Pleistocene Walrus (Odobenus rosmarus L., 1758) Discovered in the Northern European Russia (Pechora River)

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A fragment of a walrus skull of Neopleistocene age was found at a distance of about 340 km from the mouth of the Pechora River. The skull presumably belonged to a mature male of Atlantic walrus 13–14 years old. The radiocarbon date of the walrus bone shows the age over the method’s limit (>45 ka). Nitrogen and carbon isotope data from skull collagen are discussed. The reason for the appearance of the walrus far from the modern sea shore was, presumably, the Rodionovo (Shklov, MIS 7) or boreal Sula (Mikulino, MIS 5e) marine transgression into the area of the latitudinal part of the Pechora River. The relatively good preservation of bone testifies in favor of the Sula marine transgression. The Rodionovo age of the walrus can be assumed on the basis of the presence of shallow water marine deposits lying between two Middle Pleistocene moraines—Pechora (Dnieper, MIS 8) and Vychegda (Moscow, MIS 6).

About the authors

D. V. Ponomarev

Institute of Geology FRC Komi SC UB RAS

Author for correspondence.
Russia, 167982, Syktyvkar

N. V. Kryukova

Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution RAS

Russia, 119071, Moscow

L. N. Andreicheva

Institute of Geology FRC Komi SC UB RAS

Russia, 167982, Syktyvkar

A. Yu. Puzachenko

Institute of Geography RAS, Russian Academy of Science

Russia, 119017, Moscow

N. N. Vorobyev

Institute of Geology FRC Komi SC UB RAS

Russia, 167982, Syktyvkar

T. I. Marchenko-Vagapova

Institute of Geology FRC Komi SC UB RAS

Russia, 167982, Syktyvkar

T. van Kolfschoten

Leiden University; Shandong University

the Netherlands, 2300 RA, Leiden; China, 266237, Qingdao

J. van der Plicht

Leiden University; Groningen University

the Netherlands, 2300 RA, Leiden; the Netherlands, 9747 AG, Groningen


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Copyright (c) 2023 Д.В. Пономарев, Н.В. Крюкова, Л.Н. Андреичева, А.Ю. Пузаченко, Н.Н. Воробьев, Т.И. Марченко-Вагапова, Т.Ван Кольфсхотен, Й.Ван Дер Плихт

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