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Том 117, № 8 (2016)

Theory of Metals

Size dependence of the melting temperature of metallic nanoclusters from the viewpoint of the thermodynamic theory of similarity

Samsonov V., Vasilyev S., Bembel A.


The generalized Thomson formula Tm = Tm(∞)(1-δ)R for the melting point of small objects Tm has been analyzed from the viewpoint of the thermodynamic theory of similarity, where R is the radius of the particle and Tm(∞) is the melting point of the corresponding large crystal. According to this formula, the parameter δ corresponds to the value of the radius of the Tm(R-1) particle obtained by the linear extrapolation of the dependence to the melting point of the particle equal to 0 K. It has been shown that δ = αδ0, where α is the factor of the asphericity of the particle (shape factor). In turn, the redefined characteristic length δ0 is expressed through the interphase tension σsl at the boundary of the crystal with its own melt, the specific volume of the solid phase vs and the macroscopic value of the heat of fusion λ0 = 2σslvs. If we go from the reduced radius of the particle R/δ to the redefined reduced radius R/r1 or R/d, where r1 is the radius of the first coordination shell and dr1 is the effective atomic diameter, then the simplex δ/r1 or δ/d will play the role of the characteristic criterion of thermodynamic similarity. At a given value of α, this role will be played by the simplex Estimates of the parameters δ0 and δ0/d have been carried out for ten metals with different lattice types. It has been shown that the values of the characteristic length δ0 are close to 1 nm and that the simplex δ0/d is close to unity. In turn, the calculated values of the parameter δ agree on the order of magnitude with existing experimental data.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2016;117(8):749-755
pages 749-755 views

To the theory of Ostwald ripening in metallic alloys

Ivanskii B., Vengrenovich R.


The mechanism of growth (dissolution) of nanoparticles controlled simultaneously by the matrix diffusion, diffusion along dislocations, and the rate of the passage of atoms through the interphase boundary (by the rate of formation of interatomic bonds) has been studied in alloys of CuNiAl and AlLi metallic systems at the stage of Ostwald ripening. An expression for the nanoparticle-size distribution function has been obtained, which was calculated based on the dependence of the rate of growth on three fluxes, i.e., diffusion flux jV, dislocation flux jd, and kinetic flux ji. A comparison of the experimental histograms with the theoretically calculated curves indicates their good agreement, which can indicate the opportunity of the realization in practice of the proposed mechanism of growth of nanoparticles in alloys of metallic systems.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2016;117(8):756-765
pages 756-765 views

Modified Davidenkov hysteresis and the propagation of sawtooth waves in polycrystals with hysteresis loss saturation

Nazarov V., Kiyashko S.


A modified Davidenkov hysteresis equation of the state has been proposed for describing the saturation of the effects of amplitude-dependent internal friction in polycrystalline metals and other solids, which possess imperfect elasticity. Using this equation, an exact analytical solution of the problem of the propagation of a periodic sawtooth wave in media characterized by quadratic hysteresis with nonlinear loss saturation has been obtained. Regularities of variations in the characteristics of a sawtooth wave, such as nonlinear loss, the change in the velocity of the propagation of the wave, and the amplitudes of the higher harmonics of the wave, have been determined. A graphical analysis of the evolution of the shape and the spectral components of the wave has been carried out.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2016;117(8):766-771
pages 766-771 views

Electrical and Magnetic Properties

Influence of high-pressure deformation and annealing on the structure and properties of a bulk MgB2 superconductor

Degtyarev M., Pilyugin V., Akshentsev Y., Kuznetsova E., Krinitsina T., Blinova Y., Sudareva S., Romanov E.


A synthesized MgB2 superconductor has been investigated by scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, and by the measurements of the superconducting characteristics and microhardness after cold high-pressure deformation in a Toroid chamber and in Bridgman anvils and subsequent high-temperature annealing. A nanocrystalline structure is formed in the superconductor after high-pressure treatment, but internal cracks appear, and the critical current density decreases strongly. The annealing leads to a coarsening of the structure and to an increase in the critical current density up to 5.8–6.7 × 104 А/сm2, which is more than three times greater than that in the initial state.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2016;117(8):772-782
pages 772-782 views

Structure, Phase Transformations, and Diffusion

Effect of the B4C content on the structure and thermal expansion coefficient of the Al–5% Cu alloy-based metal-matrix composite material

Pozdniakov A., Lotfy A., Qadir A., Zolotorevskiy V.


