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卷 59, 编号 4 (2018)


Collective Projection and Recording of Compact Elements Formed by Implosion of Combined Hemisphere–Cylinder Liners

Gerasimov S., Knyazev A., Malyarov D., Yanenko B., Gerasimova R., Khoroshailo E.


A method for obtaining and recording high-velocity compact metal elements moving with hypersonic velocities under high-intensity shock loading is developed. A light-gas ballistic device and shadow photography are used for this purpose. Application of a hemisphere–cylinder liner makes it possible to test a shaped charge that steadily forms a compact steel element moving with a velocity approximately equal to 6 km/s. The results of numerical and experimental testing of this projector are given.

Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics. 2018;59(4):577-582
pages 577-582 views

Theoretical-Experimental Study of the Interior Ballistics of an Electrothermal Accelerator of Macrobodies

Vorob’ev A.


A mathematical model for the interior ballistics of an electrothermal accelerator of macrobodies was developed which can be used to predict the projectile velocity for given values of the mass and size of the projectile, the electrodynamic parameters of the capacitive energy storage, and accelerator parameters. The problem of determining the projectile velocity was solved in a hydrodynamic formulation by numerical integration of the equations of motion, the energy conservation equation, and the caloric equation of state. In the case of neglecting the dynamically changing friction coefficient and the erosion of the electrodes, the calculation results differ considerably from the experimental data, but the model qualitatively describes the physical processes of interior ballistics of the electrothermal accelerator.

Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics. 2018;59(4):583-590
pages 583-590 views

Investigation of Physical Processes in the Gas Discharge Region Between Liquid Electrodes

Gaisin A., Kashapov N.


Electrophysical, hydro-gas-dynamic, and thermal characteristics of a discharge arising between liquid electrodes are considered. Spatial visualization of flow patterns in the gas discharge region is performed by using the schlieren technique.

Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics. 2018;59(4):591-593
pages 591-593 views

Seiches in a Basin with an Open Entrance

Ivanov V., Manilyuk Y., Sannikov V.


Two-dimensional seiche oscillations in a rectangular basin of constant depth with an open entrance are considered within the framework of the linear theory of long waves. An analytical solution is obtained for the case where a nodal level line is located at the entrance to the basin. It is shown that transverse seiches in a basin with an open entrance are two-dimensional in contrast to similar modes in a completely closed basin, which are one-dimensional. Seiche parameters are calculated for model basins with dimensions and depth characteristic of a number of Sevastopol bays. Comparison of the calculation results with observations data shows that they are in satisfactory agreement.

Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics. 2018;59(4):594-600
pages 594-600 views

Casson Fluid Flow Due to Non-Coaxial Rotation of a Porous Disk and the Fluid at Infinity Through a Porous Medium

Rafiq S., Nawaz M., Mustahsan M.


The flow of the Casson fluid due to non-coaxial rotation of a disk and the fluid at infinity is investigated. Partial differential equations are made dimensionless and coupled. The exact solution of the resultant nonlinear initial-boundary-value problem is solved by applying the Laplace transform. The shear stresses at the disk surface and the steady state stresses are computed. The effects of dimensionless parameters on the dimensionless primary and secondary velocities are analyzed.

Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics. 2018;59(4):601-607
pages 601-607 views

Wing Buffeting Control at Transonic Flight Velocities with the Use of Ejector-Type Pulse Thermal Actuators

Voevodin A., Kornyakov A., Petrov A., Petrov D., Soudakov G.


A new type of ducted pulse thermal actuators with a high pulse repetition frequency is proposed to control wing buffeting at transonic flight velocities. Ducted pulse thermal actuators can operate up to frequencies of about 1 kHz, which is sufficient for controlling the majority of aerodynamic processes at high subsonic flow velocities. As the use of a pulse thermal actuator in the regime of tangential injection of a jet is less efficient from the energy viewpoint than in the regime of boundary layer suction, an ejector-type pulse thermal actuator is proposed for implementation of the suction regime.

Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics. 2018;59(4):608-617
pages 608-617 views

Problems of Hydrodynamics for a Triaxial Ellipsoid

Petrov A.


