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Volume 52, Nº 3 (2016)

CURRENT PROBLEMS. Alternative Fuel

Development of E30 Bioethanol Fuel Composition Based on Low-Octane Fractions of Exhaustive Hydrocarbon Feedstock Processing

Ershov M., Grigor’eva E., Khabibullin I., Emel’yanov V.


The results of studies aimed at developing E30 bioethanol fuel composition using heavy low-octane hydrocracking gasoline as the basic component are reported. The dependencies of knock resistance, saturated vapor pressure, and fractional composition on bioethanol concentration in a mixture with heavy hydrocracking gasoline are shown. The maximally permissible concentrations of additional components (light hydrocracking gasoline, toluene, and reforming gasoline) in the fuel are indicated. The results of tests of experimental specimens in compliance with OAO VNII NP (OJSC All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Oil Refining) technical specifications and calculation of economic feasibility of production and use of E30 bioethanol fuel are presented.

Chemistry and Technology of Fuels and Oils. 2016;52(3):241-249
pages 241-249 views


Simulating a Versatile Plant for Biodiesel Production

Maceiras R., Cancela A., Salgueiro J., Alfonsin V., Sanchez A.


A versatile biodiesel production process that allows simulation of a plant that can produce biodiesel by transesterification of vegetable oils of any composition to methyl esters is proposed. The validity of the simulation was verified by producing biodiesel and glycerin from different amounts of algal oil feedstocks. The versatile model can be applied to different types of oils by changing only the input parameters. It provides a series of advantages not only in terms of resource and time saving when building a real plant, but also when selecting the most suitable feedstocks for biodiesel production.

Chemistry and Technology of Fuels and Oils. 2016;52(3):250-254
pages 250-254 views

Fatty Acid Composition of Basidiomycetes Lipids - a Promising Feedstock for Obtaining Biodiesel

Sharipova D., Kopitsyn D., Ziangirova M., Novikov A., Vinokurov V.


Xylotrophic basidial fungi capable of accumulating lipids while growing on inedible plant materials are a promising source of feedstock for obtaining biodiesel. Thirty strains of xylotrophic basidial fungi were screened for the accumulation of lipids, and the content of fatty acids in nine strains chosen by screening was determined. It was shown that the Piptoporus betulines MT-30.04 and Russula puellaris MT-32.06 strains are characterized by maximum content of oleic acid in the lipids and are therefore most promising as lipid formers for biodiesel production.

Chemistry and Technology of Fuels and Oils. 2016;52(3):255-260
pages 255-260 views

Transformation of a Straight--Run Gasoline Fraction on High–Silica Zeolite Modified with Gallium and Zirconium

Mamedov S., Akhmedova K., Akhmedova N., Dadasheva S., Akhmedov E.


The effect of gallium and its combination with zirconium on the acid and catalytic properties of pentasil in the upgrading of straight-run fractions in the absence of hydrogen was studied. Hydrogenation–dehydrogenation sites and medium–strength acid sites are formed upon the concurrent modification of phosphorus–containing N–Ultrasil by gallium and zirconium. An optimal ratio of these sites is achieved for Zr:Ga mass ratio 1:1 and this increases the rate of isomerization of nparaffins and the rate of aromatization of aliphatic and naphthenic hydrocarbons. Insertion of phosphorus into zeolite leads to an increased yield of liquid products due to weakening and redistribution of the acid sites.

Chemistry and Technology of Fuels and Oils. 2016;52(3):280-284
pages 280-284 views

Effect of Ferrospheres as Additives on the Composition of Cracking Liquid Products of Mordovo-Karmal Native Bitumen

Sviridenko N., Krivtsov E., Golovko A.


