Influence of Coal Processing with a Suspension of Blast Furnace Slag on Changes in the Physicochemical Properties of the Surface




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The properties and efficiency of a solid–liquid suspension based on ground blast furnace slag, which is used to deactivate the processes of oxidation and spontaneous combustion of coals, have been studied. It has been established that sequential impregnation of coal with water-soluble and thickened components of the slag suspension promotes uniform passivation and a decrease in the oxidative activity of the external contacting surface. The results obtained justify the effectiveness of using slag waste as a constituent of technological suspensions for the insulation plugging of a coal seam.


Yu. Patrakov

Coal Institute, Federal Research Center of Coal and Coal Chemistry, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences

Kemerovo, 650065 Russia

A. Maiorov

Influence of Coal Processing with a Suspension of Blast Furnace Slag on Changes in the Physicochemical Properties of the Surface

Kemerovo, 650065 Russia

S. Semenova

Coal Institute, Federal Research Center of Coal and Coal Chemistry, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences

Kemerovo, 650065 Russia

D. Kulik

Coal Institute, Federal Research Center of Coal and Coal Chemistry, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences

Kemerovo, 650065 Russia


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版权所有 © Ю.Ф. Патраков, А.Е. Майоров, С.А. Семенова, Д.П. Кулик, 2023
