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Том 120, № 12 (2019)

Electrical and Magnetic Properties

Effect of Chromium Substitution for Iron on the Magnetic and Structural Properties of (TmxPr1– x)2Fe17

Kuchin A., Platonov S., Iwasieczko W., Voronin V., Gaviko V.


The (TmxPr1  x)2Fe17 and (TmxPr1 – x)2Fe16.5Cr0.5 compounds crystallize with the formation of the rhombohedral Th2Zn17-type structure for the compositions with x = 0–0.4 and the hexagonal Th2Ni17-type structure for the compositions with x = 0.8–1 and x = 0.75–1, respectively. Both structures coexist in the (TmxPr1  x)2Fe17 and (TmxPr1 – x)2Fe16.5Cr0.5 compounds with x = 0.5–0.75 and x = 0.5–0.6, respectively. The (TmxPr1 – x)2Fe17 compositions with 0 < x < 0.6 are ferrimagnets; at x = 0.6–1, additionally a high-temperature helical magnetic state is realized. The substitution of chromium for iron leads to the transformation of the helimagnet to ferrimagnet; in this case, the difference between the Curie temperatures of rhombohedral and hexagonal phases is unexpectedly high (25–28 К). For the composition with x = 0.8, the Curie and Néel temperatures and the ferrimagnet–helimagnet transformation temperature are minimum, and the microdeformations are maximum. The overlap of two peaks in –ΔSM(T), which correspond to the magnetic entropy change at two magnetic phase transformation temperatures, favors the realization of the higher cooling capacity of the two-phase compositions as compared to that of neighboring single-phase compositions.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2019;120(12):1137-1144
pages 1137-1144 views

Structure of the Fe63.5Ni10Cu1Nb3Si13.5B9 Alloy Nanocrystallized in the Presence of Tensile Stresses

Lukshina V., Dmitrieva N., Volkova E., Shishkin D.


The structure of the Fe63.5Ni10Cu1Nb3Si13.5B9 alloy, which is a classic alloy of the FINEMET type with 10 at % Ni substituted for Fe, has been studied after crystallization in the presence of tensile stresses. It has been shown that, upon the crystallization of the alloy (520°C) both in the presence of a tensile load and without it, nanocrystals of an α-(Fe, Ni)Si solid solution and of the Fe3Si phase are formed with an increase in the duration of annealing from 10 min to 1 hour. When the length of the annealing is further increased from 1 to 4 hours, a tetragonal phase Fe3NiSi1.5 appears in the alloy. A relationship between the structural state (phase composition) of the Fe63.5Ni10Cu1Nb3Si13.5B9 alloy and its magnetic properties and the type of the induced magnetic anisotropy has been shown. The growth of the coercive force, which was previously observed in samples of this alloy as the duration of the annealing was increased to 4 hours, is therefore associated with the appearance of a tetragonal phase in the alloy. The transverse magnetic anisotropy, which is induced in the alloy in the process of nanocrystallizing annealing in the presence of a tensile load, is associated with the formation of nanocrystals of the α-(Fe, Ni)Si solid solution and of the Fe3Si phase with a negative magnetostriction.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2019;120(12):1145-1151
pages 1145-1151 views

Analysis of Incommensurate Magnetic Structures of Rare-Earth Intermetallides Tb3Ni and Ho7Rh3 Using the Magnetic Supersymmetry Group Formalism

Gubkin A., Vaulin A., Tsutaoka T., Baranov N.


Complex incommensurate magnetic structures of Tb3Ni and Ho7Rh3 compounds have been analyzed using the magnetic superspace group approach. It has been established that the high-temperature incommensurate magnetic structure of Tb3Ni is described by the magnetic superspace group P1121/a1'(ab0)0ss and the incommensurate magnetic structure of Ho7Rh3 is described by the magnetic superspace group \(P{{6}_{3}}1{\kern 1pt} '\left( {00g} \right)hs.\) Using the example of the Tb3Ni and Ho7Rh3 compounds, it is shown that the magnetic superspace groups formalism is the most efficient approach when establishing and describing complex incommensurate magnetic structures.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2019;120(12):1152-1158
pages 1152-1158 views

Structure, Phase Transformations, and Diffusion

Effect of the Temperature of Isothermal Upsetting on the Structure and the Properties of the Shape Memory Cu–14 wt % Al–4 wt % Ni Alloy

Svirid A., Luk’yanov A., Pushin V., Belosludtseva E., Kuranova N., Pushin A.


