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Vol 120, No 5 (2019)

Theory of Metals

Theoretical Study of Size Effect on Melting Entropy and Enthalpy of Sn, Ag, Cu, and In Nanoparticles

Yandong Qu ., Liu W., Zhang W., Zhai C.


The size effect of small particles has been extensively studied from a theoretical as well as experimental point of view. However, the size-dependence of melting entropy and enthalpy of nanostructures has not been fully explored. In the current study, considering the effect induced by atomic packing factor of different crystal structures, a modified formula is put forward to predict the size-dependent depression of melting entropy and enthalpy associated with the metallic nanoparticles based on Kumar and Sharma model. We have studied the melting entropy and enthalpy of Sn, Ag, Cu, and In nanoparticles according to the modified formula. The experimental data has matched the model predictions, thus supporting the theory developed herein.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2019;120(5):417-421
pages 417-421 views

Initial Excited State and Divergence of Wave Beams as Factors Responsible for the Realization of the Wave Process that Controls the Growth of Transformation Twins

Kashchenko M.P., Kashchenko N.M., Chashchina V.G.


In the dynamic theory of martensitic transformations the wave mechanism of growth of martensite crystals is controlled by the overlap of wave beams of quasi-longitudinal (or longitudinal) waves that carry deformation of the “tension–compression” type in orthogonal directions. The appearance of wave beams is considered a consequence of the appearance of the initial excited (vibrational) states. The presence of the transformation twins is interpreted as the result of the matched propagation of relatively long-wave (???? waves) and short-wave (s waves) displacements. With the aid of the Fourier transforms, an analysis was performed of the influence of the diffraction divergence of a pair of orthogonal wave beams on the formation of a region of their superposition, including the limiting case of narrow beams with one of the transverse dimensions of the front less than λ/2, where λ is the wavelength. The connection of the distribution of the amplitudes of spatial harmonics with the configuration of the initial excited state is discussed.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2019;120(5):422-428
pages 422-428 views

Electrical and Magnetic Properties

Magnetoresistive Properties of CoFe/Cu/CoFe/Dy Pseudo Spin Valves under Conditions of Interdiffusion of Dysprosium and CoFe Ferromagnetic Alloy Layers

Naumova L.I., Milyaev M.A., Zavornitsyn R.S., Krinitsina T.P., Chernyshova T.A., Proglyado V.V., Ustinov V.V.


Pseudo spin valve nanostructures, which comprise a dysprosium layer and exhibit giant magnetoresistance, are prepared by magnetron sputtering. The field dependences of magnetoresistance of the as-prepared nanostructures and nanostructures subjected to annealing and prolonged aging at room temperature were measured in a 83–333 K temperature range. Changes in the shape of magnetoresistance curves are used to identify changes in the magnetic state of the nanostructure. The microstructure of the nanostructures has been studied. Changes in the microstructure and magnetoresistive properties of pseudo spin valves were found, which are caused by annealing and storage. The results are interpreted on the assumption of the formation of Dy–Co–Fe ferromagnetic alloy at the CoFe/Dy interface.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2019;120(5):429-435
pages 429-435 views

Spin Excitations in the Noncollinear Magnetic Phase of LaMn2O5

Men’shenin V.V.


Spin dynamics of the LaMn2O5 compound, which contains manganese ions with different charges in two crystallographically different positions, has been investigated. The description of the dynamics is based on the equations of motion for the irreducible spin operators. It has been shown that the presence of a noncollinear antiferromagnetic ordering of manganese ions in the different crystallographic positions leads to the necessity of not only the determination of the frequencies of spin excitations, but also the formulation of conditions for the stability of the magnetic state relative to which the dynamic processes are considered.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2019;120(5):436-440
pages 436-440 views

Structure, Phase Transformations, and Diffusion

A Study of Effect of Vanadium on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of As-Cast and Austempered Ductile Iron

Bakhshinezhad H., Honarbakhshraouf A., Abdollah-Pour H.


The presence of vanadium, as an alloying element, has various effects on the properties of cast irons. In this research, the effects of adding different amounts of vanadium, including 0, 0.87, and 1.45 wt % V, on the microstructure, the formation of different phases, and the mechanical properties of the as-cast and austempered ductile iron have been investigated. After the casting of samples, preparation of the samples, and determining of their chemical composition, it is austenitization heat treatment at 900°C for 45 minutes and austempering heat treatment at 350°C for 60 minutes that were carried out on the samples. Tensile and impact tests, as well as X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis and metallography, were conducted to study the mechanical properties and the structure. The microstructures of the samples included carbides in the ausferrite matrix. The results show that with increasing the vanadium, tensile strength and impact energy decrease in as-cast ductile iron, whereas heat treatment can improve them.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2019;120(5):441-446
pages 441-446 views

Effect of Annealing Temperature on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of the Al/Mg–8Li–3Al–1Zn/Al Composite Plates Fabricated by Hot Rolling

Peng Ji ., Ma X., Wu R., Hou L., Zhang J., Li X., Zhang M.