The Al–5% Cu alloy-based metal-matrix composite materials reinforced with 5-μm B4C particles have been produced using mechanical mixing-in method. A process of addition of the B4C particles into the melt has been developed. A homogeneous distribution of the B4C reinforcing particles in the metal-matrix composite matrix was obtained. Using X-ray diffraction analysis, the formation of Al3BC and AlB2 phases has been revealed at the interphase matrix/particle boundary, which indicates a good interaction in the phases. With increasing B4C content in the matrix alloy, an insignificant increase in the porosity (from 1 to 3.1%) occurs. The average linear thermal-expansion coefficient is reduced from 24.5 to 22.6 × 10–6 K–1 in the temperature range of 20–100°C.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2016;117(8):783-788
pages 783-788 views

Structure and phase composition of deposited tantalum–carbon films

Tuleushev Y., Volodin V., Zhakanbaev E., Alimzhan B.


Ion plasma sputtering and the subsequent codeposition of ultrafine tantalum and carbon particles were used to prepare coatings with 4.6–71.5 at % C. Structural studies of the coatings showed the existence of carbon solid solutions in β Ta at carbon contents to 4.6 at %, carbon solid solutions in α Ta at carbon contents of 4.6–10.3 at %, and direct synthesis of TaC at carbon contents of 44.7–71.5 at %. During heat treatments to 700°C, the substantial concentration widening of regions of the existence of Ta2C and TaC was found. The lattice parameters of hexagonal Ta2C and fcc TaC carbides were determined for composition ranges of the existence of phases during heating to 700°C. Upon heating above 600°C, the progressive transition of quasiamorphous Ta2C carbide into the crystalline Ta2C carbide was found to take place. The possibility of applying the direct synthesis of TaC carbide in engineering was noted.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2016;117(8):789-794
pages 789-794 views

Study of the feasibility of producing Al–Ni intermetallic compounds by mechanical alloying

Mohammed K., Naeem H., Iskak S.


Mechanical alloying (MA) was employed to synthesize Al–Zn–Mg–Cu alloys of high weight percentage of the nickel component from the elemental powders of constituents via high-energy ball milling. The mixed powders underwent 15 h of milling time at 350 rpm speed and 10: 1 balls/powder weight ratio. The samples were cold-compacted and sintered thereafter. The sintered compacts underwent homogenization treatments at various temperatures conditions and were aged at 120°C for 24 h (T6). The milled powders and heat-treated Al alloy products were characterized via X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS). The crystallite sizes and microstrains of the alloyed powder were estimated via measuring the broadening of XRD peaks using the Williamson–Hall equation. The results have revealed that optimum MA time of 15 h has led to the formation of Al-based solid solutions of Zn, Mg, Cu, and Ni. The outcomes showed that the Vickers hardness of the sintered Al–Zn–Mg–Cu compacts of Ni alloys was enhanced following aging at T6 tempering treatments. Higher compression strength of Al-alloys with the addition of 15% nickel was obtained next to the aging treatment.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2016;117(8):795-804
pages 795-804 views

Dynamic aging in an Fe–Ni–Al alloy upon megaplastic deformation. Effect of the temperature and deformation rate

Shabashov V., Sagaradze V., Zamatovskii A., Pilyugin V., Kozlov K., Litvinov A., Kataeva N.


The method of Mössbauer spectroscopy has been used to investigate the effect of the temperature and the rate of megaplastic deformation on the processes of dissolution–precipitation of intermetallic compounds in aging austenitic alloy with a composition of Fe–36Ni–9Al. It has been established that, upon deformation in revolving Bridgman anvils, in the temperature range of cryogenic temperatures (liquid nitrogen) up to 573 K, a change occurs in the character of phase transitions from atomic disordering and the dissolution of intermetallic compounds to their additional accelerated precipitation. The factor that affects the kinetics of the processes of dissolution–precipitation of intermetallic compounds in the metallic matrix is dynamic aging. Dynamic aging is activated with an increase in the temperature and a decrease in the deformation rate.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2016;117(8):805-816
pages 805-816 views

Dependence of the functional characteristics of thermomechanically processed titanium nickelide on the size of the structural elements of austenite

Polyakova-Vachiyan K., Ryklina E., Prokoshkin S., Dubinskii S.