The structure-phase features and mechanical properties of the Cu–14 wt % Al–4 wt % Ni alloy, which undergoes thermoelastic martensitic transformations and exhibits shape memory effects associated with them, have been studied for the first time in a wide temperature interval. Scanning and transmission electron microscopy and X-ray phase analysis were used in this study. The uniaxial compressive strain arrangement was used in isothermal measurements of the mechanical properties.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2019;120(12):1159-1165
pages 1159-1165 views

Hypothesis of a Weak Nonlocality for Determining the Binodal of a Binary Alloy

Gapontsev V., Gapontsev A., Kondrat’ev V.


This work proposes an approach for the calculation of equilibrium solubility limits in binary alloys, which is an alternative to approaches based on gradient expansions. The proposed approach rests on the description of alloys in terms of a weak nonlocality, which generalizes the classical local equilibrium hypothesis. This results in a theory that can be used to derive the explicit concentration dependence of all used parameters solely from knowledge of the concentration dependence of free energy density, which is impossible within the framework of existing approaches.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2019;120(12):1166-1171
pages 1166-1171 views

Analysis of Structure and Mechanical Properties of Co–Cr–Mo Alloy Obtained by 3D Printing

Kazantseva N., Ezhov I., Davydov D., Merkushev A.


Abstract—A comparative study was performed of microstructure and strength characteristics of the Co–Cr–Mo alloy obtained by the additive manufacturing (AM) method using selective laser melting (SLM) in the EOSINT M280 3D printer and by arc melting in a helium atmosphere. The occurrence of a martensitic transformation in SLM samples was detected. It was found by nanoindentation that the microhardness HIT of the SLM alloy is higher than that of the cast alloy, which is likely due to the high level of surface residual stresses in the SLM sample. It was found that the SLM alloy has a two-phase (fcc + hcp) structure after standard annealing, in contrast to the cast alloy, which retains a single-phase fcc structure after such annealing.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2019;120(12):1172-1179
pages 1172-1179 views

Texture Inheritance in the Ferrito-Martensite Structure of Low-Alloy Steel after Thermomechanical Controlled Processing

Lobanov M., Pyshmintsev I., Urtsev V., Danilov S., Urtsev N., Redikultsev A.


The electron back-scatter diffraction (EBSD) method was used to study the structural and textural states of low-carbon low-alloy steel after thermomechanical controlled processing (TMCP) and subsequent heat treatment (HT) including austenitization, holding at the temperature of the decomposition of the γ phase by the diffusion mechanism for different times, and quenching. As a result of the HT, structures were obtained consisting of polygonal ferrite and martensite in various ratios. The crystallographic textures of both martensite and ferrite after HT reproduced the texture of bainite formed as a result of the TMCP. The orientations that form this texture are related to the main orientations of deformed austenite grains upon the TMCP via the orientation relationships (ORs) intermediate between the Kurdjumov–Sachs and Nishiyama–Wassermann ORs. In the case of both ferrite and martensite, the orientational connection between the components of the texture components is explained by the onset of the realization of the phase transformation on crystallographically stipulated (including special) boundaries.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2019;120(12):1180-1186
pages 1180-1186 views

Deformation-Induced Dissolution of Ni3Al Particles in Nickel: Atomistic Simulation

Kuznetsov A., Starikov S., Sagaradze V., Karkina L.


Abstract—The simulation of the dissolution of the intermetallic Ni3Al particles in the nickel matrix at low temperatures was performed using the molecular dynamics method. The simulated strain is comparable with that previously obtained for the case of dissolution of these particles in austenitic steels subjected to shear under pressure at low temperatures (up to 77 K). It is worth noting the importance of the twinning in the dissolution. The effects of conditions and kinetics of deformation, as well as possible origins, are discussed.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2019;120(12):1187-1192
pages 1187-1192 views

Structure of Iron Deformed at 250°С by Torsion under a Pressure

Degtyarev M., Pilyugin V., Chashchukhina T., Voronova L.


Transmission electron microscopy and scanning electron microscopy were used to study the evolution of the structure of iron (of 99.97% purity) in the course of deformation at 250°С by torsion under pressure. Electron back-scattered diffraction analysis was used to determine the size of recrystallized grains, their orientation, angular range of grain-boundary misorientation, and fraction of recrystallized structure. It was found that, upon deformation at 250°С by torsion under a pressure, the dynamic recrystallization of iron starts on reaching the true strain е = 2.4. At the steady stage of deformation, the structure with an average grain size of 0.5 µm forms, which is characterized by the absence of any preferential orientation.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2019;120(12):1193-1199
pages 1193-1199 views

Structural and Phase Transformations in Al–Li–Cu–Mg–Zr–Sc–Zn Alloy upon Storage after Megaplastic Deformation

Kaigorodova L., Rasposienko D., Pushin V., Pilyugin V.


