Dynamics of Rye Translocations Frequency in Russian Common Wheat Triticum aestivum L. Cultivars



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The widespread using 1RS/1BL and 1RS/1AL translocation cultivars in wheat breeding was due to their high complex resistance provided by genes on 1RS chromosomes. Numerous data on the emergence of new virulent pathogen races that caused the loss of protective properties by genes on 1RS make it relevant to analyse the prospects for using both rye translocations in modern breeding programs. The use of various genetic sources of the 1RS rye chromosome in introgressive hybridization poses the problem of studying the diversity of 1RS linkage groups. We have studied the rye translocations dynamics in 240 genotypes of the wheat cultivars from 3 breeding centers of the Russian Federation. Multiple alleles of storage protein genes specific for 1RS were used to mark 1RS. The effectiveness of 1RS resistance genes to a number of pathogens, in particular to powdery mildew and stem rust, has been established. The grain quality dynamics of the 1RS/1BL cultivars has been traced. A statistically significant grain quality improvement of winter wheat cultivars since the 2000s has been confirmed. The spring cultivars quality does not depend on the presence of rye translocations in the genotypes. Accumulation of cultivars with TR:1RS/1BL observed in all three centers. A high allelic diversity of the secalin coding locus on 1RS chromosome was shown. However, all cultivars with rye translocations, regardless of 1RS origin, carried the same allele. Possible reasons for this uniformity are discussed. Translocation 1RS/1AL was not detected in the studied cultivars. Possible reasons are discussed.

Sobre autores

А. Fisenko

Vavilov Institute of General Genetics, Russian Academy of Sciences

Autor responsável pela correspondência
Email: fisenko800@mail.ru
Russia, 119991, Moscow

О. Lyapunova

Vavilov All-Russian Institute of Plant Genetic Resources (VIR)

Email: dragova@mail.ru
Russia, 190000, St. Petersburg

Е. Zuev

Vavilov All-Russian Institute of Plant Genetic Resources (VIR)

Email: dragova@mail.ru
Russia, 190000, St. Petersburg

А. Novoselskaya-Dragovich

Vavilov Institute of General Genetics, Russian Academy of Sciences

Autor responsável pela correspondência
Email: dragova@mail.ru
Russia, 119991, Moscow


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Declaração de direitos autorais © А.В. Фисенко, О.А. Ляпунова, Е.В. Зуев, А.Ю. Новосельская-Драгович, 2023

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