
Evolution of the structure of tin bronze under dynamic channel-angular pressing
Popov V., Stolbovsky A., Popova E., Falahutdinov R., Shorohov E.
Effect of annealing regimes on the structure of Nb3Sn superconducting layers in composites with internal tin sources
Popova E., Deryagina I., Valova-Zakharevskaya E., Patrakov E.
Optical properties and the electronic structure of Co2TiGe and Co2TiSn Heusler alloys
Shreder E., Makhnev A., Lukoyanov A., Suresh K.
Bimodal Structures of Solids Obtained under Megaplastic Strain
Metlov L., Brodova I., Tkachenko V., Petrova A., Shirinkina I.
Effect of the Rate of Shock-Wave Loading on the Structural and Phase Transformations of a Cr–Mn Nitrogen-Containing Austenitic Steel
Sagaradze V., Kataeva N., Pavlenko A.
Study of Dilute CuEr Alloys by the EPR Method
Kukovitskii E., L’vov S.
Investigation of the Strongly Correlated Two-Hole State of Copper in Resonant Photoemission States of Chalcogenide Materials for Photovoltaics
Kuznetsova T., Grebennikov V., Yakushev M.
Effect of ion irradiation on the nanocrystallization and magnetic properties of soft magnetic Fe72.5Cu1Nb2Mo1.5Si14B9 alloy
Ovchinnikov V., Makhin’ko F., Gushchina N., Stepanov A., Medvedev A., Starodubtsev Y., Kataev V., Tsepelev V., Belozerov V.
Electronic structure of UO2.12 calculated in the coherent potential approximation taking into account strong electron correlations and spin-orbit coupling
Korotin M., Pchelkina Z., Skorikov N., Efremov A., Anisimov V.
Electron Structure and Optical Properties of the Mn1.8Co1.2Al Alloy and Spin Gapless Semiconductor State
Shreder E., Makhnev A., Lukoyanov A., Marchenkov V.
Structure and creep of Russian reactor steels with a BCC structure
Sagaradze V., Kochetkova T., Kataeva N., Kozlov K., Zavalishin V., Vil’danova N., Ageev V., Leont’eva-Smirnova M., Nikitina A.
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