Effect of Field Annealing on Magnetic Properties of Magnetic Soft Iron–Germanium Alloys




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The concentration dependence of the magnetic properties of iron–germanium alloys before and after thermomagnetic treatment, which represents an annealing of alloy samples in the ferromagnetic state in a permanent or alternating magnetic field (magnetic field annealing – MFA), has been investigated. It is shown that before MFA, with an increase in the germanium content in the range of 3–30 at % Ge, the coercive force increases and the residual induction decreases. As a result of thermomagnetic treatment, in the alloy samples magnetic anisotropy is induced: the magnetic hysteresis loops become narrower, the residual induction increases, and the coercive force decreases. Thermomagnetic treatment is effective for Fe–Ge alloys with a germanium content from 6 to 18 at %, and its highest efficiency is observed at 12 at % Ge. Features of the structural state of iron–germanium alloys and their role in the formation of magnetic properties during annealing in a magnetic field are discussed.


V. Lukshina

Miheev Institute of Metal Physic, Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences

Email: nershov@imp.uran.ru
Russia, 620108, Ekaterinburg

A. Timofeeva

Miheev Institute of Metal Physic, Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences

Email: nershov@imp.uran.ru
Russia, 620108, Ekaterinburg

D. Shishkin

Miheev Institute of Metal Physic, Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences; Ural Federal University Named after the First President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin

Email: nershov@imp.uran.ru
Russia, 620108, Ekaterinburg; Russia, 620002, Ekaterinburg

Yu. Gornostyrev

Miheev Institute of Metal Physic, Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences

Email: nershov@imp.uran.ru
Russia, 620108, Ekaterinburg

N. Ershov

Miheev Institute of Metal Physic, Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences

Email: nershov@imp.uran.ru
Russia, 620108, Ekaterinburg


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版权所有 © В.А. Лукшина, А.В. Тимофеева, Д.А. Шишкин, Ю.Н. Горностырев, Н.В. Ершов, 2023
