Properties of Nonstoichiometric TbCo2Mnx Compounds

Inishev A., Gerasimov E., Mushnikov N., Terent’ev P., Gaviko V.


TbCo2Mnx (x ≤ 1) alloys were synthesized and their crystal structure, heat capacity, magnetic and magnetocaloric properties were studied. Single-phase compounds with the MgCu2-type structure were formed at х < 0.4. In alloys with х > 0.4, additional phases with the PuNi3- and Th6Mn23-type structures form. It was shown that there is a substantial increase in the Curie temperature and magnetic moment of 3d‑metal sublattice of the nonstoichiometric compounds when compared to those of the TbCo2 binary compound. The magnetocaloric effect of single- and multiphase alloys were estimated based on magnetic and heat capacity measurements.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2018;119(11):1036-1042
pages 1036-1042 views

Study of the Structure and Energy of a 90° Néel Domain Wall

Semenov V.


The energy and structure of a 90° Néel domain wall (DW) in a thin magnetic film of permalloy type are studied using a numerical method. The equilibrium structure of the DW corresponds to a minimum of the total energy and an Aharoni criterion close to unity. An expression for the Aharoni criterion for a 90° Néel DW under the action of an external magnetic field is obtained. The structure of the DW is determined by the magnetostatic energy, which forms a narrow central region (core) with a dipole distribution of the volume magnetic charge and two extended regions symmetric with respect to the core with a unipolar space charge distribution.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2018;119(11):1043-1049
pages 1043-1049 views

Magnetocaloric Effect in an Ising Ferromagnet in the Constant Coupling Approximation

Kokorina E., Medvedev M.


The magnetocaloric effects in an Ising ferromagnet with short-range exchange interactions between nearest magnetic neighbors are calculated using the constant coupling cluster approximation. It is shown that, compared with the results given by the molecular field approximation, the constant coupling approximation gives greater effects both in the magnetic entropy under isothermal magnetization and in the sample temperature upon adiabatic switching of the magnetic field.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2018;119(11):1050-1055
pages 1050-1055 views

The Valence State of Manganese in the Mn1/3NbS2 Magnet According to 55Mn-NMR Data

Ogloblichev V., Piskunov Y., Arapova I., Mushenok F.


This paper presents the results of a study of the Mn1/3NbS2 magnet using the 55Mn nuclear magnetic resonance method in the absence of an external magnetic field. The results show that, in a magnetically ordered region, the manganese ions are in the same state with a valence of +3. At a temperature T = 4.2 K, the magnitude of the hyperfine field at the nucleus, hst = 448(6) kOe, and the mean magnetic moment of manganese, μ = 3.6 µB, are determined.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2018;119(11):1056-1061
pages 1056-1061 views

Specific Features of the Magnetic Anisotropy of Thin Yttrium Iron Garnet Films Prepared by Pulsed Laser Deposition

Nosov A., Dubinin S., Starichenko D., Ivanov D., Kobelev A., Kravtsov E., Ryabukhina M., Antropov N., Bessonov V., Naumov S., Ustinov V.


The specific features of dependences of the magnetic anisotropy constants on the thickness of yttrium iron garnet films prepared by pulsed laser deposition were studied. Films with thicknesses of 96–333 nm were produced by pulsed laser evaporation of the target material and deposition onto gadolinium-gallium-garnet substrates with the (111) orientation. The results of an investigation into static magnetic properties showed that the saturation magnetization decreases as the films get thinner. The high-frequency properties were studied by ferromagnetic resonance (FMR). The uniaxial and cubic anisotropy fields and the relaxation parameter were determined by analyzing the angular dependences of the resonance field and the FMR line width. It was found that as the thickness decreases, the strength of the uniaxial anisotropy field increases monotonically, while the cubic anisotropy field decreases and reverses its sign.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2018;119(11):1062-1067
pages 1062-1067 views

Electron Structure and Optical Properties of the Mn1.8Co1.2Al Alloy and Spin Gapless Semiconductor State

Shreder E., Makhnev A., Lukoyanov A., Marchenkov V.