Al/Mg–Li/Al composite plates were fabricated by hot rolling with 50% thickness reduction at 673 K and annealed at 473–673 K for 1 h. The microstructure and mechanical properties of the composite plates under different annealing temperatures were investigated. The results show that the composite plates with a good bonding interface are fabricated. The diffusion layer consisting of Al3Mg2, Al12Mg17, AlLi, and MgLiAl2 has formed at the interface after annealing at and above 623 K, while the interfacial bonding strength increases with the annealing temperature. The microhardness of the interface increases rapidly when the annealing temperature is above 573 K. The elongation of the composite plate increases with annealing temperature. The tensile strength decreases when annealing temperature is above 573 K.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2019;120(5):447-453
pages 447-453 views

Two-Side Growth of the Cu9Ga4 Phase during the Interfacial Reactions between Sn–Ag–Cu–Ga Solders and Copper Substrates

Wenjing Wang ., Chen H., Chen J., Gong L., Wang H.


Interfacial reactions between Sn–3.0Ag–0.5Cu–1.0Ga/1.5Ga in wt.% solders and Cu substrates have been investigated. The solder and substrate couples were annealed at 180°C for 6, 12, 18, and 24 days. Different layers of intermetallic compounds have been found to form, such as Cu6Sn5 and Cu9Ga4. Sn was also observed within the interfacial layer during the annealing. The Cu6Sn5 phase and the Cu9Ga4 phase were observed to form by turns from the substrate into the solder. The Cu9Ga4 phase grew from both the solder side and the intermetallics side. Growth of the Cu9Ga4 phase was found to depend on the Ga diffusion and the availability of the Cu6Sn5 phase.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2019;120(5):454-458
pages 454-458 views

Direct Laser Growth of Inсonel 625/TiC Composite: Effect of Structural State of Initial Powder

Aleksandrova A.A., Bazaleeva K.O., Balakirev E.V., Brykov A.A., Grigor’yants A.G.


This work investigates the influence of structural state of the initial powders of composite material Inconel 625/TiC on the tendency to crack formation in the process of direct laser-assisted growth. It has been shown that the preliminary mixing of powders in a planetary ball mill, in contrast to their separate supply or mixing of powders in a gravitational mixer, makes it possible to avoid the formation of cracks in the synthesized object. It has been established that in the process of mixing of powders in a ball mill, a layer of titanium carbide is formed on the surface of the Inconel particles, and the carbide phase is subjected to mechanoalloying by the elements of the matrix. The change in the structural state of the powder leads to a change in its thermophysical properties, which has an effect on the crystallization processes. At the laser power P = 400–800 W, the carbide phase is not melted in the composite materials obtained from powders mixed using a ball mill, whereas when using a separate powder supply and upon their mixing in the gravitational mixer, the TiC phase undergoes recrystallization.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2019;120(5):459-464
pages 459-464 views

Radiation-Induced Phase Formation in Steels of VVER Reactor Pressure Vessels Containing ~0.3–1.3 wt % Nickel

Kuleshova E.A., Frolov A.S., Zhuchkov G.M., Fedotov I.V.


The radiation-induced structural elements in the materials of water-moderated water-cooled reactor pressure vessels have been studied by TEM and atomic probe tomography at the National Research Center Kurchatov Institute. The effect of Ni concentration in the range from 0.34 to 1.28 wt % on the formation of phases under fast neutron irradiation has been analyzed. The volume density of radiation-induced phases has been shown to depend on the Ni concentration in steel; the phase sizes and compositions remain almost the same. The volume density of these precipitations affects the radiation hardening, one of the radiation embrittlement mechanisms. The quantitative parameters of radiation-induced phases have been shown to control the service life growth, the enhancement of the thermal stability, and the melting technology of reactor vessel steels bearing nickel in the 0.3–0.7 wt % range.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2019;120(5):465-470
pages 465-470 views

Investigation of the Composition and Properties of a Cr2AlC MAX Phase-Based Material Prepared by Metallothermic SHS

Gorshkov V.A., Miloserdov P.A., Karpov A.V., Shchukin A.S., Sytschev A.E.


Cast composite material based on Cr2AlC MAX phase has been prepared by metallothermic self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS) from a mixture of powders of chromium oxide, aluminum, and carbon. The experiments have been performed using an SHS reactor with a volume V of 3 L under an excess inert gas (Ar) pressure (P = 5 MPa). The prepared material has been studied by X-ray diffraction analysis, scanning electron microscopy, and local microstructural analysis. The quantitative analysis has been performed by the Rietveld method. The electrical resistivity was measured in the 1001300 K temperature range. The resulting material is an electrical conductor with metallic conductivity in the 100–1300 K temperature range, and has the electrical resistivity of the same order as the samples containing 100% Cr2AlC.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2019;120(5):471-475
pages 471-475 views

Influence of Quenching Parameters on the Stability of the β Solid Solution in a High-Strength Titanium Alloy

Illarionov A.G., Narygina I.V., Illarionova S.M., Karabanalov M.S.