Structural and phase transformations in a commercial multicomponent aluminum–lithium alloy have been studied electron-microscopically upon storage after mega-plastic deformation by high-pressure torsion. It has been shown that the arising deformation structure of the alloy is unstable, and upon subsequent storage at room temperature it is transformed via a complex reaction of in situ recrystallization and decomposition of the supersaturated solid solution. The character of the transformation is determined by the regime of the previous mega-plastic deformation and by the duration of the storage.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2019;120(12):1200-1206
pages 1200-1206 views

Austenite Formation in α-Phase Fe–Mn Alloy after Cold Plastic Working and Fast Heating by an Ar+ Ion Beam to 299°С

Ovchinnikov V., Makarov E., Gushchina N.


The accelerated Ar+ ion irradiation at a fluence of 1.2 × 1015 cm–2 for 4 seconds formed 6.2% austenite in a cold-worked Fe–6.29 at % Mn alloy with a structure of α ferrite. The related ion beam heating of a foil 25 μm thick is 299 ± 5°C, according to temperature monitoring. The content of manganese calculated from Mössbauer spectroscopy data in α and γ phases after irradiation is 5.5 and 17.1 at %, respectively. Grounds for the activation of low-temperature atomic mobility in the alloy are discussed in this paper. The mobility was shown to not be caused by the formation of radiation defects and radiation-enhanced diffusion. Nanoscale dynamic effects, resulting in the possible viscous flow of material at the front of post-cascade shock waves propagating in a undamped mode, play a vital role.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2019;120(12):1207-1212
pages 1207-1212 views

Structural and Phase Transformations Occurring during Preparation of Ordered Ternary Fe–Al–M Alloys (with M = Ga, B, V, and Mn) by Mechanical Alloying

Voronina E., Al’Saedi A., Ivanova A., Arzhnikov A., Dulov E.


ordered ternary Fe–Al-based alloys, mechanical synthesis, structure, hyperfine interactions

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2019;120(12):1213-1220
pages 1213-1220 views

Strength and Plasticity

Mechanical Properties of the Al–Zn–Mg–Fe–Ni Alloy of Eutectic Type at Different Strain Rates

Petrova A., Brodova I., Razorenov S., Shorokhov E., Akopyan T.


A number of regularities of phase and structural transitions in an economically iron and nickel doped aluminum alloy with eutectic-forming elements (nikalin) at high shear strains under pressure have been determined in this work. The structural evolution of nikalin, in particular, the change in the morphology and sizes of its structural components, such as solid Al solution grains and eutectic aluminides Al9FeNi, was studied by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The torsion of nikalin under high pressure was determined to result in the formation of a strengthened composite material with a submicrocrystalline Al matrix and dispersed (1.5–2.0-µm) particles of transition–metal aluminides. Kolsky dynamic compression and plane shock wave loading experiments were performed, and the mechanical behavior of nikalin with different structures was studied within a strain rate range of 10–4–105 s–1. The dynamic characteristics of nikalin were compared with the mechanical properties determined in static tests.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2019;120(12):1221-1227
pages 1221-1227 views

Deformation and Fracture of 13CrMoNbV Ferritic-Martensitic Steel at Elevated Temperature

Churyumov A.


Based on the results of compression tests in temperature ranges of 1100–1250°С and strain rates of 0.1–10 s–1, a rheological model of the deformation behavior of the 13CrMoNbV ferritic-martensitic steel is constructed. A fracture criterion for the 13CrMoNbV steel in the process of hot plastic deformation and a method for determining its critical value, based on tensile tests at a Gleeble 3800 complex for physical modeling of thermomechanical processes and the results of modeling using the finite element method,—are proposed. The rheological model and the fracture criterion showed satisfactory accuracy when calculating the deformation process under conditions of a complex stress–strain tension–torsion state at the Gleeble 3800 complex at a temperature of 1100°C.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2019;120(12):1228-1232
pages 1228-1232 views

Formation of the Structural State of a High-Strength Low-Alloy Steel upon Hot Rolling and Controlled Cooling

Urtsev V., Kornilov V., Shmakov A., Krasnov M., Stekanov P., Platov S., Mokshin E., Urtsev N., Schastlivtsev V., Razumov I., Gornostyrev Y.


This article presents a review of current results of theoretical and experimental studies of the specific features of the structure that is formed in high-strength low-alloy steel in the process of hot rolling and which determines the properties of the steel. The current concepts of the physical processes that are developed at different stages of a thermomechanical treatment depending on the temperature–strain-rate regimes and chemical composition of the steel are considered. Particular attention is paid to the problems of the formation of the structural state that continue to be debated. The simulation methods of different scale level used to solve the problems of controlling structure formation at all stages of thermomechanical processing process are discussed.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2019;120(12):1233-1241
pages 1233-1241 views

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