Thermocracking products of high-sulfur Mordovo-Karmal asphalt/bitumen containing 3.7 wt. % sulfur and 6.7 wt. % ibp-200 °C fraction are analyzed. Additional 8.1% ibp-360°C fraction can be obtained by cracking the bitumen at 450 °C for 120 min with maximum gas and coke yield totaling more than 20 wt. %. The effect of fly ash microspheres on the direction of transformations of bitumen components is studied. Bitumen cracking in the presence of 10% microspheres raises the yield of the IBP-360°C fraction by 10% with a total by-products (gas and coke) yield of only 4 wt. %. Structural-group composition analysis of resins and asphaltenes of bitumen cracking products indicates significant degradation of resin and asphaltene molecules in the presence of microspheres. The average molecular mass of asphaltenes decreases by 703 amu, the number of blocks in a molecule decreases from 4 to 3, and the number of naphthene rings decreases threefold, which leads to an increase in aromaticity factor, while the quantity of aliphatic fragments and the length of substituents diminish. The average asphaltene molecule becomes more compact and aromatic structural fragments dominate.

Chemistry and Technology of Fuels and Oils. 2016;52(3):285-292
pages 285-292 views

Composition of Sulfur Compounds in Asphaltic–Resinous Sediments and Oil Components in Petroleum From the Usinsk Oil Field

Kovalenko E., Sagachenko T., Sergun V., Cheshkova T., Yanovskaya S., Min R.


The composition of the structural fragments of resinous and asphaltic molecules in Usinsk heavy oil containing C – S sulfide bonds and of organosulfur compounds in the oily components of this petroleum was studied. The composition of the sulfur–containing fragments of the asphaltenes was studied separately for their low– and high–molecularweight fractions and occluded maltenes. Alkanes, naphthenes, mono and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, dibenzothiophenes, and monobasic aliphatic acids were found in the fragments of the resinous–asphaltic compounds linked by sulfide bridges. The sulfur–containing structures of the oily components are represented by alkyl–substituted thiophenes, benzo, dibenzo, and benzonaphthothiophenes, and bicyclic sulfides. Heat treatment of this petroleum leads to decomposition of the resins and asphaltenes at the sulfide bridges and transition of individual fragments in the distillates, which must be taken into account in upgrading procedures.

Chemistry and Technology of Fuels and Oils. 2016;52(3):293-299
pages 293-299 views

Near-Infrared Spectroscopic Analysis of Green Waste Composting

Zhen L., Na Q., Yaning L., Xiang Y., Anlong Z.


Changes in compost components produced over different composting periods and with addition of 0, 5, 10, and 15% humic acids (HA) were analyzed by near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) in order to investigate the transformation mechanism of green (plant) waste into compost. The results indicated that HA addition can not only accelerate the composting process but also improve the compost quality by increasing its maturity. HA addition does not change the functional groups but does change their number and the structure of the materials. Addition of 10% HA was found to have the most beneficial effects on the composting process and on the resulting compost.

Chemistry and Technology of Fuels and Oils. 2016;52(3):300-305
pages 300-305 views

Demulsification Performance and Mechanism of Demulsification of a Dendritic Polyamidoamine

Xinliang Y., Chi A.


The process of synthesis of 1st-, 2nd- and 3rd-generation dendritic polyamidoamines (PAMAM), using ammonia and ethylenediamine, is described. It is shown that the oil drops disintegration rate constant and the degree of breakdown of a stable oil–water emulsion increase with each subsequent generation of the dendrimer and with its increasing concentration. The maximally attained degree of separation of water containing 68 mg/L of oil was 84.6% with the addition of 20 mg/L of 3rd-generation PAMAM. The demulsification mechanism is shown to be associated with the spherical shape of the dendritic PAMAM macromolecules and the presence of a large number of polar amino functional groups on the surface of these spheres.

Chemistry and Technology of Fuels and Oils. 2016;52(3):306-309
pages 306-309 views

Experimental Investigation of Formation Rock Drillability Under Bottomhole Differential Pressure Conditions

Hui Z., Tengfei S., He H., Deli G.


