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卷 53, 编号 4 (2018)


Hazard of Submarine Slides West of the Spitsbergen Archipelago

Mazarovich A., Moroz E., Zaraiskaya Y.


The paper presents description of the relief, open fracture system, and submarine slides west of the Spitsbergen Archipelago in the Vestnesa Ridge area based on the data collected during cruises of the R/V Akademik Nikolaj Strakhov. Data pertaining to seismicity, as well as gas flares, chimneys, and holes are given based on the published sources. Analysis of the full information suggests the development of conditions favorable for large submarine landslides west of the Spitsbergen Archipelago.

Lithology and Mineral Resources. 2018;53(4):263-269
pages 263-269 views

Basal Moraines: Communication 1. Essential Lithological Features

Epshtein O.


The facies complex of basal moraines with glaciodynamic structures (common basal moraines) dominates among deposits of the given genetic type. These moraines represent glacial diamictons of diverse structure and lithology. Some of their features are also typical of sediments of other genetic types. Therefore, a comprehensive study of glacial diamictons and their occurrence mode on the glacial bed (unconsolidated or consolidated) within large outcrops is methodically correct. Only such studies can unravel the wide range of specific features typical of common basal moraines.

Lithology and Mineral Resources. 2018;53(4):270-282
pages 270-282 views

C, О, S, and Sr Isotope Geochemistry and Chemostratigraphy of Ordovician Sediments in the Moyero River Section, Northern Siberian Platform

Pokrovsky B., Zaitsev A., Dronov A., Bujakaite M., Timokhin A., Petrov O.


The 87Sr/86Sr ratio in gypsum and limestones of the Ordovician section of the Moyero River decreases from the bottom upward from 0.7091‒0.7095 in the Irbukli Formation (Nyaian Regional Stage, ~Lower Ordovician Tremadocian Stage) to 0.7080 in the upper part of the Dzherom Formation (Dolborian Regional Stage, ~Upper Ordovician Katian Stage), which is well consistent with biostratigraphic subdivision of the section and existing concept concerning the strontium isotope evolution of the World Ocean. The most characteristic feature of the carbon isotope curve is decrease of δ13С values in carbonates from weakly positive values (0.5…1.1‰) in the Irbukli Formation (Nyaian Regional Stage) to sharply negative values (–5.4...–5.8‰) in the middle part of the Kochakan Formation (top of the Kimaian Regional Stage, ~end of the Dapingian–base of the Darriwilian Stage). Increase of δ18О from 20‒22‰ to 26‒28‰, the negative correlation of δ13С and δ18О, and decrease of δ34S in gypsum from 30‒32‰ to 22‒24‰ in this interval indicate that the 13С depletion of carbonates was not related to the sulfate reduction and oxidation of organic matter during diagenesis and that the negative δ13С excursion was of primary nature. The presence of negative δ13С anomalies at this stratigraphic level in Ordovician sections of the South and North America (Buggish et al., 2003; Edwards and Saltzman, 2014; McLaughlin et al., 2016) indicates the global or subglobal distribution of this event, which was possibly related to the emergence of the oldest ground vegetation. Against the general decrease of δ13С, the lower part of the section reveals three low-amplitude (1‒2‰) positive excursions, the position of which in general confirms the existing correlation scheme of the Moyero River section with the international scale. The upper part of the section is characterized by the alternation of low-δ13С intervals (from–2 to–3‰) and brief positive excursions with amplitude of 0.5‒1.3‰. The positive δ13С excursion terminating the Ordovician section of the Moyero River correlates with the δ13С excursion in the middle Katian Stage, while the δ13С excursion in the lower part of the Baksian Regional Stage correlates with the excursion marking the Katian–Sandbian boundary.

Lithology and Mineral Resources. 2018;53(4):283-306
pages 283-306 views

Upper Jurassic Rock Depositional Settings in the Baidar Valley and Evolution of the Crimean Carbonate Platform

Rud’ko S.


The paper presents results of the lithological study of Upper Jurassic limestones, flyschoids and limestone breccias on the southern side of the Baidar Valley in the Crimean Mountains. Study of the microfacies revealed that the limestones are represented by deposits on lagoons, platform edge shoals, reefs, and forereef aprons on the carbonate platform slope. Flyschoids include deposits in the distributive turbidite channels and hemipelagic sediments in the deep-water part of the basin. Limestone breccias were formed by gravitation flows on the carbonate platform toe-of-slope and slope. The presence of gravitation deposits in the Upper Jurassic carbonate complexes of the Crimean Mountains can testify to the primary clinoform structure of this sedimentary sequence. Comparison of the obtained sedimentological data made it possible to reconstruct the facies model of the Crimean carbonate platform and main episodes of its formation. Development of the carbonate shelf was related to two transgressive-regressive cycles. A dome-shaped reef was formed away from the coast at the initial (Oxfordian) stage. The carbonate platform was formed at the early Kimmeridgian lowstand stage when sediments were deposited in the internal part of the platform adjacent to land. In the late Kimmeridgian and early Tithonian, configuration of the carbonate platform profile resembled a distally steepened ramp, and its active progradation and shelf expansion took place in the course of transgression. Regression in the late Tithonian–early Berriasian led to regressive transformation of the ramp into platform with a flattened shallow-water shelf. Tectonic deformations at the Jurassic/Cretaceous transition promoted the formation of megabreccias on the carbonate platform foreslope. The tectonically reworked rock sequence of the “extinct” carbonate platform was overlapped transgressively by the upper Berriasian or lower Valanginian, relatively deep-water deposits of the Cretaceous platform cover.

Lithology and Mineral Resources. 2018;53(4):307-323
pages 307-323 views

Phosphides in Volcanic Seamount Basalts in the Sea of Japan

S”edin V., Kolesnik O., Yaroshchuk E.


Electron microprobe data on phosphide grains detected for the first time in basalts from volcanic edifices in the Sea of Japan are presented. The find of phosphides can testify to the endogenic source of phosphorus and, consequently, volcanogenic hydrothermal origin of phosphorites in the Sea of Japan.

Lithology and Mineral Resources. 2018;53(4):324-328
pages 324-328 views

Problem of the Application of Mathematical Methods in Geology

Lalomov A., Naumov V.


The most characteristic errors in the application of mathematical-statistic and modeling methods encountered periodically during the peer reviewing of geological scientific journals are analyzed, and recommendations for their elimination are given. Problems of the determination of relative errors in the simplified mathematical models are discussed. Necessity of calculating parameters of the background value and eliminating its influence on computation of the “useful signal” is shown. A graphic method for determining the minimum anomalous content is also proposed for discussion and testing. Characteristic errors and necessity for maintaining constraints of the application of correlation analysis are demonstrated.

Lithology and Mineral Resources. 2018;53(4):329-336
pages 329-336 views