Problems of motion of a triaxial ellipsoid in an ideal liquid and in a viscous liquid in the Stokes approximation and also equilibrium shapes of the rotating gravitating liquid mass are considered. Solutions of these problems expressed via four quadratures depending on four parameters are significantly simplified because they are expressed via the only function of two arguments. The efficiency of the proposed approach is demonstrated by means of analyzing the velocity and pressure fields in an ideal liquid, calculating the added mass of the ellipsoid, determining the viscous friction, and studying the equilibrium shapes and stability of the rotating gravitating capillary liquid. The pressure on the triaxial ellipsoid surface is expressed via the projection of the normal to the impinging flow velocity. The shape of an ellipsoid that ensures the minimum viscous drag at a constant volume is determined analytically. A simple equation in elementary functions is derived for determining the boundary of the domains of the secular stability of the Maclaurin ellipsoids. An approximate solution of the problem of equilibrium and stability of a rotating droplet is presented in elementary functions. A bifurcation point with non-axisymmetric equilibrium shapes branching from this point is found.

Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics. 2018;59(4):618-630
pages 618-630 views

Some Specific Features of Integral Equations with the Cauchy Kernel on a Closed Contour in Hydrodynamic Problems

Gorelov D.


Singular integral equations of the first and second kind with the Cauchy kernel on a limiting narrow closed contour are theoretically considered. The initial equations are found to become different on the limiting contour. This singularity of integral equations with the Cauchy kernel does not allow boundary-value problems of the flow around thin airfoils to be solved correctly; therefore, a system consisting of integral equations of the first and second kind is proposed for solving such problems. The results of the present study are tested against an exact solution of the problem of the flow past a flat plate.

Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics. 2018;59(4):631-637
pages 631-637 views

Numerical Analysis for the Bingham—Papanastasiou Fluid Flow Over a Rotating Disk

Khan N., Sultan F.


This study is conducted to investigate the Bingham—Papanastasiou fluid flow driven by a rotating infinite disk. The Bingham—Papanastasiou model is a modification of the Bingham plastic model, which is developed by introducing a continuation parameter to overcome its discontinuity. The von K´armán similarity solution is used to transform the flow equations from ordinary differential equations to a nonlinear system of partial differential equations, which is solved numerically. The effect of the Bingham flow parameters on the radial, tangential, and axial velocities, pressure, and radial and tangential skin friction coefficients is discussed.

Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics. 2018;59(4):638-644
pages 638-644 views

Modeling of Ice Accretion on the Airfoil Surface in an Air Flow Containing Ice Particles

Kashevarov A., Stasenko A.


The process of airfoil icing caused by incidence of ice crystals is considered. A physicomathematical model of motion of spheroidal crystals in the gas flow and their interaction with the body is formulated. The model takes into account the non-spherical particle orientation with respect to the velocity vector of the gas flow. It is assumed that the particle impact onto the body surface leads to partial destruction of the particle under the action of normal and tangential stresses, and some part of the particle mass remains in the vicinity of the impact point. An inviscid flow around the airfoil with a time-dependent shape is calculated by the method of approximate conformal mapping.

Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics. 2018;59(4):645-652
pages 645-652 views

Deformation of a Droplet of an Organic Water—Coal Fuel in a Gas Flow

Shebeleva A., Minakov A., Chernetskii M., Strizhak P.


This paper describes an experimental study of deformation of a droplet of an organic water—coal fuel in a gas flow. The experimental data obtained are used to develop a technique that serves as a basis for a numerical study of integral characteristics of deformation of the droplets of organic water—coal fuel 4.5 mm in diameter with a gas flow velocity of 2 m/s and a temperature of 298 K. The characteristic changes of the area of longitudinal and transverse sections of the droplets of the organic water—coal fuel during their gravitational deposition in time are revealed. It is shown that the theoretical and experimental data satisfactorily agree.

Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics. 2018;59(4):653-661
pages 653-661 views

Vibrations of a Floating Elastic Plate Upon Nonlinear Interaction of Flexural-Gravity Waves

Bukatov A., Bukatov A.


The method of many scales was used to construct an asymptotic expansion up to thirdorder terms for the velocity potential of a fluid of finite depth and the flexural deformations of a floating elastic plate arising from the interaction of harmonics of finite-amplitude progressive surface waves. An expression for the second-harmonic amplitude was obtained, and critical values of the wavenumber were determined. Vibrations of plates with different thicknesses and elastic modulus were analyzed. Vertical displacements of the plate under flexural deformation were studied.

Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics. 2018;59(4):662-672
pages 662-672 views

Hydrodynamic Regimes of Heat and Mass Transfer Apparatuses with a Moving Packing

Danko V., Diyanova S., Abazyan A.


Hydrodynamic regimes of heat and mass transfer apparatuses with a moving packing are considered. Relations defining the critical velocity, the loss of momentum in the working area, and the dynamic thickness of the layer of packing elements are obtained which are necessary for engineering calculations.

Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics. 2018;59(4):673-678
pages 673-678 views

Flow and Heat Transfer in a High-Aspect-Ratio Rib-Roughed Cooling Channel with Longitudinal Intersecting Ribs

Zhang C., Wang Z., Kang J.


This paper describes a detailed numerical investigation of a stationary high-aspect-ratio rib-roughed rectangular cooling channel with longitudinal intersecting ribs near the gas turbine blade trailing edge region. In order to overcome the heat transfer performance degeneration in the highaspect- ratio channel, longitudinal intersecting ribs are arranged on the channel bottom surface. The effect of the number of longitudinal intersecting ribs on the flow and heat transfer is systematically studied in the Reynolds number range Re = 10 000–30 000. The results show that a heat transfer augmentation region exists just downstream the junction between the longitudinal rib and the angled rib due to additional secondary flows. With more longitudinal intersecting ribs, the heat transfer distributions on the channel surfaces are more uniform. Though the pressure loss is also enlarged with an increase in the number of longitudinal intersecting ribs, the overall thermal efficiency increases in the entire range of Reynolds numbers investigated. The configuration with two sets of longitudinal intersecting ribs shows the best overall thermal efficiency.

Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics. 2018;59(4):679-686
pages 679-686 views

Multi-Parameter Optimization of an Ejector

Poladvandi N., Aghdam A.


The aim of this project is implementation of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) for numerical simulation of the ejector flow. Optimal values of the ejector geometry that ensure the maximum ejector performance and the minimum noise level are determined.

Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics. 2018;59(4):687-692
pages 687-692 views

Analysis of Stretching of Elastoplastic Samples and Necking with Edge Effects

Bazhenov V., Osetrov S., Osetrov D.


Large deformations of elastoplastic cylindrical rods and shells of different thicknesses under tension are studied. The effect of sample geometry and the dependence of stresses on deformations under uniaxial tension on edge effects and necking are estimated. The applicability of the Considere criterion for determining the instance of stability loss of plastic tensile strain is analyzed. The computational experiments confirm that the role of similarity in the processes of nonuniform tensile strain of samples can be played by the ratio of the tangent of the slope of the true strain diagram to the stress intensity.

Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics. 2018;59(4):693-698
pages 693-698 views

Strain and Fracture of Glass-Fiber Laminate Containing Metal Layers

Karpov E., Demeshkin A.


This paper describes an experimental study on strain and fracture of plane samples made of glass-fiber laminate and fabric-based laminate with surface and inner aluminum layers. It is shown that the presence of these layers reduces the strength of glass-fiber laminate under static and low-cycle loading. This can be explained by the fact that the stretching of a hybrid composite along the layers is accompanied by the formation of localized tensile regions of glass-fiber laminate across the layers. As a result, both the hybrid composite and its glass-fiber laminate component are stratified.

Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics. 2018;59(4):699-705
pages 699-705 views

Glass Fracture in the Region of Its Contact with Steel Balls

Legan M., Novoselov A., Fedorova N.


Results of experiments on indentation of steel balls of various diameters into glass specimens shaped as rectangular parallelepipeds are reported. The limiting load of formation of an annular crack near the contact area and the radius of this crack are experimentally determined. The field of the contact stress in the fracture region is found by using the Huber solution of the Hertz problem of ball indentation into an elastic half-space. Modeling fracture caused by contact interaction is based on using the local criterion of the maximum stress and several nonlocal criteria: average stress criterion, Nuismer criterion, and gradient criterion. For calculating the parameter that has the length dimension and is included into the nonlocal fracture criteria, the ultimate tensile stress and the critical stress intensity factor of glass are experimentally determined for beams without and with a notch. It is demonstrated that the experimental data on the annular crack radius are most adequately predicted by the gradient criterion among all criteria considered in the study. However, this criterion overpredicts the ultimate tensile stress in the course of beam bending, which is caused by the scale factor.

Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics. 2018;59(4):706-715
pages 706-715 views

Solution of The Double-Coupled Problem of Buckling of a Shape Memory Alloy Rod Due to The Direct Thermoelastic Phase Transformation

Movchan A., Dumanskii S.


Problems of the stability of a shape memory alloy rod during the direct martensitic phase transformation under constant compressive loading are solved taking into account the effect of stresses on the phase transition and the effect of the phase transition on the temperature regime using various statements. A comparison of the results of the obtained solutions is made.

Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics. 2018;59(4):716-723
pages 716-723 views

Acoustic Scanning of Damaged Pipelines in Soil

Shagapov V., Galiakbarova E., Khusainov I., Khakimova Z.


The dynamics of a pulsed signal propagating in an underground pipeline with a damaged section is investigated. Pressure waves propagating in a linear pipeline filled with a fluid are considered. Due to viscous friction and thermal conductivity, dissipation is taken into account in a thin liquid or gas layer near the wall. It is assumed that the damaged pipeline section is a reflecting surface. Conditions on this surfaces are obtained under the assumption that the rate of liquid leakage during wave propagation through the damaged section is determined by the permeability of the soil. It is shown that in weakly permeable soils, signals do not provide full information on damage, and in well-permeable soils, only short (high-frequency) pulsed signals can be used to detect damage.

Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics. 2018;59(4):724-732
pages 724-732 views

Acoustic Wave Propagation Through a Plate Fixed on a Rigid Frame Via Elastic Spacers and Located Between Two Barriers

Paimushin V., Gazizullin R.


The propagation of a stationary acoustic wave through an infinite thin plate stiffened on two sides by a system of absolutely rigid, crossed ribs and located between two absolutely rigid barriers. It is assumed that the plate and the ribs evenly distributed along rectangular Cartesian axes are connected through elastic spacers (supports) without slip. The dynamic deformation of the plate is described by the linearized Kirchhoff–Love equations of the classical theory of plates, the dynamic deformation of the spacers is described by two-dimensional and one-dimensional relations based on linear approximations of displacements of points of the coating and spacers along the thickness and taking into account only transverse compression and transverse shear, and the motion of acoustic media by the well-known wave equations. The solution of the problem is obtained using the Ritz method. The constructed solution was used to investigate how the physico-mechanical and geometric parameters of the mechanical system and the frequency of acoustic waves incident on the plate influence the sound-insulating parameters and the stress–strain state of the plate.

Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics. 2018;59(4):733-746
pages 733-746 views

Nonlinear Parametric Vibrations of a Longitudinally Stiffened Orthotropic Cylindrical Shell with a Filler

Latifov F., Mehdiyev M.


The problem of parametric vibrations of a longitudinally stiffened orthotropic cylindrical shell in contact with an elastic medium and under internal pressure is solved in a geometrically nonlinear formulation using the variational principle. The influence of the external medium is taken into account using the Pasternak model. Amplitude–frequency curves for parametric vibrations of the stiffened orthotropic cylindrical shell filled the medium are constructed.

Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics. 2018;59(4):747-754
pages 747-754 views

Determination of the Boundary Conditions for String Fastening Using Natural Vibration Frequencies in a Medium with a Variable Asymmetric Elasticity Coefficient

Utyashev I., Akhtyamov A.


This paper considers the inverse problem of identifying the boundary conditions for the problem of vibrations of a string in an elastic external medium, whose elasticity coefficient is described by an asymmetric potential. It is shown that, in contrast to the case of a symmetric potential, the boundary conditions can be uniquely identified, but this requires the use of three, rather than two, natural vibration frequencies. Cases are considered in which unique identification based on two natural frequencies is possible. Methods for determining the boundary conditions using two and three natural frequencies are proposed. The error of the methods is analyzed.

Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics. 2018;59(4):755-761
pages 755-761 views

Effect of Strain Rate of High-Strength Sheet Steels on Their Strain Fracture Under Uniaxial and Biaxial Loading

Kosenkov V.


This paper describes an experimental study of the strain rate of DP780, DP980, and VN240 high-strength sheet steels on an increase in their plasticity under uniaxial and biaxial tension. The strain rates of the steels vary in the range from 10−4 to 17 · 103 s−1.

Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics. 2018;59(4):762-764
pages 762-764 views

Effect of a Nanofiller Structure on the Degree of Reinforcement of Polymer–Carbon Nanotube Nanocomposites with the Use of a Percolation Model

Kozlov G., Dolbin I.


Fractal analysis methods are used to construct a model describing the effect of a nanofiller structure (carbon nanotubes) on the structure of a nanocomposite as a whole and its mechanical properties. It is shown that an increase in the fractal dimension of carbon nanotubes, which are ring-like formations in a polymer matrix, or their compaction can increase the elasticity modulus of the nanocomposites. It is determined that a significant effect on the mentioned properties of nanocomposites is produced by the spatial structure of carbon nanotubes.

Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics. 2018;59(4):765-769
pages 765-769 views