Lithological features of the uryuk formation in the tolparovo section of the vendian (Southern Urals)


Дәйексөз келтіру

Толық мәтін

Ашық рұқсат Ашық рұқсат
Рұқсат жабық Рұқсат берілді
Рұқсат жабық Тек жазылушылар үшін


New results of lithological structural and textural observations and petrographic study of rocks of the Uryuk formation exposed in the basin of the Maly Tolpar River in the Bashkir meganticlinory are presented. For the first time, a wide development of consedimentary underwater landslide folds in the Uryuk deposits has been established, the sizes of which vary from the first tens of centimeters to the first meters. In sandstones, the presence of oblique, wavy, flasery and horizontal, with a dual character of thin clay layers, layering, as well as structureless layers with a massive texture, is recorded. Signs of shallow wave ripples have been established. Mechanoglyphs and textures similar to Arumberia banksi have been found, which presumably represent the lithified structures of bacterial mats that existed under certain conditions – shallow-sea environments and conditions of sandy-clay sedimentation. It is concluded that the Uryuk deposits, despite the absence of direct lithological signs of diamictites in them, form a single sedimentary sequence with the underlying Tolparov-Suirovsky marine glacial deposits, in which a shallow-sea sedimentation regime is established by the end of the Uryuk time. It is shown that the presence of ferruginous minerals in sandstone cement is secondary in nature and is associated with their epigenetic transformations. It is concluded that the red-colored color of the rocks of the Uryuk formation cannot be used for stratification of its sections and reconstruction of sedimentation conditions in the Uryuk time.

Толық мәтін

Рұқсат жабық

Авторлар туралы

V. Gorozhanin

Institute of Geology of the Ufa Federal Research Centre of the RAS

Хат алмасуға жауапты Автор.
Ресей, 450077, Ufa, Karl Marx str., 16/2

S. Michurin

Institute of Geology of the Ufa Federal Research Centre of the RAS

Ресей, 450077, Ufa, Karl Marx str., 16/2

V. Yuldashbaeva

Institute of Geology of the Ufa Federal Research Centre of the RAS

Ресей, 450077, Ufa, Karl Marx str., 16/2

Әдебиет тізімі

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Қосымша файлдар

Қосымша файлдар
2. Fig. 1. Schematic geological map of the Riphean and Vendian deposits of the Bashkir meganticlinory with the location of the studied section of the Uryuk formation and the combined lithological and stratigraphic column of the Karatau (Upper Riphean) and Ashinsky (Vendian) series (according to [Sergeeva et al., 2019], with changes) Map: 1-5 – undifferentiated deposits: 1 – Paleozoic (PZ), 2 – Vendian (V), 3 – Upper Riphean (RF3), 4 – Lower and Middle (RF1–2), 5 – Uraltau and Ufaleysky metamorphic complexes; 6 – igneous rocks: gabbro (a) and granites (b); 7 – geological boundaries; 8 – major tectonic disturbances; 9 – location of the Tolparov section of the Uryuk formation. Column: 1 – conglomerates; 2, 3 – sandstones: quartz (2a), feldspar-quartz (2b), arkose (3a), polymictic (3b); 4 – siltstones; 5 – mudstones; 6 – band-layered limestones (a) and stricken (b); 7 – dolomites; 8 – tuffs; 9 – glauconite (a), silicones (b); 10 – clay (a), carbonaceous (b); 11 – stromatolites (a), microphytolites (b).

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3. Fig. 2. Geological scheme of the Tolparovo village area, position and geological section of the Uryuk formation 1-3 – deposits of the Vendian formation: 1 – Tolparovskaya (Vtlp), 2 – Suirovskaya (Vsu), 3 – Uryukskaya (Vur); 4 – undifferentiated deposits of the Upper Riphean (RF3); 5 – geological boundaries; 6 – highway; 7 – position and numbers of fragments of the studied section of the Uryuk formation; 8 – sandstones; 9 – mudstones and siltstones; 10 – gabbrodolerites; 11 – gravelites; 12 – boundaries of layers; 13 – layer numbers; 14 – elements of rock occurrence; 15 – azimuth of the route; 16 – blackened areas.