This paper studies the optical properties of the Mn1.8Co1.2Al alloy, whose composition is close to that of spin gapless Mn2CoAl semiconductor. Our investigation found the absence of intraband absorption contribution, which is an anomalous behavior of optical properties of the alloy. The presence of intense interband absorption in the IR range of spectrum indicates the existence of low-energy gap in the band spectrum of the alloy, which was found by electron structure calculations of the Mn1.75Co1.25Al alloy.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2018;119(11):1068-1072
pages 1068-1072 views

Giant Magnetoresistance and Hysteresis Phenomena in CoFe/Cu Superlattices with Highly Perfect Crystallographic Texture

Bannikova N., Milyaev M., Naumova L., Patrakov E., Proglyado V., Kamenskii I., Ryabukhina M., Ustinov V.


This paper presents the results of the investigation of the structure and magnetoresistive properties of [Co90Fe10/Cu]n superlattices deposited on (Ni80Fe20)60Cr40 and Ta/(Ni80Fe20)60Cr40 buffer layers by magnetron sputtering. Our study has found that a Ta sublayer added to the (Ni80Fe20)60Cr40 buffer layer increases the degree of perfection of the 〈111〉 texture. This leads to a substantial decrease in the magnetoresistance hysteresis. The optimization of the composition of multilayered structure allowed us to obtain the superlattice with the relative magnetoresistance magnitude, which at room temperature reaches 81% and, at liquid helium temperature, exceeds 160%. The studied superlattices exhibited high temperature stability.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2018;119(11):1073-1078
pages 1073-1078 views

Structure, Phase Transformations, and Diffusion

Effect of Built Geometry on the Microstructure and Strength Characteristics of the Ti–6Al–4V Alloy Prepared by the Selective Laser Melting

Kazantseva N., Ezhov I., Vinogradova N., Il’inykh M., Fefelov A., Davydov D., Oleneva O., Karabanalov M.


The microstructure and strength characteristics of the Ti–6Al–4V alloy prepared using the selective laser melting (SLM) method with different sample building geometry using an EOSINT M280 machine have been studied. It has been found that the hardness and elastic modulus (EIT) measured by the nanoindentation method depend on the sample built geometry. The sample that is built horizontally relative to the substrate has the highest hardness. The lowest hardness and elastic modulus (EIT) are observed in the sample grown at an angle of 30°. The residual internal tensile stresses and microstresses depending on the orientation of the sample relative to the built platform have been detected.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2018;119(11):1079-1086
pages 1079-1086 views

Structure Modification of High-Nitrogen and High-Carbon Austenitic Steels by Megadeformation

Shabashov V., Sagaradze V., Makarov A.


This study has established the change in the kinetics of the deformation-induced dissolution and precipitation of carbides and nitrides in austenitic steels supersaturated with nitrogen and carbon due to the continuous generation of point defects at different deformation temperatures. The microstructure and the amount and dispersity of the interstitial phases have been regulated by large plastic deformation.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2018;119(11):1087-1092
pages 1087-1092 views

Atomic Ordering in a Low-Concentrated Fe–Cr Alloy upon Severe Plastic Deformation

Kozlov K., Shabashov V., Zamatovskii A., Sagaradze V., Lyashkov K.


The dependence of the direction and degree of short-range ordering on the temperature of severe plastic deformation has been determined in the Fe86.8Cr13.2 binary alloy using Mossbauer spectroscopy. The stratification decreases upon cold (80–298 K) deformation and increases upon warm (453–573 K) deformation. The enhancement of stratification during warm deformation is caused by the continuous generation of point defects and their increased mobility.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2018;119(11):1093-1100
pages 1093-1100 views

On the Theory of Atomic Diffusion after Ion Implantation

Kesarev A., Kondratyev V., Lomaev I.