Effect of the size of the elements of the mixed structure of B2 austenite, which consists of nanosized grains and subgrains of a polygonized substructure, on the functional properties of the Ti–50.7 at % Ni alloy preliminarily subjected to a low-temperature thermomechanical treatment (LTMT) and post-deformation annealing (PDA), has been investigated. The generation of the shape-memory effect (SME) and reversible two-way SME (TWSME) was performed using bending deformation. A maximum (for the Ti–Ni alloys) value of the recovery strain εr = 15.5 ± 0.5% has been obtained after annealing at 600°C for 1 h (recrystallized structure) and after LTMT + PDA at 430°C for 10 h (mixed nanocrystalline and nanosubgrain structure). The behavior of the parameters of the SME and TWSME in different structural states has been considered. A comparative study of the effect of the temperature and time of holding at a temperature upon the PDA on the formation of the microstructure and submicrostructure of the B2 austenite has been performed.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2016;117(8):817-827
pages 817-827 views

Structural and phase transformations in Hadfield steel upon frictional loading in liquid nitrogen

Korshunov L., Sagaradze V., Chernenko N.


Structural transformations that occur in 110G13 steel (Hadfield) upon sliding friction in liquid nitrogen (–196°С) have been investigated by metallographic, electron-microscopic, and X-ray diffraction methods. The frictional action was performed through the reciprocating sliding of a cylindrical indenter of quenched 110G13 steel over a plate of the studied steel. A like friction pair was immersed into a bath with liquid nitrogen. It has been shown that the Hadfield steel quenched from 1100°С under the given temperature conditions of frictional loading retains the austenitic structure completely. The frictional action forms in a surface layer up to 10 μm thick the nanocrystalline structure with austenite grains 10–50 nm in size and a hardness 6 GPa. Upon subsequent low-temperature friction, the tempering of steel at 400°С (3 h) and at 600°С (5 min and 5 h) brings about the formation of a large amount (tens of vol %) of ε (hcp) martensite in steel. The formation of this phase under friction is supposedly a consequence of the reduction in the stacking fault energy of Hadfield steel, which is achieved due to the combined action of the following factors: low-temperature cooling, a decrease in the carbon content in the austenite upon tempering, and the presence of high compressive stresses in the friction-contact zone.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2016;117(8):828-833
pages 828-833 views

Strength and Plasticity

Structure, phase transformations, mechanical characteristics, and cold resistance of low-carbon martensitic steels

Kozvonin V., Shatsov A., Ryaposov I., Zakirova M., Generalova K.


Temper-resistant low-carbon Cr–Mn–Ni–Мо–V–Nb steels with concentrations of carbon of 0.15 and 0.27 wt % have been studied. It has been shown that, upon quenching, various morphological types of the α phase can be formed. The structure of the steels is stable in the course of heating below critical temperatures and remains a lath-type structure in the intercritical temperature range. Specific features of structural and phase transformations, as well as the dependence of the mechanical characteristics of the steels, on the tempering temperature have been determined.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2016;117(8):834-842
pages 834-842 views

Dependence of the rate of steady-state swelling of fuel-element claddings made of ChS68 steel on the characteristics of neutron irradiation

Kozlov A., Portnykh I.


Rate of steady-state swelling of fuel-element sheaths made of the 06Kh16N15M2G2TFR steel in the course of their operation in a BN-600 reactor has been calculated. In the calculations, the diffusion characteristics of point defects and the results of the determination of the characteristics of the irradiation-induced porosity have been used. The dependence of the dose rate of steady-state swelling on neutron-irradiation characteristics has been analyzed. It has been established that the dose rate of swelling at the steady-state stage is independent of the energy of migration of vacancies and the rate of generation of atomic displacements.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2016;117(8):843-846
pages 843-846 views

Martensitic transformations and the evolution of the defect microstructure of metastable austenitic steel during severe plastic deformation by high-pressure torsion

Litovchenko I., Tyumentsev A., Akkuzin S., Naiden E., Korznikov A.


It has been shown that, in metastable austenitic Fe–18Cr–10Ni–Ti steel, under conditions of torsion under pressure, local reversible (forward plus reverse) (γ → α′ → γ) martensitic transformations can occur, which are one of the mechanisms of the formation of nanostructured states. An increase in the rotation rate, which leads to an increase in the deformation temperature, stimulates the reverse (α′ → γ) transformation. The evolution of the structural and phase states is represented as the following sequence: (1) mechanical twinning; (2) nucleation of martensitic plates in the microtwinned structure of the austenite with the formation of two-phase (γ + α′) structures, packet α′ martensite, and structural states with a high curvature of the crystal lattice; (3) reverse (α′ → γ)-transformations; and (4) the fragmentation of nanosized crystals via the formation of a nanotwinned structure in the austenite and of a nanoscale banded structure of the ε martensite in the α′ martensite.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2016;117(8):847-856
pages 847-856 views

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