Unique ore-silicate pegmatite of monchepluton with high contents of Ni, Cu and PGE (Murmansk region)




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At the beginning of the 60s of the last century at the Nittis-Kumuzhya-Travyanaya (NKT) ore vein field of the Northern Chamber of Monchepluton (Kola Peninsula), was discovered a large body of funnel-shaped ore pegmatite, composed of Cu-Ni sulfide ores and a gabbronorite matrix. In terms of localization conditions, its size, structure, enrichment in sulfides and PGE, it is a unique formation that has no analogues among other layered complexes of the Paleoproterozoic age of the Fennoscandian shield. Ore pegmatite occurs in the upper part of the layered zone of Nittis mont., composed of harzburgites and orthopyroxenites. Its horizontal size is 9 × 16 m, vertical – 15 m. Three zones are distinguished in the structure of the body: I – core of continuous sulfides, II – coarse- and giant-grained gabbronorites, enriched in interstitial sulfides, and III – contact zone with sideronite sulfides with gradual transitions into host orthopyroxenites. Petro- and geochemical, mineralogical and isotope studies of rocks and ores were performed using modern analysis methods. Ore pegmatite is most recent product in the processes of fractional crystallization of a magmatic melt, which separated in the form of a large schlier with a sulfide core and a silicate matrix with a high concentration of fluids. The hypsometric level of melt stop was determined by the equilibrium of the internal pressure of the volatiles and the external pressure of the overlying rocks. The δ18O values (+4.9–+6.1‰) are close to mantle marks (δ18O = +5.7‰) and correspond to basic igneous rocks. In the history of the formation of the ore pegmatite, early magmatic, late- and post-magmatic stages of mineral formation with a consistent increase in the role of fluid components (H2O, CO2, Cl, F) are distinguished. According to the results of calculations performed using various mineral geothermometers, crystallization of the melt at the magmatic stage occurred in the range of ~1100–900оC at a pressure of about 5 kbar. At temperatures of 1100–1000оC, separation (liquation) of the immiscible sulfide liquid began. As the temperature drop, the main silicate minerals (clino- and orthopyroxenes, plagioclase) initially crystallized, in the interstices of which residual melt and sulfide liquid enriched in PGE, Au, Ag and chalcophile elements (As, Sn, Sb, Te, Bi) accumulated, Pb, Zn). A late magmatic association (pargasite, magnesian hornblende and phlogopite) was formed from the residual melt. When the sulfide liquid cooled at a temperature of ~1000оC and below, a copper-containing a monosulfide solid solution (Mss) separated from it. As a result of its solid-phase transformations, pyrrhotite, pentlandite, chalcopyrite, precious metal minerals and an intermediate solid solution (Iss) were formed, which at temperatures below 550оC successively decomposed into chalcopyrite, pyrrhotite and cubanite. The dominant PGE minerals are: maychenerite PdBiTe, sobolevskite Pd(Bi,Te) frudite PdBi2, merenskite PdTe2 and moncheite PtTe2. Au and Ag minerals are represented by electrum (AuAg) and hessite (Ag2Te). A rare mineral in nature – servelleite (Ag4TeS) – has been discovered. The Pd content in ore pegmatite varies in the range (64.13–0.09 ppm), Pt – (2.70–0.004 ppm). The ore potential of Monchepluton is far from being exhausted, therefore, elucidating the genetic features of the origin of ore pegmatites and their connection with copper-nickel mineralization is not only petrological, but also of important practical significance, including to develop search signs on the vein type of PGE–Cu–Ni ores.




D. Orsoev

Dobretsov Geological Institute of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences

Email: magma@ginst.ru
俄罗斯联邦, st. Sakhyanova, 6a, Ulan-Ude, 670047

V. Smolkin

Vernadsky State Geological Museum of Russian Academy of Sciences

Email: v.smolkin@sgm.ru
俄罗斯联邦, Mokhovaya str., 11, build. 11, Moscow, 125009

A. Mekhonoshin

Vinogradov Geochemistry Institute of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences

Email: mekhonos@igc.irk.ru
俄罗斯联邦, st. Favorskogo, 1a, Irkutsk, 664033


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2. Fig. 1. Panorama of the Nittis, Kumuzhya and Travyanaya (NKT) mountains (a), diagram of the geological structure of the Northern Chamber of Monchepluton (b) and geological section along line I–II (c). (b, c): 1 – harzburgites (a) and rocks of the near-bottom zone of the NKT (b); 2 – interbedding of harzburgites, olivine orthopyroxenites and orthopyroxenites; 3 – orthopyroxenites; 4 – dunites, plagiodunites and chromite ores of the “Dunite Block”; 5 – dikes of metagabbro, melanonorites and orthopyroxenites; 6 – gabbronorites, anorthosites of the Monchetundra massif; 7 – blastoclasites after gabbroids; 8 – plagioortopyroxenites; 9 – melanonorites; 10 – ore layer “330” of Sopchi mountain; 11 – sulphide veins of ore fields of NKT and Sopchi mountain; 12 – disseminated ores of “Bottom deposit” of NKT; 13 – volcanics of basic and acid composition of Arvarench mountain; 14 – diorites, granodiorites and gneisses of Archean complexes; 15 – tectonic faults; 16 – location of shaft #4 at Nittis mountain. According to data of (Stratified …, 2004a) with author’s changes.

