Author Details

Terent’ev, P.

Issue Section Title File
Vol 117, No 2 (2016) Structure, Phase Transformations, and Diffusion Structural state and magnetic properties of multilayer-graphene/Fe composites
Vol 117, No 5 (2016) Electrical and Magnetic Properties Structure and magnetic properties of a Ni3(Al, Fe, Cr) single crystal subjected to high-temperature deformation
Vol 118, No 3 (2017) Structure, Phase Transformations, and Diffusion Investigation of the intermetallic β'(B2)-phase in the Co–Al–Si system
Vol 118, No 5 (2017) Electrical and Magnetic Properties Mechanical and magnetic properties of alloys near the concentration range of the existence of Co3(Al,W) intermetallic compound
Vol 118, No 10 (2017) Electrical and Magnetic Properties Effect of hydrogen intercalation on the critical parameters of YBa2Cu3Oy
Vol 118, No 11 (2017) Electrical and Magnetic Properties Structure, magnetic and magnetocaloric properties of nonstoichiometric TbCo2Nix compounds
Vol 119, No 1 (2018) Electrical and Magnetic Properties Analysis of the Deformation Process in Ni3(Al, Fe) Intermetallic under Longitudinal Bending
Vol 119, No 7 (2018) Structure, Phase Transformations, and Diffusion Hydrogen in a Nonstoichiometric YBa2Cu3O6.96 Compound: Study by Raman Spectroscopy
Vol 119, No 9 (2018) Structure, Phase Transformations, and Diffusion Effect of Hydrogen Intercalation on the Structure of YBa2Cu3Oy with a Low Oxygen Content
Vol 119, No 11 (2018) Electrical and Magnetic Properties Structure, Magnetic and Magnetocaloric Properties of Nonstoichiometric TbCo2Mnx Compounds
Vol 120, No 13 (2019) Article Magnetic Properties and Structure of Products from 1.4540 Stainless Steel Manufactured by 3D Printing

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