Modern Aspects of Studying The Phyllophagous Insects Role in Forest Communities



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This paper presents a review of publications on the relationship between the phyllophagous insects and the forest communities in the current ecological situation, when ongoing climate changes, manifested primarily in an increase in the air temperature and a change in the precipitation amount and distribution, affect all processes in natural communities. Changes in the ranges of many plants and animals species are observed – moving up northwards and up in altitude. The spring phenophases come earlier, the autumn ones come later, the vegetation period lengthens and the terrestrial plants biomass increases. Such phenomena, together with changes in climatic parameters, affect herbivorous animals, which include insects with various food specialisations and different life cycles. As before, despite the growing number of observations in different parts of the Earth, there remains a lot of uncertainty about how individual plant and insect species and their functional groups function under the changing external conditions. It is emphasized that it is necessary to continue long-term studies in specific natural conditions in order to more accurately determine the reaction of the interactions’ participants to local climate changes and understand what the forestry strategy should be in the current and the predicted future situation.

Sobre autores

I. Utkina

Institute of the Forest Science of the RAS

Autor responsável pela correspondência
Russia, 143030, Odintsovsky District, Moscow Oblast, Uspenskoe, Sovetskaya st., 21

V. Rubtsov

Institute of the Forest Science of the RAS

Russia, 143030, Odintsovsky District, Moscow Oblast, Uspenskoe, Sovetskaya st., 21


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