
Comparative Analysis of the Mineral Associations in the Sediments from Buor-Khaya Bay
Ulyantsev A.
Study of Abiotic Factors Controlling Marine Ecosystem Dynamics and Formation of Anomalous Conditions in the Coastal Waters of the Far East in 80th Cruise of the R/V Professor Gagarinskiy
Lobanov V., Shvetsova M., Fedorov M., Tibenko E., Sagalaev S., Prushkovskaya I., Obrezkova M., Mazur A., Kukla S., Alekseev I., Tishchenko P., Tsoy V., Lukyanova N., Semkin P., Sergeev A., Yurtsev A.
Internal Waves Generated by the Inflow of the Kodor River in the Black Sea
Serebryany A., Khimchenko E., Goncharov V., Tarasov L., Popov O., Belov D., Neshenko I.
Geological and Geophysical, Geomorphological and Hydrophysical Investigations in Barents and Kara Seas during the Cruise 51 of the R/V Akademik Boris Petrov in 2022
Nikiforov S., Sorokhtin N., Ananiev R., Dmitrevskiy N., Moroz E., Roslyakov A., Kokin O.
89th Cruise (1st Stage) of the Research Vessel Akademik Mstislav Keldysh: Climate Experiment in Interaction with the Tu-134 Optic Flying Laboratory
Kravchishina M., Klyuvitkin A., Novigatsky A., Glukhovets D., Shevchenko V., Belan B.
Ecosystems of Siberian Arctic Seas – 2022: Ecosystem of the Eastern Kara Sea, Ecological Risks Accumulated in the Basin (89 Cruise of Research Vessel “Akademik Mstislav Keldysh”)
Flint M., Poyarkov S., Polukhin A., Miroshnikov A.
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