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4. Fig. 3. Lithological features of the Uryuk formation deposits a–d – lower (gray–colored) stratum: a - underwater landslide fold in sandstones, b –sandstone with horizontal and oblique stratification, large lithoclast of granite-gneiss is present in sandstone, c – hollow-inclined oblique stratification in sandstone with thaidalite banding (arrows) and folds of landslide, d – wavy stratification in sandstone, d – gravel inclusions of quartz, lithoclasts of feldspar and mudstones in sandstone; e–m – upper (red-colored) stratum: e – flasher stratification in fine–grained red-colored sandstone, w – contact of sandstone with a clearly pronounced tidal type stratification (top) with massive unsorted multi-grained sandstone (bottom), w - underwater landslide fold in sandy–clay thickness, and - ripple signs (black arrow) and a shaft–like structure (white arrow) on the surface of the sandstone stratification, k – mechanoglyphs - traces of mechanical action, erosion or melting due to loading on semi-liquid sediment, l – rollers in the form of slightly sinuous cords (traces of runoff and discontinuity), made with coarse sand, on the “glossy” clay surface of the stratification with ripple marks (A – along the ridge of the ripple, B – a shortened variety, perpendicular to the ripple marks); m – arumberiomorphic (?) an imprint on the surface of the sandstone.

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5. Fig. 4. Petrographic features of the rocks of the Uryuk formation a–z – lower (gray-colored) stratum; i–r – upper (red-colored) stratum; for each stratum, the photo on the left is in transmitted light, on the right ‒ in polarized, the nichols are crossed. a–e – various types of cement in feldspar-quartz sandstones of the lower stratum: a, b – hydrosluidic film, c, g – chlorite needle-crucification and ferruginous pore, e, e – chlorite-hydrosluidic and regenerative quartz; g, z – clay-chlorite cement in siltstone; i–m – various types of cement in the sandstones of the upper stratum: i, k – ferruginous crostic pore filling, L, m – hardened chlorite-hydrosluidic; h, o – microconcretions of glauconite in sandstone with ferruginous cementation of the veined type and regenerative quartz cement, one grain of glauconite is affected by hematitization only from the surface, the other is completely replaced; p, r – intensive secondary hematite layered cementation in quartz sandstone.

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6. Fig. 5. The position of the sandstone composition fields of the Uryuk formation on the classification diagrams of V. D. Shutov [1967] (a) and F. Pettijohn and co–authors [Pettijohn et al., 1987] (b) 1 – according to the work [Kozlov, 1982]; 2, 3 – author's materials: 2 – lower (gray-colored) thickness; 3 - upper (red-colored) thickness.

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7. Fig. 6. Rock-forming and accessory minerals in the sandstones of the Uryuk formation on BSE images a – rolled grains of orthoclase and oligoclase, clastic annite, barite inclusions are present in the orthoclase; oligoclase is replaced by muscovite and clinochlor; b – semi–rolled grain of monazite (Ce), cement is made of iron hydroxides (goethite); c - semi-rolled grains of ilmenite, oligoclase, fluorapatite, monazite-(Ce), oligoclase is replaced by muscovite; g – glauconite in sandstone cement, albite and microcline formed in situ, goethite develops along ilmenite; d – goethite, replacing ilmenite(?); e – muscovite, clinochlor, microcline, albite, goethite, rutile in the pore space. Abbreviations: Ab – albite; Ann – annite; Ap – apatite; Brt – barite; Clc – clinochlorite; Glt – glauconite; Gth – goethite; Ilm – ilmenite; Mcc – microcline; Mnz-Ce – monazite (Ce); Ms – muscovite; Ol – oligoclase; Or – orthoclase; Rt – rutile; Qz – quartz.

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8. Fig. 7. Diffractograms of mudstones from the lower (U-7) and upper (23-K) strata of the Uryuk formation Abbreviations: Ab – albite; Hem – hematite; Ilt – illite; Mcc – microcline; Ms – muscovite; Qz – quartz.

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