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Vol 119, No 8 (2018)

Theory of Metals

Electronic Structure of Aluminum Oxide with Oxygen Vacancies

Korotin M.A., Kurmaev E.Z.


Results of numerical calculations of the electronic structure of nonstoichiometric aluminum oxide with a concentration of oxygen vacancies of 6% have been presented. The calculations have been performed within the scope of the density-functional theory of the coherent-potential approximation with a disordered location of vacancies. It has been established that the presence of oxygen vacancies leads to the appearance of a peak in the density of states inside the energy gap and additional electronic states at the bottom of the conduction band, which gives a decrease in the energy gap to 2 eV. The simulation of the aluminum oxide of composition Al2[O0.98]3\({\text{O}}_{{{\text{0}}{\text{.06}}}}^{{{\text{int}}\,{\text{erstitial}}}}\) with vacancies in the oxygen sublattice and oxygen atoms in interstices leads to a semiconducting character of the energy spectrum with a band gap of ~1 eV, which is formed between the p states of the impurity interstitial oxygen atoms and the s states of the vacancies.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2018;119(8):707-712
pages 707-712 views

Electrical and Magnetic Properties

The Influence of Loop Geometry on the Asymmetric Pinning of Domain Walls in Films with Uniaxial Anisotropy

Izmozherov I.M., Baykenov E.Z., Dubovik M.N., Filippov B.N.


The asymmetric pinning of a vortex-domain wall in regions with enhanced values of saturation magnetization and the anisotropy constant (defects) has been studied by a three-dimensional micromagnetic simulation at different geometric parameters of these regions. The dependences of the geometry of shifted hysteresis loops on a spacing between two defects and their size in a 100-nm-wide uniaxial magnetic film have been obtained.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2018;119(8):713-719
pages 713-719 views

Magnetooptical Visualization and Mapping of Magnetic Stray Fields over the Surface of Composite Permanent Magnets Using Gadolinium–Cobalt Amorphous Films

Ivanov V.E.


Stray fields of magnetic systems with a known degree of structural and magnetic nonuniformities have been mapped using indicator amorphous films with a perpendicular anisotropy. The characteristic magnetooptical patterns have been determined, which correspond to the distribution of the magnetic-field component normal to the plane of the indicator films. The theoretical patterns of model magnetic systems that are similar to the studied systems in the degree of the structural and magnetic nonuniformity have been calculated. The validity of the magnetooptical visualization has been confirmed by comparison of the experimental and theoretical patterns. The possibility of the express monitoring of the parameters of the magnetic system has been shown using a laboratory model of a magnetooptical visualizer by the observation of the magnetooptical contrast of gadolinium–cobalt indicator films under the action of an ac magnetic field.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2018;119(8):720-727
pages 720-727 views

Similarity of Hysteresis Quantities

Starodubtsev Y.N., Tsepelev V.S.


Based on the example of analyzing the Rayleigh equations for ascending and descending branches of the magnetic hysteresis loop, the dimensionless hysteresis quantities Br/Bmax, Wh/Wmax, Hc/Hmax, and BrHc/Wh, which have the same functional dependence on the external magnetic field Hmax, have been found. Hysteresis quantities proportional to the permeability μ or hysteresis loss Wh have been obtained. An analysis of the magnetically soft amorphous alloy Co66Fe3Cr3Si15B13 with very high initial permeability showed that the similarity of dimensionless hysteresis quantities takes place not only in the Rayleigh region, but also in a wider region of the magnetic field.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2018;119(8):728-734
pages 728-734 views

Structure, Phase Transformations, and Diffusion

Scandium-Based Hexagonal-Closed Packed Multi-Component Alloys

S. Riva ., Brown S.G., Lavery N.P., Yusenko K.V.


Since their early development, High-Entropy Alloys have fueled the investigation of exotic metal combinations. Here, we present a strategy for the rational design of a library for multi-component alloys based on six hcp-structured metals. Seven five- and six-component equimolar alloys based on Co, Gd, Y, Sc, Ti and Zr were prepared via induction melting and characterized by PXRD, SEM–EDX and Vickers hardness. They all present ternary hexagonal phases (ScTiZr or GdScY) co-existing with one or more cubic phases and intermetallic compounds. Both ScTiZr and GdScY appear promising as the starting point for new single-phase High-Entropy Alloys families.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2018;119(8):735-740
pages 735-740 views

Positron Annihilation Spectroscopy of the Accumulation of Vacancy Defects in an Aging Fe–Ni–Al Alloy Irradiated at 573 K

Perminov D.A., Druzhkov A.P., Arbuzov V.L.


