Structural and Сrystal-Сhemical Features of Mixed-Layer Illite-Containing Minerals from Diagenetically Altered Upper Jurassic Oil Source Rocks




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Illite-smectite (I-S) minerals from the Upper Jurassic oil-bearing rock shales of Denmark and the North Sea were studied by a complex of diffraction and spectroscopic methods. Detailed structures were identified to reveal the mechanism of diagenetic transformation of these shales. Usually, in oil-bearing rocks of sedimentary basins, oil generation occurs simultaneously with the I-S diagenetic transformation. The results obtained demonstrate the relationship between these two reactions: NH3 molecules released from kerogen during ma-ximum oil formation are fixed as NH4 ammonium cations in smectite or vermiculite interlayers, forming mica or tobelite structural fragments. As a result of this solid-phase transformation, mixed-layer structures are formed, consisting of layers of illite, tobelite, smectite and vermiculite (I-T-S-V).


V. Drits

Geological Institute RAS

Russia, 119017, Moscow, Pyzhevsky lane, 7, bld. 1

B. Sakharov

Geological Institute RAS

Russia, 119017, Moscow, Pyzhevsky lane, 7, bld. 1

B. Zviagina

Geological Institute RAS

Russia, 119017, Moscow, Pyzhevsky lane, 7, bld. 1


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