Electrical and Magnetic Properties

Issue Title File
Vol 120, No 12 (2019) Effect of Chromium Substitution for Iron on the Magnetic and Structural Properties of (TmxPr1– x)2Fe17 PDF
Kuchin A.G., Platonov S.P., Iwasieczko W., Voronin V.I., Gaviko V.S.
Vol 120, No 12 (2019) Structure of the Fe63.5Ni10Cu1Nb3Si13.5B9 Alloy Nanocrystallized in the Presence of Tensile Stresses PDF
Lukshina V.A., Dmitrieva N.V., Volkova E.G., Shishkin D.A.
Vol 120, No 12 (2019) Analysis of Incommensurate Magnetic Structures of Rare-Earth Intermetallides Tb3Ni and Ho7Rh3 Using the Magnetic Supersymmetry Group Formalism PDF
Gubkin A.F., Vaulin A.A., Tsutaoka T., Baranov N.V.
Vol 120, No 11 (2019) Scenario of a Dynamic Rearrangement of a Domain Wall in a Thin Film with a Perpendicular Anisotropy PDF
Korzunin L.G., Filippov B.N.
Vol 120, No 11 (2019) Spontaneous Spin Reorientation in Gd–Co Amorphous Films PDF
Vas’kovskii V.O., Gor’kovenko A.N., Adanakova O.A., Svalov A.V., Kulesh N.A., Stepanova E.A., Kudyukov E.V., Lepalovskii V.N.
Vol 120, No 10 (2019) Specific Features of the Magnetocaloric Effect in a Uniaxial Paramagnet with Kramers Ions PDF
Kokorina E.E., Medvedev M.V.
Vol 120, No 10 (2019) Magnetic State and Phase Composition of Co3C Nanoparticles PDF
Mikhalev K.N., Germov A.Y., Medvedev E.Y., Gerashchenko A.P., Ermakov A.E., Uimin M.A., Novikov S.I., D’yachkova T.V., Tyutyunnik A.P., Zainulin Y.G.
Vol 120, No 9 (2019) Ultrafast Magnetization Reversal in DyFeCo Thin Film by Single Femtosecond Laser Pulse PDF
Ovcharenko S.V., Yakushenkov P.O., Ilyin N.A., Brekhov K.A., Semenova E.M., Wu A., Mishina E.D.
Vol 120, No 9 (2019) Magnetoresistance of CoFeNi/Cu Superlattices Differing in the Ferromagnetic Alloy Composition PDF
Milyaev M.A., Bannikova N.S., Naumova L.I., Proglyado V.V., Patrakov E.I., Kamenskii I.Y., Ustinov V.V.
Vol 120, No 9 (2019) Experimental Approbation of Reference Layer Method in Resonant Neutron Reflectometry PDF
Nikova E.S., Salamatov Y.A., Kravtsov E.A., Makarova M.V., Proglyado V.V., Ustinov V.V., Bodnarchuk V.I., Nagorny A.V.
Vol 120, No 8 (2019) Atomic Ordering of Soft Magnetic Fe–Si Alloys and Effect of Thermomagnetic Treatment PDF
Gubernatorov V.V., Dragoshanskii Y.N., Sycheva T.S.
Vol 120, No 8 (2019) Electronic Structure and Optical Properties of the Co2NiAl Heusler Alloy PDF
Shreder E.I., Lukoyanov A.V., Makhnev A.A., Baglasov E.D., Suresh K.G.
Vol 120, No 7 (2019) Nonuniform Magnetoelectric Effect in a Nano-Sized Ferromagnetic Film with Surface Anisotropy PDF
Shul’ga N.V., Doroshenko R.A.
Vol 120, No 7 (2019) Magnetic Structure and Ferroelectricity in Low-Dimensional Cuprates LiCu2O2 and NaCu2O2 as Determined by NMR Spectroscopy PDF
Sadykov A.F., Piskunov Y.V., Ogloblichev V.V., Geraschenko A.P., Smol’nikov A.G., Verkhovskii S.V., Arapova I.Y., Mikhalev K.N., Bush A.A.
Vol 120, No 7 (2019) High-Sensitive Sensing Elements Based on Spin Valves with Antiferromagnetic Interlayer Coupling PDF
Naumova L.I., Milyaev M.A., Zavornitsin R.S., Pavlova A.Y., Maksimova I.K., Krinitsina T.P., Chernyshova T.A., Proglyado V.V., Ustinov V.V.
Vol 120, No 7 (2019) Temperature-Dependence of Static Magnetic Properties of FeGa Thin Film Fabricated by Pulsed Laser Deposition PDF
Yi Zhang ., Turghun M., Huang C.J., Wang T., Wang F., Shi W.Z.
Vol 120, No 7 (2019) Reasons for the Difference of the Fields of the Peaks of the Reversible and Differential Magnetic Permeability in Deformed Low-Carbon Steels PDF
Kuleev V.G., Stashkov A.N., Nichipuruk A.P.
Vol 120, No 6 (2019) Effect of Crystallizing Annealing on Dynamic Magnetoelastic Properties of the Fe81Si7B12 Amorphous Alloy PDF
Fedorova N.V., Len’kov S.V., Konygin G.N., Nemtsova O.M.
Vol 120, No 6 (2019) Matrices of Ferromagnetic Microwires for the Control of Cellular Dynamics and Localized Delivery of Medicines PDF
Beklemisheva A.V., Yudanov N.A., Gurevich A.A., Panina L.V., Zablotskiy V.A., Deyneka A.
Vol 120, No 6 (2019) Temperature of the Formation of a Protective Polymer Coating and the Magnetic Properties of Cobalt-Based Amorphous Alloys PDF
Skulkina N.A., Ivanov O.A., Mazeeva A.K., Kuznetsov P.A., Chekis V.I., Denisov N.D.
Vol 120, No 5 (2019) Magnetoresistive Properties of CoFe/Cu/CoFe/Dy Pseudo Spin Valves under Conditions of Interdiffusion of Dysprosium and CoFe Ferromagnetic Alloy Layers PDF
Naumova L.I., Milyaev M.A., Zavornitsyn R.S., Krinitsina T.P., Chernyshova T.A., Proglyado V.V., Ustinov V.V.
Vol 120, No 5 (2019) Spin Excitations in the Noncollinear Magnetic Phase of LaMn2O5 PDF
Men’shenin V.V.
Vol 120, No 4 (2019) Neutron Diffraction Studies of the Transformation of Magnetic and Domain Structures upon Spin-Reorientation Transition in the Tm2Fe18 Ferrimagnet PDF
Valiev E.Z., Voronin V.I., Glazkov V.P., Kuchin A.G., Maksimov L.A., Somenkov V.A., Platonov S.P., Proskurnina N.V., Shushunov M.N.
Vol 120, No 4 (2019) Magnetic Properties of the Fe63.5Ni10Cu1Nb3Si13.5B9 Alloy Nanocrystallized in the Presence of Tensile Stresses PDF
Lukshina V.A., Dmitrieva N.V., Volkova E.G., Shishkin D.A.
Vol 120, No 4 (2019) Origins of the Appearance of Ferromagnetic State and Colossal Magnetoresistance in Cobaltites PDF
Troyanchuk I.O., Bushinsky M.V., Khomchenko V.A., Sikolenko V.V., Ritter C., Schorr S.
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