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Том 60, № 7 (2019)


Phenomenological Simulation of the Phase and Structural Deformation in Shape Memory Alloys. One-Dimensional Case

Tikhomirova K.


Structural elements made of shape memory alloys (SMAs) undergo cooling/heating and stresses changing in value and direction during operation. As a result, phase and structural transformations, which are accompanied by the shape memory effect, cross hardening and martensitic inelasticity, occur in a material. Moreover, a change in the stresses causes a shift in the phase-transition temperatures, and forward and reverse phase transitions are possible during an isothermal increase or decrease in the load (superelasticity phenomenon). The purpose of this work is to develop a phenomenological model in terms of a general approach to take into account these phenomena, since they substantially affect the state of stress in a construction. This model is based on the relation between forward transformation and martensitic inelasticity diagrams, which implies a general description of the strains of phase and structural transformations. This approach seems to be useful, since both strain components are caused by the formation of oriented martensite. A set of series-connected martensitic structural elements, each of which has a specific structural transformation limit (initial stress), is introduced into consideration. This limit depends on the conditions of appearance of an element during a phase transition and the subsequent deformation history. This approach can take into account the influence of, first, phase deformation and structural deformation on each other and, second, the deformation history on the subsequent transformation. To demonstrate the possibilities of the model, we solve the problem of joint deformation of a stack of SMA rods, which illustrates the evolution of the state of stress in the system during the simultaneous phase and structural transformations induced by an external thermomechanical action.

Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics. 2019;60(7):1149-1161
pages 1149-1161 views

Shear Banding of a Fluid Flow with a Nonmonotonic Dependence of the Flow Stress on the Strain Rate

Kuznetsova Y., Skul’skiy O.


The problem of an enforced fluid flow in a flat channel with the counter motion of one of the walls was considered. The fluid was characterized by a nonmonotonic flow curve consisting of three segments; a left segment (an ascending branch), a middle segment (a descending branch), and a right segment (an ascending branch). The rheological properties of the fluid were described by the modified Vmogradov-Pokrovsky model. The constants of the model were determined using the results of rheological tests of a high-density polyethylene melt performed with a laser Doppler viscometer. All exact analytical solutions of this problem were obtained in a parametric form for the one-dimensional case. The profiles of the velocity, effective viscosity, and velocity gradient along the channel height are constructed for different values of the parameters of the rheological model. Three solutions exist for the same given stress field in the range of shear rates corresponding to the middle branch of the flow curve. One of them is unstable and physically unrealizable, while the other two solutions are stable; however, the loading prehistory determines which of them is observed. The solution corresponding to the left branch is monotonic, while the solution corresponding to the right branch of the curve demonstrates the flow stratification into “bands” with different strain rates and different physical and mechanical properties. At the same time, the dependence of the effective viscosity on the strain rate, which is a monotonically decreasing function, allows its representation in the form of an exponential series. The same pressure-flow problem is solved in the two-dimensional formulation by the finite-element method using the semiweak Galerkin formulation and an approximation function for the viscosity. The comparison of the numerical results and the analytical solution shows that they are similar with a sufficient degree of accuracy. In both cases, as the counter pressure difference approaches zero, a limiting transition to the Couette flow is impossible.

Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics. 2019;60(7):1162-1174
pages 1162-1174 views

Simulation of the Response of Microferrogel to External Magnetic Field

Ryzhkov A., Raikher Y.


A coarse-grained molecular dynamics method is used to investigate a. microferrogel (MFG); a. small polymer object containing nanoparticles of magnetoactive filler. Despite the fact that an applied magnetic field acts directly on only the nanoparticles, structural and mechanical changes occur throughout the entire composite system due to the coupling between these particles and the polymer. The study of these changes is important in view of widely discussed prospects of using MFGs as field-controlled microcontainers for delivering bioactive substances or drugs. In this work, a. numerical model is proposed and realized, which enables one to perform a. detailed analysis of stationary states of an MFG suspended in a. neutral solvent. The effect of concentration of particles and their magnetic characteristics (magnetic moment magnitude, degree of uniaxial magnetic anisotropy, and interparticle dipolar coupling parameter) on the structure formation in the absence of an external magnetic field and under its influence is investigated. It is shown that the chain-like clusters are in fact the only type of aggregates arising in MFG. However, their effect on the polymer subsystem depends strongly on the type of magnetic anisotropy and on the magnetic phase concentration. This, in turn, entails different scenarios of the mechanical response of MFG and, in particular, differently affects the change in the amount of solvent present in the sample.

Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics. 2019;60(7):1175-1183
pages 1175-1183 views

Separation of Binary Alloys in Thin Capillaries

Demin V., Mizev A., Petukhov M.


A direct numerical simulation of the process of binary alloy separation in a thin nonuniformly heated circular capillary is carried out. The key point of this process is the assumption of the existence of a thin gas layer between the melt and the boundary of the reservoir due to the non-wetting conditions. This effect was described using the equations of interphase hydrodynamics, which made it possible to construct a phenomenological model of the processes at the melt-solid interface for mixtures of liquid metals. The problem was solved by the finite difference method in combination with an explicit scheme on the PGNIU-Kepler supercomputer at the Research and Education Center “Parallel and Distributed Computing” of the Perm State National Research University. The velocity and temperature fields, as well as the concentration of melt components in the bulk and on the surface, were determined through numerical simulation. The dynamics of the separation process is described. It is shown that the longitudinal temperature gradient and the non-wetting conditions on the lateral surface create a downward motion of the melt along the boundary, which, together with the adsorption and desorption effects, leads to the formation of volumetric nonuniformity of the concentration of the mixture components along the capillary. The experimentally observed time dependence of the difference in the volume concentrations of the components at the ends of the capillary is reproduced. The distribution of volume concentrations of the components and the surface phase along the capillary is analyzed at various values of the adsorption and desorption coefficients and the Marangoni number. The dependence of the concentration difference for the melt components at the ends of the capillary as function of its length is studied. It is found that the separation effect intensifies with an increase in the capillary length. A qualitative and quantitative comparison of most of the characteristics demonstrates a good correlation of the calculation results with the data previously obtained for the plane problem and the available experimental data. A numerical experiment shows that the motion in the surface layer is rather intense. The heavy component is transported by the convective flow to the lower part of the capillary so that its concentration increases by almost an order of magnitude on 1/8 of the capillary surface.

Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics. 2019;60(7):1184-1196
pages 1184-1196 views

Estimation of the Possibility to Equalize the Fluid Temperature in a Hydrolevelling System by Mixing

Lekomtsev S., Tsvetkov R.


Measurement systems that are based on the hydrostatic leveling method under ideal conditions allow one to determine vertical displacements with accuracy on the order of a micron. Heterogeneous and time-varying environmental conditions have a significant effect on the measurement error. One method to increase the accuracy of results is to equalize the temperature of the fluid in the hydrostatic level by mixing the liquid inside it before taking measurements. In this paper, the possibility to perform this operation by forced circulation of the fluid is estimated. For this purpose, a model problem of the circulation flow created by a pump in a simplified analog of the hydrostatic level with allowance for the heat transfer through the hose wall is solved. The fluid dynamics is described by the Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes equations which are closed by the Menter shear stress transport model. The analytically obtained estimates of heat transfer coefficients on the lateral surface of the hose are refined based on experiments at two values of the flow rate of water flowing through the pipe. The evolution of the temperature field is found from the numerical solution of the coupled heat transfer problem by the finite volume method. In a test example, in which two parts of the hydrostatic level are located in areas with markedly different temperature, the spatial inhomogeneity of the temperature field at different times is calculated. The mixing time sufficient to achieve a temperature distribution close to the homogeneous distribution of the flowing fluid in the hose at different volumes of the mixer joint with the hydrostatic level is determined. The proposed approach can be used under real external conditions for the selection of optimal operation parameters: the pump flow rate, mixing time, and mixing tank volume. The temperature field obtained in the calculation can serve as a basis for estimating the achievable accuracy of the measurement system.

Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics. 2019;60(7):1197-1208
pages 1197-1208 views

Mathematical Modeling of Failure Process of AlMg2.5 Alloy in High and Very High Cycle Fatigue

Bilalov D., Bayandin Y., Naimark O.


Prediction of the endurance limit in the high and very high cycle loading range (102−1010) is an important problem in aircraft engine construction and high-speed rail transport. It involves the development of models and their experimental verification taking into account damage evolution stages and fatigue crack growth in a damaged medium. A damage evolution model that takes into account the kinetics of defects and microplasticity effects was proposed. The model was used to study the process of fatigue failure of an AlMg2.5 structural alloy. The model parameters were identified and verified using experimental data on static, dynamic, and fatigue loading, as well as tests at various temperatures. The numerical results were used to construct the Wöhler curve, which was found to agree well with experimental data in the range of high cycle fatigue. The duality effect of the S-N curve was described. A computational experiment was performed to study the effect of dynamic loading on the fatigue strength. It was found that the fatigue limit depends weakly on the preliminary dynamic strain, which was confirmed by experimental data. Various mathematical packages and numerical methods for solving the constructed system of differential equations were compared. The Adams method and its modifications were shown to be optimal for the numerical integration of the problem under consideration. Wolfram Mathematica was found to be a preferred software package for numerical solution. The convergence of the numerical solution was investigated.

Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics. 2019;60(7):1209-1219
pages 1209-1219 views

Influence of Hydrodynamic Regimes on Mixing of Waters of Confluent Rivers

Lyubimova T., Lepikhin A., Parshakova Y., Gualtieri C., Lane S., Roux B.


At present, a significant weakening of the intensity of transverse mixing at the confluence of large rivers, which is observed in a number of cases, is widely discussed. Since the observed features of the confluence of large watercourses are not only of research interest but also of significant economic importance associated with the characteristics of water management at these water bodies, a large number of works are devoted to their study. Water resources management requires measures for the organization of water use which can be rational only under the understanding of processes occurring in water basins. To explain the phenomenon of suppression of the transverse mixing, which is interesting and important from the point of view of ecology, a wide range of hypotheses is proposed, up to the negation of turbulence in rivers. One of the possible mechanisms for explaining the suppression of transversal mixing can be the presence of transverse circulation manifesting itself as Prandtl’s secondary flows of the second kind. The characteristic velocity of these circulation flows is very small and difficult to measure directly by instruments; however, in our opinion, they can significantly complicate the transverse mixing at the confluence. The proposed hypothesis is tested in computational experiments in the framework of the three-dimensional formulation for dimensions of a real water object at the mouth of the Vishera River where it meets the Kama. Calculations demonstrate that, at sufficiently large flow rates, the two waters practically do not mix in the horizontal direction throughout the depth over long distances from the confluence. It has been found that a two-vortex flow is formed downstream the confluence, which just attenuates the mixing; the fluid motion in the vortices is such that, near the free surface, the fluid moves from the banks to the middle of the riverbed.

Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics. 2019;60(7):1220-1227
pages 1220-1227 views

Secondary Convection Regimes in a Fluid with a Temperature-Dependent Viscosity in a Plane Vertical Layer

Lyubimova T.


In this work, secondary convection regimes in a. fluid with a. viscosity linearly dependent on temperature, enclosed between two vertical parallel planes heated to different temperatures, are studied. The boundaries of the layer were considered hard and perfectly heat-conducting. The problem was solved numerically by the finite difference method. Calculations were carried out for Prandtl numbers equal to one and twenty. In the first case, in a. fluid with constant viscosity, the loss of stability of the main flow is related to the development of hydrodynamic perturbations, which comprise motionless vortices at the boundary of the counter flows. In the second case, the instability of the main flow is caused by oscillatory perturbations, which comprise thermal waves. Dependences of the Nus-selt number on the Grashof number and data on the structure of the secondary flows are obtained. It is found that, if the Prandtl number is equal to unity, the Nusselt number monotonically increases with the Grashof number and, near the instability threshold of the main flow, it increases according to the root law; i.e., the secondary flow arises softly. The secondary structures look like drifting vortices at the boundary of counter flows, which, after a. transient process, leads to the establishment of steady oscillations of the heat flux. At a. Prandtl number of twenty, the relationship of the Nusselt number with the Grashof number is nonmonotonic; the curve contains sections in which the Nusselt number is equal to unity and sections in which the Nusselt number increases/decreases with increasing Grashof number. This behavior is explained by the fact that, for the Prandtl number equal to twenty, there are two instability modes; oscillatory and monotonic, and the region of increasing oscillatory perturbations with a. fixed wavenumber is bounded both above and below.

Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics. 2019;60(7):1228-1236
pages 1228-1236 views

Turbulent Convection of Liquid Sodium in an Inclined Cylinder of Unit Aspect Ratio

Mandrykin S., Teimurazov A.