The influence of intermetallic Ni3Al precipitates on the accumulation of vacancy defects in aged Fe–Ni–Al alloy at the initial stages of electron irradiation (5 × 10–4 dpa) at a temperature of 573 K has been studied using positron annihilation spectroscopy. The obtained results demonstrate that intermetallic precipitates inhibit the process of the accumulation of vacancy defects under irradiation. It has been found that these precipitates facilitate the mutual recombination of point defects that form under irradiation. This effect has been attributed to elastic stresses at the precipitate–matrix boundaries.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2018;119(8):741-746
pages 741-746 views

Effect of Magnetic state of Austenite on Martensitic transformation in Fe–Ni Alloys in High and Zero Magnetic Fields

Zolotarevsky I.V., Loskutov S.V., Schetinina M.O.


The effect of high pulsed magnetic fields on the martensitic γ → α transformation in Fe–Ni and Fe–Ni–Mn alloys characterized by dual kinetics has been analyzed. It has been shown that the higher the iron content and the lower the martensitic transformation temperature, the more substantial the effect of pulsed magnetic field on the athermal martensitic transformation (MT) in the Fe–Ni alloys. The possibility of athermal martensite nucleation at magnetic inhomogenities of austenite, which is characterized by disordered magnetic moments (antiferromagnetic contribution) within a local area that assumes coherent conjugation at the interface, has been discussed. It has been suggested that athermal MT in Invar Fe–Ni alloys characterized by dual kinetics occurs in a pulsed magnetic field via a first-order magnetic phase transformation.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2018;119(8):747-754
pages 747-754 views

Structure of the Surface Layers of Metastable Austenitic Stainless Steel Nitrided in Electron Beam Plasma

Shabashov V.A., Gavrilov N.V., Kozlov K.A., Makarov A.V., Titova S.G., Voronin V.I.


The effect of the nitriding temperature in electron beam plasma on the structural and phase composition of the surface layers of metastable austenitic stainless steels is studied. Conversion electron Mössbauer spectroscopy shows that nitriding at 350°C results in the transition of the austenite into the α (bcc) phase by the shear mechanism in the surface layers of a plate (tenths of a micron). A nitrogen supersaturated austenite and a mixture of nitrides with a predominant configuration of three nitrogen atoms in the environment of iron are formed in layers 1–5 μm thick. Nitriding at a temperature of 500°C and above leads to nitrogen supersaturated austenite decomposition, the escape of chromium and nitrogen from the matrix into nitrides CrN, Fe4N, and FexN, and the subsequent γ → α phase transformation.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2018;119(8):755-763
pages 755-763 views

Shape Memory Effect in Corrosion-Resistant Steels Hardened by Various Carbides

Sagaradze V.V., Afanas’ev S.V., Kataeva N.V.


The possibility of increasing the reversible deformation to 1.9% of corrosion-resistant steels 0.30C–14Cr–15Mn–4Si–3Ni–1V and 0.30C–14Cr–15Mn–4Si–3Ni,which exhibits the shape-memory effect has been shown. The increase has been achieved at the expense of a decrease in the chromium and carbon contents in an austenite matrix, which results from the decrease in the quenching temperature and increase in the time of destabilizing carbide aging.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2018;119(8):764-769
pages 764-769 views

Simulation of the Evolution of Carbonitride Particles of Complex Composition upon Hot Deformation of a Low-Alloyed Steel

Gorbachev I.I., Pasynkov A.Y., Popov V.V.


A model has been proposed for describing the evolution of several ensembles of carbonitride particles with complex compositions in low-alloyed steel upon hot deformation in the temperature range of stable austenite. In the model the mutual influence of changes upon deformation in structural parameters such as dislocation density and average austenite-grain size (with allowance for relaxation processes and precipitation processes) and the evolution of carbonitride phases have been considered. Likewise, the model takes into account the polydispersity of ensembles of precipitates. The results of calculations have been compared with the experimental data obtained in steel microalloyed with vanadium, niobium, and titanium

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2018;119(8):770-779
pages 770-779 views

Formation of the Structure, Phase Composition, and Properties in High-Strength Titanium Alloy upon Isothermal and Thermomechanical Treatment

Illarionov A.G., Korelin A.V., Popov A.A., Illarionova S.M., Elkina O.A.