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3. Fig. 2. Examples of the location of sulfide PGE-Cu-Ni mineralization in the bodies of ore pegmatites occurring in the NKT vein field (a), and a vertical section of the body of the studied ore pegmatite in the west-east direction (b). (a): 1 - continuous sulfides; 2 - gabbronorite-pegmatites; 3 - host rocks, orthopyroxenites. Arbitrary scale. (b): 1 - continuous sulfides (zone I); 2 - coarse- and giant-grained rocks with large pockets and dissemination of sulfides (zone II); 3 - transition of gabbronorite-pegmatite with dissemination of sulfides into orthopyroxenite (zone III); 4 - host rocks, orthopyroxenite; 5 - upper boundary of the adit. Horizontal lines are elevation marks. According to data: (a) (Sharkov, 2006), (b) (Kozlov et al., 1962) with modifications.

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4. Fig. 3. Textures of ore pegmatite. a – polished sample of giant-grained ore pegmatite with large sulfide segregations in the interstices of silicate mineral crystals (zone II). Pinkish-yellow and white colors – sulfides, dark gray – ortho- and clinopyroxene crystals, light gray – plagioclase. Sample from the collection of the Museum of the Geological Institute of the Kola Science Center of the Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Apatity). b – sketch of a section of the continuous sulfide zone (zone I). The matrix is ​​composed of pyrrhotite (Po) with porphyry-like segregations of pentlandite (Pn), inclusions of euhedral grains of orthopyroxene (Opx), clinopyroxene (Cpx) and chalcopyrite veinlets (Ccp).

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5. Fig. 4. Relationships of minerals in an ore pegmatite. Electron microscope, backscattered electron (BSE) image. a – thin plates of orthopyroxene (Opx) in clinopyroxene (Cpx), sample 38-2; b – development of actinolite (Akt) together with sulfides along cleavage planes of clinopyroxene (Cpx); c – segregations of plagioclase (Pl-1) with sulfides in the intergranular space of orthopyroxene (Opx) crystals, sulfides are observed in chlorite-carbonate veinlets; d – area of ​​autometasomatic alteration composed of Pl-2, epidote (Ep) and cubanite (Cbn) in early plagioclase (Pl-1); d – phlogopite (Phl) laths in association with Pl-2, apatite (Ap), pyrrhotite (Po), pentlandite (Pn) and chalcopyrite (Ccp); e – area of ​​phlogopite (Phl) and pargasite (Prg) development; g – pargasite (Prg) rim along the boundary between sulfides and Pl-1; h – garnet (Grt) segregations along the edges of Pl-1 crystal at the contact with pyrrhotite (Po) and pentlandite (Pn); i – apatite (Ap) crystal with inclusions of albite (Ab), magnesiotaramite (Mtm), chalcopyrite (Ccp) and a rim of magnetite (Mag) at the contact with pyrrhotite (Po). Mineral symbols after (Whitney, Evans, 2010). a, b, c – sample 38-2; g – arr. 38-5; d, and – arr. 38-13; f, g, h – 38-7.

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6. Fig. 5. Petrochemical variation diagrams (a–g) and diagrams of the ratios of Cr (g) and Sr (d) concentrations relative to MgO for the ore pegmatite and rocks of the layered NKT series. 1, 2 – harzburgites; 3, 4 – olivine orthopyroxenites; 5, 6 – orthopyroxenites; 7, 8 – rocks of the ore pegmatite (7 – orthopyroxenites, 8 – gabbronorites); 1, 3, 5 – according to (Karykowski et al., 2018); 2, 4, 6 – according to (Smol’kin, Mokrushin, 2022); 7, 8 – according to the authors’ data. Opx – orthopyroxene, Cpx – clinopyroxene, Pl – plagioclase. Field of rock composition of I–II megacycles of the Northern Chamber according to (Smol’kin, Mokrushin, 2022). Dashed arrows indicate rock differentiation trends.

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7. Fig. 6. Distribution spectra of rare earth (a) and rare elements (b) normalized to chondrite (C1) and primitive mantle (PM) according to (McDonough, Sun, 1995) for ore pegmatite. For sample numbers and rock names, see Table 4. For orthopyroxenites and harzburgites of the layered NKT series, average contents calculated from analytical data (Karykowski et al., 2018; Smol’kin, Mokrushin, 2022) were used.