Quantitative evaluation of rock drillability is of vital importance for selecting drilling bits and optimizing drilling parameters. The existing drillability evaluation methods are mostly designed for balanced and near-balanced drilling situation (roughly 0 bottomhole differential pressure), while investigations of under-balanced drilling are rare. In this work, rock drillability and acoustic velocity testing devices are used to investigate rock drillability in an under-balanced drilling situation. The experimental results showed that bottomhole differential pressure produces a great impact on both rock drillability and acoustic characteristics. Mathematical statistics methods have been applied to analyze the correlations between rock drillability and acoustic characteristics as well as between differential pressure and acoustic characteristics, and to build a model for forecasting rock drillability under various bottomhole differential pressures. The model provides a sound approach to quantitative assessment of rock drillability based on log data.

Chemistry and Technology of Fuels and Oils. 2016;52(3):310-317
pages 310-317 views

Evaluation of the Physicochemical Characteristics of Diesel Fractions Using the RGB Color Space Profile

Manapov R., Shulyakovskaya D., Dolomatov M.


Correlations have been found between some physicochemical properties of diesel fractions and color coordinates in the sRGB color space profile, permitting the rapid determination of relative density, flash point, and initial boiling point of the diesel fractions from photoimages. The suitability of this method was shown by statisticalanalysis. This method can find application for prompt monitoring of the quality of diesel fractions during refinery operations.

Chemistry and Technology of Fuels and Oils. 2016;52(3):325-330
pages 325-330 views

Experiments for Selecting the Optimal Foam Drilling Fluid Formula

Yong L., Qian L., Aiguo Y., Xianyong Z.


Drilling gas-drainage holes in soft coal seams is essential for preventing coal and gas explosions. After analyzing and summarizing the advantages and disadvantages of existing spiral drilling and wind-pressure drilling processes, a new technology of drilling in soft coal seams using a foam drilling fluid is proposed in this paper. Experiments were conducted to determine the optimal drilling fluid formula for drilling to depths greater than 200 m. The most effective foam stabilizers are selected and correlations of foam half-life and volume with stabilizer concentration were found. Based on an analysis and comparison of all drilling fluid formulas, the recommended additives are 5% K12 + 0.6% Sesbania powder + 1.0% Konjac powder or 5% K12 + 0.8% Sesbania powder + 1.0% HEC. In field tests, five holes deeper than 200 m were drilled successfully by using this formula.

Chemistry and Technology of Fuels and Oils. 2016;52(3):340-345
pages 340-345 views

Solving Problems of Freezing and Blocking of Tail Gas Pipelines While Developing Oil Fields by Fire Flooding

Chunsheng W., Yujian X.


In the process of oil field development by fire flooding, some sections of the tail gas gathering pipelines may get frozen and blocked due to high content in the gas of moisture, methane, ethane, carbon dioxide, and hydrogen sulfide. To solve this problem, investigations were conducted to determine the effect of tail gas components, flow rate, pipeline length, and surrounding temperature on the process of reduction of transmission capacity of the gas pipelines due to freezing and blocking. It was found that the methane content in the gas is mainly responsible for gas hydrate formation and wall freezing, which occur predominantly in the back parts of straight pipes and pipe elbows and junctions. According to calculations, 70% methanol concentration is the best hydrate inhibitor.

Chemistry and Technology of Fuels and Oils. 2016;52(3):346-352
pages 346-352 views

Chemical Engineering and Equipment

A Study of the Mechanism of Separation in a Multi-Cup Downhole Gas-Oil Separator

Zhao C., Guo J., Yang T., Yang Z.


A mathematical model (numerical simulation) of gas-oil flow in a multi-cup downhole gas-oil separator is proposed. The model takes into account the Gibbs wave equation to obtain the pump plunger velocity and the population balance model (PBM) for describing bubble aggregation and breakage. The gas-oil flow field distribution and the bubble behavior in the multi-cup gas-oil separator were simulated using computational fluid dynamics (CFD). The numerical simulation results showed that the main role of gas-oil flow distribution in the process of oil separation from the separator cup wall is the viscous effect. Small bubbles in the center tube aggregate into large bubbles, and interaction of the bubbles along the flow and the fluid running down the cup wall forms a clockwise spiral, which accelerates separation of the gas and oil phases in the separator cup. During the upstroke, the oil volume being sucked out by the center tube through the small hole is larger than the oil volume in the separator cup, which causes entry of air into the center tube and failure of the separator cup.