Turbulent convection of liquid sodium (Prandtl number Pr = 0.0093) in a cylinder of unit aspect ratio, heated at one end face and cooled at the other, is studied numerically. The flow regimes with inclination angles β = 0°, 20°, 40°, 70° with respect to the vertical are considered. The Rayleigh number is 1.5 × 107 . Three-dimensional nonstationary simulations allow one to get instant and average characteristics of the process and to study temperature pulsation fields. A mathematical model is based on the Boussinesq equations for thermogravitational convection with use of the LES (large-eddy simulations) approach for small-scale turbulence modeling. Simulations were carried out with a nonuniform numerical grid consisting of 2.9 × 106 nodes. It is shown that the flow structure strongly depends on β. The large-scale circulation (LSC) exists in the cylinder at any β. Under moderate inclination (β = 20°), the strong oscillations of the LSC orientation angle with dominant frequency are observed. Increasing the inclination up to 40° leads to stabilization of the large-scale flow and there is no dominant frequency of oscillations in this case. It is shown that more intensive temperature pulsations occur at small cylinder inclinations. At any β the regions with intensive pulsations are concentrated in the areas along low and upper cylinder faces. The maximum values of pulsations occur in the area close to lateral walls, where hot and cold fluid flows collide. The intensity of temperature pulsations decreases with increasing distance from the lateral walls. The Reynolds number which characterizes the total energy of the flow reaches its maximum value at β = 20° and then decreases with increasing β. The mean flow has maximum intensity at β = 40°. Turbulent velocity pulsation energy decreases monotonically with increasing inclination angle. It is shown that the inclination leads to an increase in heat transfer along the cylinder axis. The Nusselt number at β = 40° is 26% higher than that in the vertical cylinder.

Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics. 2019;60(7):1237-1248
pages 1237-1248 views

Analysis of the Spatial Vibrations of Coaxial Cylindrical Shells Partially Filled with a Fluid

Bochkarev S., Lekomtsev S., Senin A.


This paper is devoted to a numerical study of the natural vibrations of horizontally oriented elastic coaxial shells the annular gap between which is completely or partially filled with a compressible viscous fluid. The problem is solved in a three-dimensional formulation using the finite element method. The fluid motion is described in the acoustic approximation in terms of the velocity potential. The relevant equations together with the boundary conditions corresponding to complete contact on the wetted surfaces are transformed using the Bubnov-Galerkin method. The hydrodynamic forces are found from the viscous stress tensor. The mathematical formulation of the problem of thin-walled structure dynamics is based on the variational principle of virtual displacements that includes the normal and tangential components of the forces exerted by the fluid on the wetted parts of elastic bodies. The shells are modeled by assuming that their curvilinear surfaces are approximated quite accurately by a set of plane elements whose strains are determined according to the classical theory of thin plates. The results obtained have been validated by comparing them with the known published data for the case where the entire volume of the annular gap is filled with an ideal fluid. The influence of the fluid level and gap size on the natural frequencies and the corresponding vibration modes of coaxial shells with a variety of boundary conditions is estimated. It is demonstrated that partial filling leads to a splitting of the natural vibration frequencies, with a decrease in the fluid volume promoting the growth of their minimum values. It is shown that at some gap size mixed vibration modes can appear not only in the meridional direction, but also in the circumferential one.

Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics. 2019;60(7):1249-1263
pages 1249-1263 views

Modeling of the Marangoni Instability of Uniform Diffusion through an Interface in Weightlessness Conditions

Birikh R., Denisova M., Kostarev K.


The surfactant diffusion through the vertical interface in a system of two immiscible liquids filling a horizontal channel has been studied in a two-dimensional formulation. The densities of the base liquids were initially set equal to the surfactant density. Therefore, all the subsequent density variations in the system are determined only by the contraction effect. Under nonunifrom diffusion the interfacial tension is a function of the local surfactant concentration, which gives rise to Marangoni convection. Since there are uncontrolled surface-active impurities in the system, the capillary motion is initiated in a threshold manner. It is shown that at the initial stage, despite the presence of gravity, the Marangoni convection is in the form of a series of periodically emerging paired vortices located symmetrically relative to the channel axis (as in weightlessness conditions). As the vertical density difference in the channel increases, the number of vortex pairs is reduced to one. A full-scale experiment, during which the structure of the flows and surfactant concentration fields near the interface was visualized, has been performed to verify the results of numerical simulations. The dynamics of the oscillatory mode of convection has been studied. The results of the numerical and full-scale experiments have been shown to be in qualitative agreement. The pattern of the surfactant concentration fields and stream functions in the channel as well as the time dependence of the maximum value of the stream function are presented for several values of the Marangoni and Grashof numbers. It has been found that at sufficiently large Marangoni numbers (Ma ≥ 50 000) the diffusion process gives rise to instability in the system of immiscible liquids and a soluble surfactant, provided that their densities are equal, even in the absence of contraction.

Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics. 2019;60(7):1264-1277
pages 1264-1277 views

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