Comparison of Halophyte and Glycophyte Plants from the Amaranthaceae-Chenopodiaceae Family in Their Ion-Exchange Properties of Polymeric Matrix of Cell Walls




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Ion-exchanging properties of the polymeric matrix of the cell walls isolated from leaves were examined. The glycophyte 55-day-old plants of spinach (Spinacia oleracea L., cv. Matador) grown on a nutrient solution containing 0.5, 150, or 250 mM NaCl and the halophyte seepweed (Suaeda altissima (L.) Pall.) of the same age grown at 0.5, 250, or 750 mM NaCl were compared. The ion-exchange capacity of the cell walls was estimated at different pH and ionic strength of a solution. In the structure of the leaf cell walls, three types of cation-exchange groups were found, namely, two types of carboxylic groups (one of them belongs to galacturonic acid residue) and phenolic OH-groups. The quantities of the groups of each type and their ionization constants were determined. The qualitative composition of the ion-exchange groups in the leaf cell walls was found to be uniform in both plant species regardless of their nutrition. However, the quantity of the carboxylic groups of galacturonic acid depended on the ambient salt concentration in a different manner in the glycophyte and halophyte. This change in the composition of functional groups of cell wall polymers was more pronounced in the halophyte and is apparently one of the responses of these plants to salinization. The sharp increase in the NaCl concentration in the medium leads to a decrease in pH in the extracellular water space due to ion-exchange reactions between sodium ions coming from the external medium and protons of the ionized carboxylic groups of the cell walls. The results are discussed in the aspect of participation of the leaf cell walls in plant responses to salinization.


N. Meychik

Faculty of Biology, Moscow State University

119234, Moscow, Russia

Yu. Nikolaeva

Faculty of Biology, Moscow State University

119234, Moscow, Russia

M. Kushunina

Faculty of Biology, Moscow State University

119234, Moscow, Russia


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版权所有 © Н.Р. Мейчик, Ю.И. Николаева, М.А. Кушунина, 2023