An analytical solution to the problem of atomic diffusion after ion implantation (taking into account the drift of impurity atoms) in a semi-infinite medium characterized by a nonuniform distribution of nonequilibrium vacancies is obtained using asymptotic methods in the theory of differential equations. This solution can be used at annealing times that are longer than the setting time for the steady-state nonuniform distribution of vacancies originating from the implantation region, but correspond to a diffusion length that is shorter than the characteristic scale of variation of the impurity diffusion coefficient. This work analyzes the applicability of this solution in the general form. It has been compared to the results of numerical calculations for an exponential coordinate dependence of the vacancy density with the drift of atoms, which results from the nonuniform distribution of nonequilibrium vacancies, either taken into account or neglected. The concentration profiles of implanted aluminum in silicon at the initial stage of diffusion are calculated within the proposed approach.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2018;119(11):1101-1106
pages 1101-1106 views

Internal Oxidation of Textured Thin Tapes of Binary Copper-Based Alloys

Khlebnikova Y., Suaridze T., Egorova L., Rodionov D.


Transmission electron microscopy was used to perform a structural analysis of a number of binary copper alloys with 3d transition elements after short-term annealing in an oxidative atmosphere (5 and 30 min) at a temperature of 700°C. It has been established that the textured tapes of Cu–Cr and Cu–Fe alloys sustain not only surface oxidation in the process of additional annealing, but also internal oxidation. Electron diffraction analysis has shown that a layer of complex spinel-type CuМ2O4 oxide (М = Cr, Fe) forms on alloying element particles under annealing, while the precipitation of dispersed copper oxides, predominantly, Cu2O with a small admixture of CuO occurs in the copper matrix. Microhardness analysis has demonstrated that internal oxidation in the tapes of the studied binary alloys does not have an adverse effect on their mechanical properties.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2018;119(11):1107-1113
pages 1107-1113 views

Strength and Plasticity

Strain Transfer across the Ferrite/Cementite Interface in Carbon Steels with Coarse Lamellar Pearlite

Kar’kina L., Kabanova I., Kar’kin I.


A crystal geometry analysis was performed of strain transfer mechanisms across the ferrite/cementite interface in coarse lamellar pearlite. The possibility of strain transfer was evaluated using LRB criteria, which were developed by Lee, Robertson, and Birnbaum to describe the slip transfer mechanism across grain boundaries. Dislocation reactions at the Fe/Fe3C interface were studied according to the Pitsch–Petch orientation relationships between ferrite and cementite, which are valid for coarse lamellar pearlite. Slip planes and Burgers vectors of partial and full dislocations in cementite were proposed based on the results of atomistic simulation of stacking faults in close-packed planes of cementite. It was determined that the strain transfer across the Fe/Fe3C interface is possible only for two slip systems 1/2〈111〉{110}F and one slip system 1/2〈111〉{112}F of ferrite. The other slip systems of ferrite do not cross the interface and are involved in the hardening of the ferrite phase of pearlite.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2018;119(11):1114-1119
pages 1114-1119 views

On the Issue of the Improvement of Magnesium Plasticity by Cold Severe Plastic Deformation

Komkova D., Antonova O., Volkov A.


The paper presents the results of a study of the effect of the texture of a magnesium specimen on the mechanical properties of its plates and foils. Three cylindrical specimens with different columnar structure orientation were used for the experiments. The deformation was carried out in two steps at room temperature. First, long magnesium plates 1 mm thick (true deformation e ~ 3.9) were produced by lateral extrusion. These plates were then deformed by rolling to obtain foils, 120 μm thick (e ~ 6.0) and 10 μm thick (e ~ 7.5). It was seen that the sharpness of the basal texture and mechanical properties depend on the orientation of the initial samples. It has been shown that the deformation leads to a significant grain refinement: from several millimeters to several microns. This is due to the simultaneous development of slip, twinning, and dynamic recrystallization processes.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2018;119(11):1120-1126
pages 1120-1126 views

Mechanical Alloying of Ti–Fe Alloys Using Severe Plastic Deformation by High-Pressure Torsion

Dobromyslov A., Taluts N.


Alloys of the Ti–Fe system with an iron content from 5 to 90 wt % were synthesized from elemental powders using mechanical alloying in Bridgman anvils. The phase composition and structure of the obtained alloys have been studied by X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy. It was shown that grain size decreases with increasing both the iron content in the alloy and the degree of plastic deformation.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2018;119(11):1127-1132
pages 1127-1132 views