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8. Fig. 7. Binary diagrams reflecting the relationship between the concentrations of rare elements: Zr–Nb, V–Y, Gd–Yb and La–Ce for the ore pegmatite and host orthopyroxenites. 1 – gabbronorites of zone II and 2 – coarse-grained orthopyroxenites of zone III of the ore pegmatite; 3 – host orthopyroxenites according to data (Karykowski et al., 2018; Smol’kin, Mokrushin, 2022).

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9. Fig. 8. Diagrams reflecting the relationship between the contents of ore-forming components (Ni, Cu, Co, S) and noble metals in the ore pegmatite. a – (Ni + Cu + Co)–S; b – Pd/Pt–Ni/Cu; (c) – Pt–Pd; (d) – (Pd + Pt)-Au. 1 – iron-nickel and 2 – copper varieties of ores in the ore pegmatite; 3 – vein and 4 – disseminated ores of the NKT ore field according to (Glotov, Orsoev, 1996); 5 – host orthopyroxenites with sulfide disseminated ores according to (Karykowski et al., 2018).

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10. Fig. 9. Distribution spectra of Ni, Cu, PGE and Au contents in “100% sulfide” normalized to chondrite C1 according to (McDonough, Sun, 1995). a – ore pegmatite (see Table 6 for sample numbers and rock names); b – ores of the NKT ore field: 1 – host orthopyroxenites with sulfide dissemination (average n = 3), 2 – disseminated ores of the “Bottom deposit” (average n = 2) and 3 – vein ores (average n = 2). In addition to the authors’ data, the following data were used (Glotov, Orsoev, 1996; Karykowski et al., 2018).

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11. Fig. 10. Distribution spectra of chalcophile elements in ore pegmatite, normalized to the primitive mantle (PM) according to (McDonough, Sun, 1995), which can form compounds with PGE, Au and Ag. The elements are arranged in order of increasing atomic radius. For sample numbers and names of rocks and ores, see Table 6.

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12. Fig. 11. Binary diagrams reflecting the relationship between the contents of noble metals, chalcophile and siderophile elements for ore pegmatite. a – (Pd + Pt)–(Bi + Te); b – (Pd + Pt)–(Sb + As); c – Au–Ag; (d) – S–Re; (d) – Ni–Re; (e) – Mo–Re. 1 – iron-nickel and 2 – copper varieties of ores.

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13. Fig. 12. Morphology of noble metal minerals in the ore pegmatite. Electron microscope image in the backscattered electron (BSE) mode. a – cervellite (Crv) and intergrowth of michenerite (Mch) with hessite (Hes) in chalcopyrite (Cсp) in the area of ​​chlorite (Chl) development; b – individual grain of michenerite (Mch) at the boundary of chalcopyrite (Cсp) with pyrrhotite (Po) and pentlandite (Pn); lamellar exsolution structures are observed in pyrrhotite; c – several grains of frudite (Frd) in association with chalcopyrite (Cсp) in the area of ​​amphibole (Amp) and late plagioclase (Pl-2) development. g – sobolevskite (Sbl) segregations in the area of ​​amphibole (Amp) and late plagioclase (Pl-2) development; d – sobolevskite (Sbl) and mocheite (Mnch) intergrowth in plagioclase (Pl-1) with a veinlet of garnet (Grt), amphibole (Amp) and pyrrhotite (Po); e – veinlet-like segregation of electrum (AuAg) in late plagioclase (Pl-1) with an area of ​​phlogopite (Phl) development. Mineral symbols according to (Whitney, Evans, 2010). a – sample 38-2, b, d – sample 38-7; c, d, e – sample 38-1.

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14. Fig. 13. Compositional relationships between coexisting rock-forming minerals of the ore pegmatite. a – clinopyroxene (Cpx)–orthopyroxene (Cpx); b – orthopyroxene (Opx)–plagioclase (Pl-1); c – amphibole (Amp-1)–biotite (Bt); d – Cr–Mg# in orthopyroxene. 1 – rocks of the ore pegmatite; 2 – harzburgites and 3 – orthopyroxenites according to (Karykowski et al., 2018).

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15. Fig. 14. Position of the ore pegmatite ore composition, recalculated to “100% sulfide”, on the experimental Fe–Ni–S and binary Fe–Cu diagrams. a – fragment of the experimental ternary diagram Fe–Ni–S at 850°C according to (Sugaki, Kitakaze, 1998); gray field – region of existence of monosulfide solid solution (Mss); lilac field – region of existence of sulfide melt (L1), L2 – liquid sulfur, hpn – high-temperature pentlandite, vs – vaesite, α and γ – structural varieties of Fe–Ni alloys; b – Fe–Cu diagram; 1 – iron-nickel and 2 – copper varieties of ores.

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