Rare-earth mineralization in terrigenous deposits of the Shatak complex (Southern Urals): species diversity and features of chemical composition




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As a result of the study of terrigenous rocks of the Shatak complex, which includes deposits of the Kuz’elga and Karan subformations, rare earth minerals were found: allanite-(Ce), monazite-(Se), monazite-(Nd), xenotime-(Y), REE-bearing epidote, and unidentified connections.

It has been established that during the metamorphism of terrigenous rocks of detrital zircon, it is a selective concentrator and thorium, a popular group of rare earth elements and thorium. The comparative analysis showed that, in terms of chemical composition, rare-earth minerals (monazite-(Ce) and xenotime-(Y)) from the Shatak rock are significantly important from heavy ones from other complexes observed on the western slope of the Southern Urals by the presence of gadolinium in monazite, and in xenotime – consecutive REE group represented by Ce, Nd and Sm. When calculating the thermal bar, characterizing changes in the composition of structural-material complexes of western origin, slopes from the main factors that determine the characteristics of the chemical composition of rare earth chemical elements, which are the chemical composition of mineral formation.




S. Kovalev

Institute of Geology UFRC RAS

Email: kovalev@ufaras.ru
俄罗斯联邦, 450077, Ufa, Karl Marx str., 16/2

S. Kovalev

Institute of Geology UFRC RAS

Email: kovalev@ufaras.ru
俄罗斯联邦, 450077, Ufa, Karl Marx str., 16/2

A. Sharipova

Institute of Geology UFRC RAS

Email: kovalev@ufaras.ru
俄罗斯联邦, 450077, Ufa, Karl Marx str., 16/2


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2. Fig. 1. Geological diagram of the Bashkir meganticlinory, Shatak complex and sections of the Kuzyelginskaya (a) and Karanskaya (b) sub-formations 1 – Archaean-Proterozoic deposits undifferentiated, 2 – Lower Riphean deposits undifferentiated, 3 – Middle Riphean deposits undifferentiated, 4 – Yushinskaya formation, 5 – undifferentiated deposits of Zigazino-Komarovskaya and Avzyan formations, 6 – Zigalginskaya formation, 7 – Mashak formation, 8 – Upper Riphean deposits undifferentiated, 9 – rhyodacites, 10 – basalts, 11 – conglomerates, 12 – sandstones, 13 – shales, siltstones, 14 – sampling points.

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3. Fig. 2. Normalized REE distribution in terrigenous rocks of the Shatak complex The continental crust is based on the work [Rudnick, Gao, 2003]. The REE content in sandstones is based on the work [Maslov et al., 2020].

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4. Fig. 3. Micrographs of allanite (a–d) and REE-containing epidote from terrigenous rocks of the Shatak complex with the results of shooting the object (e) in the characteristic rays La, Ce, Nd The indices of the micrographs correspond to the sample numbers in Fig. 1b, 1g: a – C1/287.5; b, c, d – C1/146; g – C41/273. Abbreviations: all – allanite, hl – chlorite, q – quartz.

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5. Fig. 4. Micrographs of xenotimum (a–d) and monazite (d, i) from terrigenous rocks of the Shatak complex The indices of the micrographs correspond to the sample numbers in Fig. 1b, 1g: a, b, e – C1/171; c, d – C1/146; g – C41/273; w, z – C1/146.5; i – C1/168. Abbreviations: xnt – xenotime, zrn – zircon, msk – muscovite, apatite, hl – chlorite, mgt – magnetite, q – quartz, mnz – monazite.

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6. Fig. 5. Micrographs of unidentified REE compounds (a–b), associations of zircon with REE–Y–Th elements (d) and results of object survey (d) in characteristic rays La, Ce, Nd, Y and Th The indices of the micrographs correspond to the sample numbers in Fig. 1b, 1g: a – C1/146; b, c – C41/119.5; g – C1/168. Abbreviations: REE – unidentified compounds, zrn – zircon, mgt – magnetite.

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7. Fig. 6. Diagrams of Al-REE+Th+Y (according to [Petrik et al., 1995]) and graphs of normalized contents of rare earth elements in allanites from metamorphosed terrigenous rocks of the Shatak complex (b), the Suransk-Inturatov zone (c) and the Ulu-Yelginsky-Kudashman zone (d) Diagram "a”: 1 – Shatak complex, 2 – Suransk-Inturatovskaya zone, 3 – Ulu-Yelginsky-Kudashmanovskaya zone. Chondrite ‒ at work [Sun, McDonough, 1989].

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8. Fig. 7. Graphs of normalized REE contents in monazite and xenotime from metamorphosed terrigenous rocks of the Shatak complex (a, b), the Suransk-Inturatov zone (c, d) and the Ulu-Elgin-Kudashman zone (d, e). Chondrite ‒ at work [Sun, McDonough, 1989]

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