Nonspecific permeability time (mPTP) in plant mitochondria and its role in cell death




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Current concepts are reviewed concerning the structure, regulatory mechanisms, and the functional role of nonspecific permeability pore (also referred to as mitochondrial permeability transition pore, mPTP) located in the inner membrane of animal and plant mitochondria. Some features characterizing the functioning of mPTP in plant mitochondria and its regulation under the influence of Ca2+ and reactive oxygen species are presented. Evidence available in the literature indicates that plant mitochondria are involved in programmed cell death, and this function is due to mPTP induction among other causes. Directions for further studies of mPTP in plant mitochondria are outlined.


P. Butsanets

Timiryazev Institute of Plant Physiology

Moscow, Russia

N. Shugaeva

Timiryazev Institute of Plant Physiology

Moscow, Russia

A. Shugaev

Timiryazev Institute of Plant Physiology

Moscow, Russia


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