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A hypothesis has been proposed according to which the preserved traces of the impact on the nature caused by the explosion of the Tunguska meteorite are the result of electrical discharges in a cloud of solid particles, which, when moving at the space velocity in the upper atmosphere, were heated up to a high temperature and, due to thermionic emission, acquired large positive charges. The released thermo-electrons attached to air molecules and lagged behind the charged particles. The separation of the charges in the cloud caused powerful discharges similar to horizontal lightnings in clouds. The consequences of the discharges in the cloud of highly charged solid particles, which gave rise to the generation of hard ionizing radiation, are discussed.

About the authors


National Research Centre Kurchatov Institute, Moscow, Russia

Author for correspondence.
Россия, 123182, Москва, пл. Академика Курчатова, 1


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