Chemistry and Technology of Fuels and Oils. 2016;52(3):261-271
pages 261-271 views


Possible Paths of Origin of Gas-Oil Systems and Causes of Differences in Their Properties

Lurie M., Schmidt F.


A sequence of possible reactions occurring during evolution of deep-lying fluids, components of which could be sources of biogenous oil substances, is studied within the confines of biogenetic concept of formation of oil. Oxidative condensation transformation of methane and its immediate homologs under the action of sulfur present in some fluids might have facilitated formation of various types of hydrocarbons and organosulfur compounds. The possibility of such transformations is supported by the stable direct correlations between sulfur concentration in oils, their density, viscosity, content of asphaltic-resinous components and heavy fractions, and the scale of oil deposits. The proportion of gas in the oil-gas systems decreases with increase of sulfur content. Metals, like V and Ni, in the deep-lying fluids affect the geochemical type of oil. Vanadium oils are heavier (V > Ni), have high sulfur contents, and occur closer to the surface, while Ni oils are lighter (Ni < V), have low sulfur contents, and occur in deeper strata. These characteristics apparently stem from the different nature of catalytic properties of the metals and the structures containing them. Transformations of the oil fluid with the involvement of heterocomponents thus affect the fractional and chemical composition of oil-gas systems.

Chemistry and Technology of Fuels and Oils. 2016;52(3):272-279
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Methods of Analysis

Photometric Monitoring of Thermal Stability of Motor Oils and Effect of Thermal Degradation Products on Antiwear Properties

Koval’skii B., Sokol’nikov A., Petrov O., Shram V., Kravtsova E.


The results of determination of thermal stability of mineral and partly synthetic motor oils are presented. The criterion of thermal stability is substantiated and the correlation between it and antiwear properties of the oils is determined. Direct photometric measurement method, which helps obtain an integral parameter of accumulation of all degradation products in the studied oil that can be determined from the luminous flux absorption coefficient, is chosen as the basic method of evaluation of thermal degradation processes. The essential feature of the method consists in comprehensive evaluation of thermal stability and antiwear properties of lube oils from the parameters, namely, the coefficient of luminous flux absorption, relative viscosity, vaporizability, and wear. Correlations of optical properties, viscosity, vaporizability, and antiwear properties of the lube oils with thermostating temperature are obtained, and based on them the limiting temperature of lube oil performing ability was established.

Chemistry and Technology of Fuels and Oils. 2016;52(3):318-324
pages 318-324 views

Innovative Technologies in the Oil and Gas Industry

Modeling Thermal Radiation of an Enclosed Ground Flare

Peng W., An-feng Y., Wen-yi D., Zhong-shu H.


The amount of heat radiated by flares is important for designing and locating flare systems. No methods are described in the literature for predicting radiation of enclosed ground flares. To investigate radiation of enclosed ground flares, a series of gas flares were simulated in this work by computational fluid dynamics (CFD). The radiation values derived by CFD simulation match the experimental data. For methane, propane, and butane flaring, the radiation flux of 15.77 kW/m2 was attained only above the flare system, so radiation will not affect the integrity of the structures. The radiation flux at the ground level was below 1.58 kW/m2, so this area is safe for personnel. For hydrogen, the radius of isopleth of radiation flux of 15.77 kW/m2 can reach 33 m, so towers and elevated structures should not be located in these areas. The radius of isopleth of radiation flux of 6.31 kW/m2 can reach 70 m, and on the ground the radius of isopleth of 1.58 kW/m2 radiation flux can reach 120 m. Radiation decreases with increase in enclosed ground flare height, so the safe distance of enclosed ground flare can be reduced by increasing the ground flare height.

Chemistry and Technology of Fuels and Oils. 2016;52(3):331-339
pages 331-339 views

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