Changes in the structure and phase composition of the high-strength Ti–5Al–5Mo–5V–3Cr alloy after quenching in water and in air from the temperatures of heating corresponding to the β field (in the range of 860–1000°C) and upon subsequent continuous heating have been studied using the methods of optical, scanning, and transmission electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, microprobe, and thermal analyses, and hardness. It has been shown that the temperature of heating to a significant extent influences the structure of the Ti–5Al–5Mo–5V–3Cr alloy after cooling. In the case of a significant overheating above the temperature of the polymorphic transformation (Tpt +100–150°C), a large amount of vacancies arise, which activate the diffusion processes and promote the appearance of “precipitates” upon cooling in air in the form of single or intersecting packets of very thin plates (with a thickness of 3–5 μm) enriched in Al, Mo, Cr and with a bcc lattice similar to that of the β matrix. Upon subsequent continuous heating, this leads to the inhibition of the decomposition of the metastable matrix β solid solution with the formation of intermediate phases by a homogeneous mechanism and activates the diffusion β → α transformation (as compared to quenching in water), which occurs by the heterogeneous mechanism of decomposition.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2019;120(5):476-482
pages 476-482 views

Strength and Plasticity

Nanoindentation Analysis of Friction Stir Welded 6061-T6 Al Alloy in As-Weld and Post Weld Heat Treatment

Firouz Fadaeifard ., Pakmanesh M.R., Esfahani M.S., Matori K.A., Chicot D.


In this research indentation instrument testing is used as a new method for local characterization to study different zones of friction stir welded AA6061 alloy. For this purpose nanoindentation and microhardness are applied for samples in as-weld and post weld heat treatment conditions. Nugget zone, thermomechanically affected zone, and heat affected zone are examined by using nanoindentor in both conditions. The observations say that an estimation of the truncated indenter tip defect is necessary because of pile-up. Whereas post weld heat treatment (PWHT) can recover elastic modulus and nanohardness as well as hardness in AA6061 weldment.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2019;120(5):483-491
pages 483-491 views

Study of Elastic Behavior of Alloyed Steel upon Cyclic Loading

Fei Han ., Qin J., Yun W.


To study the mechanical properties and elastic behaviour of Q&P steel, which is a type of advanced high strength steel, uniaxial tension and cyclic loading tests have been conducted. Scanning electron microscope (SEM), transmission electron microscope (TEM), and X-ray diffraction (XRD) tests have been conducted on deformed samples with different degrees of deformation to analyse the microscopic mechanisms of their change in elastic modulus. The results have been shown a significant growth in the elastic modulus of alloyed steel after the initial unloading, followed by a decrease in the elastic modulus with the increase in the degree of unloading. The unloading and reloading paths showed a clear nonlinearity and formed a closed loop. The unloading chord modulus also decreased gradually with the increase in a pre-strain. The results of SEM, TEM, and XRD have been shown that the phase transformation variation is the strongest during the early stage of plastic deformation, and then gradually decreases. Cyclic loading has promoted the transformation from austenite to martensite. Interactions of the residual stress, phase transformation, and dislocation movement affecting the change in elastic modulus are determined through this research.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2019;120(5):492-498
pages 492-498 views

Effect of Structural and Phase State on the Creep of an Ultrafine-Grained Ti–Al–V–Mo Titanium Alloy

Grabovetskaya G.P., Zabudchenko O.V., Mishin I.P., Ratochka I.V., Lykova O.N.


The effect of the phase composition on the regularities of creep of the ultrafine-grained Ti–Al–V–Mo titanium alloy at the temperature of 723 K and in the range of strain rates from 10–7 to 10–5 s–1 has been studied in this work. It has been found that the formation of the nonequilibrium phase composition in the ultrafine-grained alloy leads to a violation of the power law of creep. It has been shown that this violation is associated with the development of the β → α phase transformation during creep and with the redistribution of alloying elements. The physical causes of a decrease in the effective energy of activation of the creep of the alloy with ultrafine-grained structure and nonequilibrium phase composition have been discussed.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2019;120(5):499-505
pages 499-505 views

Effect of Low-Temperature Annealings on the Change in the Level of Microdamage of Sheets of the Dual DP-600 Steel

Bryukhanov A.A., Gerstein G., Volchok N.A., Bryukhanova Z.A., Nürnberger F.



—The effect of the annealing temperature on the texture state and level of damage D of sheets of the steel DP600 (0.10% С, 0.15% Si, 1.4% Mn, 0.007% Р, 0.008% S, 0,009% N, 0.02–0.06% Al, 1% Cr–Mo–Ni) with a ferritic–martensitic structure and a texture of recrystallization and cold rolling has been studied in this work. The level of D was estimated based on the results of measurements of the Young’s modulus E and direct electron-microscopic observations. An increase in E after annealings in the 220–275°С temperature range stops; yield plateaus appear in the tensile curves, the yield stress increases, and the yield strength decreases in all directions of measurements. A redistribution of orientations can be seen in the texture, which does not affect the magnitude of E. These annealings are associated with the least level of D of the steel sheets, which after prolonged annealings can be considered to be “conditionally undamaged.” Further annealings (to 400°С) change the texture state of the sheets (three texture characteristics are increased) and the values of E in different directions and increase the level of damage. The values of D show up an anisotropy similar to that characteristic of E.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2019;120(5):506-512
pages 506-512 views

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