Transmission electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction analysis, durometry, and mechanical tensile and impact toughness tests were used to study changes in the structure, phase composition, and mechanical properties in a high-strength VT22I titanium alloy (Ti–3Al–5Mo–5V–1Cr–1Fe) upon isothermal and thermomechanical treatments, including warm rolling and aging. It has been found that the decomposition of the β solid solution in an alloy preliminarily heated in the β region (Тpt + 50°C) after isothermal treatment at 650°C for 1 and 4 min is accompanied by the formation of an intermediate α'' phase; upon holding for 20 min, an equilibrium α phase precipitates. The А7В-type ordering processes, where β stabilizers and aluminum can serve as a B element, are possible and, upon final cooling, in water, the formation of an athermal ω phase can take place at the initial stages of decomposition. It has been shown that the warm rolling of the alloy at 650°C accelerates the processes of the decomposition of the metastable β solid solution, contributes to the refinement of the arising α precipitates, and suppresses the formation of the athermal ω phase upon cooling compared to the similar isothermal treatment without deformation. A regime of a thermomechanical treatment that provides the high mechanical properties required to fabricate elastic structural components has been proposed for this alloy.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2018;119(8):780-788
pages 780-788 views

Effect of Homogenization on Microstructure and Properties of Al–Mg–Si Roll-Casting Sheet

Xianwei Ren ., Huang Y., Liu Y.


The effect of homogenizing on the microstructure and properties of Al–Mg–Si roll-casting sheet were investigated by optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive spectroscopy, Vickers hardness measurements, and conductivity testing in this paper. The morphology, quantity, and species of the phases were studied. The results show that the Mg2Si dissolved completely and Al5(FeMnCr)Si transformed into Al74(MnFeCr)20Si6 phase during homogenization. And the wavy grain boundaries that existed in the roll-casting microstructure vanished. After homogenization at 550°C × 4 h, the sample hardness reduced to 54 HV and conductivity increased to 26 MS/m.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2018;119(8):789-796
pages 789-796 views

Formation of the Structure and Properties upon the Aging of a Quenched Alloy Based on Orthorhombic Titanium Aluminide Ti2AlNb Alloyed with Hydrogen

Illarionov A.G., Khadzhieva O.G., Elkina O.A.


Transmission electron microscopy and microindentation have been used to study the changes in the structure, phase composition, microhardness, and elastic modulus of the Ti–24.3Al–24.8Nb–1.0Zr–1.4V–0.6Mo–0.3Si (at %) alloy based on the orthorhombic titanium aluminide Ti2AlNb alloyed with hydrogen to 8.5 at % upon aging in the temperature range of 600–700°C after quenching from 900°C. It has been detected that the alloying with hydrogen leads to a change in the morphology of precipitated orthorhombic (O) plates upon aging from a zigzag-shaped to packet morphology and at the aging temperature of 700˚С initiates the transformation of the substructure of the O plates into a polydomain one with the formation of the so-called “polysynthetic twin.” The relationship between the structural characteristics, the amounts of the arising phases, and the values of the microhardness and elastic modulus of the investigated alloys with and without hydrogen after quenching and aging has been established.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2018;119(8):797-801
pages 797-801 views

Strength and Plasticity

Mechanisms of Cold Deformation under High Pressure of Superconductive MgB2 Ceramics

Kuznetsova E.I., Krinitsina T.P., Sudareva S.V., Blinova Y.V., Degtyarev M.V., Akshentsev Y.N.


Structures of the massive MgB2 samples deformed in Bridgman anvils that were initially in different structural states, namely, as-synthesized and post-four-stage-treated (via deformation + annealing), have been studied by methods of the X-ray diffraction, scanning and transmission electron microscopy, and measurements of microhardness. The process of the deformation of brittle ceramic samples of MgB2 under high pressure has been discussed. An analysis of the obtained data has shown that the plastic deformation of the superconductor MgB2 preliminarily compacted by a four-stage treatment has been implemented in the main through the mutual rotation of crystallites (grains) and by grain-boundary sliding without a noticeable refinement of the grain structure.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2018;119(8):802-809
pages 802-809 views

Evolution of Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Composite Aluminum-Based Alloy during ECAP

Lezhnev S.N., Volokitina I.E., Kuis D.V.


The effect of equal-channel angular pressing (ECAP) in an equal-channel stepped die on the microstructure and the mechanical properties of silumin AK9 (Al–Si–Mn–Mg) modified by a master alloy with nanostructured carbon in the form of fullerene black and synthesized glassy carbon particles formed during manufacturing the master alloy is studied. Silumins belong to nondeformable cast alloys; however, ECAP at 500°C makes its plastic deformation up to three passes possible. Three passes of deformation significantly refine the structure of the AK9 modified silumin. ECAP results in the refinement of silicon inclusions, which are of the fabrication origin and do not undergo plastic deformation.

Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2018;119(8):810-815
pages 810-815 views

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