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Volume 466, Nº 2 (2016)


The constancy of the concentration of an inhibitor preventing the ignition of gases

Azatyan V., Balayan G., Prokopenko V., Chapysheva N.


Mechanisms of consumption of inhibitors in gas mixtures in different combustion modes—ignition prevention and suppression of flame propagation and detonation—have been revealed. It has been found that no more than a few hundredths of a percent of the initial reagents, including the inhibitor, are consumed for the prevention of ignition. In suppression of flame propagation and detonation, the inhibitor is consumed only in chain termination reactions. Oxygen is additionally consumed only in reactions with the products of incomplete oxidation of the inhibitor. The results have been interpreted in the framework of the theory of nonisothermal chain processes.

Doklady Chemistry. 2016;466(2):21-24
pages 21-24 views

Tribological properties of an antifriction polymer modified by severe plastic deformation

Beloshenko V., Voznyak A., Voznyak Y., Kupreev A.


The possibility of applying severe plastic deformation technologies to improving the tribological characteristics of semicrystalline antifriction polymers was studied. By the example of Nylon 6 subjected to equal-channel multiple angular extrusion, it was shown that severe plastic deformation favors a significant (more than three orders of magnitude) increase in the wear resistance of polymer and a 15–20% decrease in its friction coefficient. There are also increases in the maximum allowable contact pressure and temperature in the friction zone, at which the wear and the friction coefficients are stable.

Doklady Chemistry. 2016;466(2):25-28
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Mass spectrometric study of the bromination of technical mixtures of polychlorinated biphenyls

Pervova M., Plotnikova K., Mekhaev A., Pestov A., Saloutin V., Chupakhin O.


The products of bromination of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) that constitute Trichlorobiphenyl and Sovol PCB technical mixtures were studied by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry. On the basis of mass spectrometric data, the reaction was shown to result in formation of a mixture of poly(bromochloro)biphenyls containing from one to five bromine atoms and from two to six chlorine atoms in different combinations. It was found that the content of monobromo derivatives increases while the content of di-, tri-, and tetrabromo PCB derivatives decreases when the chlorination degree of the initial PCBs increases.

Doklady Chemistry. 2016;466(2):29-34
pages 29-34 views

Structural and stereochemical nonrigidity of 7-(heptaphenylcycloheptatrienyl) isothiocyanate

Dushenko G., Mikhailov I., Mikhailova O., Minyaev R., Minkin V.


By means of DFT B3LYP/6-31G(d, p) calculations of 7-(heptaphenylcycloheptatrienyl) isothiocyanate, the dissociation–recombination mechanism for intramolecular migrations of the isothiocyanato group has been revealed, and the structure of the transition state preceding the formation of a tight ion pair has been found for the first time. According to calculations, the high activation barrier for displacements of the isothiocyanato group ΔEZPE = 21.3 kcal/mol is related to the stable conformation of the molecule with the equatorial–NCS group and the orthogonally located phenyl substituent in the axial position. The rearrangement of the molecule to the form favorable for migrations of the–NCS group involves the inversion of the seven-membered ring accompanied by rotation of the phenyl group.

Doklady Chemistry. 2016;466(2):35-40
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Preparative successive generation of dehydrobenzene intermediate from 2,5-Bis(trimethylsilyl)-1,4-phenylene bis(trifluoromethanesulfonate) and its cycloaddition reactions

Seliverstov M., Afanas’ev O., Sosonyuk S., Temnov V., Proskurnina M., Zefirov N.


A method of preparative successive cycloaddition to synthetic equivalent of bis(dehydrobenzene) was found. Monoaddition products were isolated and characterized.

Doklady Chemistry. 2016;466(2):41-44
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Nitroxyethylamides of carbazolecarboxylic acids

Serkov I., Proshin A., Ustinov A., Bachurin S.


A method of synthesis of carbazole-derived hybrid compounds containing nitroxy group as an NO-producing fragment was developed, the compounds are of interest as a base for designing potential remedies for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases.

Doklady Chemistry. 2016;466(2):45-47
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Deuterium labeling of glyprolines by isotope exchange

Shevchenko V., Nagaev I., Shevchenko K., Myasoedov N.


Deuterium-labeled 5-oxo-Pro-Arg-Pro, 5-oxo-Pro-His-Pro-Gly-Pro-NH2, and Phe-Pro-LeuPro-Ala were synthesized. The effect of the method of peptide deposition on the catalyst, the catalyst nature, temperature, and structure of peptides on the inclusion of deuterium with the formation of the appropriate number of isotopomers was demonstrated. The 5-oxo-Pro-Arg-Pro, 5-oxo-Pro-His-Pro-Gly-Pro-NH2, and Phe-Pro-Leu-Pro-Ala peptides containing, on average, 4.6, 7.7, and 5.4 deuterium atoms per peptide molecule, respectively, were obtained.

Doklady Chemistry. 2016;466(2):48-52
pages 48-52 views

Chemical Technology

Self-preservation of methane hydrates produced in “dry water”

Mel’nikov V., Podenko L., Nesterov A., Drachuk A., Molokitina N., Reshetnikov A.


The first results of studying the possibility of self-preservation of methane hydrates produced in a “dry-water” dispersion were presented. It was shown for the first time that the anomalously low rates of dissociation of gas hydrates at a temperature below 273 K and a pressure of 0.1 MPa, which were previously known for methane hydrates, are also characteristic of methane hydrates forming in dry water. Methane hydrates obtained in dry water containing no more than 5 wt % stabilizer (hydrophobized silica nanoparticles) are primarily solids at a pressure of 0.1 MPa and a temperature below 273 K. At a stabilizer content of dry water of 10 or 15 wt %, a significant part of the hydrate sample looks like a free-flowing powder. The powder fraction increases with increasing stabilizer content, which reduces the efficiency of self-preservation of methane hydrates.

Doklady Chemistry. 2016;466(2):53-56
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Development of principles of selection of reagents for flotation of antimony and bismuth minerals

Solozhenkin P.


3D models of clusters of antimony and bismuth sulfides were constructed. For these models, the charges of individual atoms and the electron populations of s-Pop, p-Pop, and d-Pop orbitals were determined. Collector activity evaluation prediction (CAEP) was made for a number of proposed reagents attached to atoms of clusters of minerals. CAEP characterizes the activity of a collector: the lower CAEP, the more preferable the interaction of the collector and the more efficient the flotation reagent. For flotation of antimony and bismuth minerals, a number of promising collectors were recommended.

Doklady Chemistry. 2016;466(2):57-60
pages 57-60 views

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