Ашық рұқсат Ашық рұқсат  Рұқсат жабық Рұқсат берілді  Рұқсат жабық Тек жазылушылар үшін

Том 54, № 5 (2018)

Current Problems

Gasification of Mixed Fuel-Oil and Vegetable Feedstocks

Gorlov E., Shumovskii A., Yas’yan Y., Anikushin B., Svarovskaya N., Niskovskaya M.


The gasification behavior of mixtures of oil residues (fuel oils) and vegetable raw materials (VRMs) (agro-industrial wastes, sunflower seed shells, corn cobs) is investigated. The effects of batch and continuous processes on the product yield and composition are studied. Preliminary mechanical activation of composite feedstock and selection of the optimal ratio of VRM—oil—water mixture components and oxygen content in the blast air were found experimentally to allow high feedstock conversion and produce syngas suitable for synthesis of organic compounds.

Chemistry and Technology of Fuels and Oils. 2018;54(5):523-530
pages 523-530 views


Composition, Properties, and Structure of Low-Temperature Lubricating Greases Based on Polymeric Thickener

Zaichenko V., Kolybel’skii D., Popov P., Shuvalov S., Petrova D., Tonkonogov B.


The dependence of the colloidal stability, effective viscosity, penetration, and yield stress of low-temperature polymeric greases on the composition and characteristics of the dispersion medium was investigated. Various types of low-viscosity oil with known fractional and group composition were used as base oils. The effect of the concentration of the two-component thickener of high- or low-molecular polypropylene and the proportions of its components on the main physicochemical characteristics of the polymer greases was determined. The dependence of the structure and properties of the polymer greases on the concentration of lithium stearate was established.

Chemistry and Technology of Fuels and Oils. 2018;54(5):531-540
pages 531-540 views


Improvement of Demulsifying Characteristics of Inhibited Turbine Oil

Tatur I., Spirkin V., Silin M., Mel’nikova I., Protasov V.


The results of experimental investigations on improving the demulsifying characteristics of inhibited turbine oils are presented. It was established that the Neftenol-BS demulsifier reduces the effectiveness of the corrosion inhibitor Neftekhimeko-1 by less than 2% whereas the demulsifying characteristics of inhibited oil are improved by 9.5 times. It was shown that an additive composition containing corrosion inhibitor Neftekhimeko-1 and alkenylsuccinic aldehyde in a ratio of 85:15 by weight is highly effective. Inhibited turbine oil containing such a composition at a concentration of 0.1 wt % had protective and demulsifying characteristics that meet the requirements in the operation of gas compressor units in media containing hydrogen sulfide.

Chemistry and Technology of Fuels and Oils. 2018;54(5):541-549
pages 541-549 views

Acid and Oxidative Treatment of Raw Material for the Production of Nanofibrillar Cellulose

Novikov A., Anikushin B., Petrova D., Konstantinova S., Mel’nikov V., Vinokurov V.


A sturdy was carried out on nanofibrillar cellulose from unbleached wood pulp using sulfuric acid and ammonium persulfate for acid-oxidative treatment. The diameter of the fibers of the resultant nanofibrillar cellulose is described by a log normal distribution with maximum at about 11 nm. Nanofibrillar cellulose may be used to modify the surface of paper or cardboard leading to greater mechanical strength and improved barrier properties relative to gas permeability as well as a component of industrial adsorbents.

Chemistry and Technology of Fuels and Oils. 2018;54(5):564-568
pages 564-568 views

Antimicrobial Activity of Amino Derivatives of Haloethers in M8 Motor Oil

Khodzhaev G.


A study was carried out on the antimicrobial activity of haloethers in M8 motor oil, which was determined by serial consecutive dilutions in sterile distilled water relative to gram positive bacteria (Staphylococcus aureus), gram negative bacteria (Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli), and fungi (Candida albicans). Meat peptone agar (MPA) with pH = 7.2 was used as the nutrient medium for the bacteria, while Sabouraud medium was used for the fungi. These compounds display bactericidal and weak fungicidal activity in M-8 motor oil and stop the growth of the microorganisms. These samples did not have a negative effect on the physicochemical indices of the motor oil and may be used as biocidal additives.

Chemistry and Technology of Fuels and Oils. 2018;54(5):569-573
pages 569-573 views

Intraformation Transformation of Heavy Oil by Mixed Fe(II, III) Oxides

Mukhamatdinov I., Vakhin A., Sitnov S., Khaidarova A., Zaripova R., Garifullina E., Katnov V., Stepin S.


Iron oxide (magnetite) particles are synthesized. Their effects on the transformation of high-molecular-mass components of Ashal'cha deposit heavy oil after simulating steam-heat action are studied. The contents of resinous asphaltenes are found to decrease if a catalyst is present in the oil. The viscosity decreases during hydrothermal catalytic action. Starting catalyst of mixed Fe(II, III) oxides and catalyst recovered from the oil were analyzed using x-ray structure analyses. Catalyst particle sizes were established using scanning electron microscopy.

Chemistry and Technology of Fuels and Oils. 2018;54(5):574-580
pages 574-580 views

Use of Petrochemical Products for Gas Shutting in Oil-Gas Reservoirs

Gushchin P., Khristoforov D., Zobov P., Gushchina Y., Mendgaziev R., Khlebnikov V.


A new method for preventing gas breakthroughs to producing well bottom during oil recovery from oil-gas condensate deposits, which enhances the efficiency of gas recovery technologies, is proposed. The method consists in use of hydrophobic gas shutting compositions based on furnace (residual fuel) oil. Filtration studies (physical modeling) of the gas shutting process were conducted for the proposed compositions. The gas breakthrough was simulated using permeable bulk porous media or permeable cores of productive bed of the reservoir.

Chemistry and Technology of Fuels and Oils. 2018;54(5):581-590
pages 581-590 views

Explosion Properties of LPG—Air Mixtures in a Cylindrical Vessel with Top-Center Ignition

Guo Y., Xiang H., Lian Z., Yuan H.


A new safety-valve construction was developed and tested by studying combined dynamic and static loads between powered supports and surrounding rocks. The gas—air mixture explosion conditions were modeled to test the dynamic load. Explosion properties of the gas-air mixtures (including maximum explosion pressure, maximum rise rate of explosion pressure, explosion rime, deflagration index) were investigated experimentally at room temperature in a cylindrical chamber with top-center ignition. The results showed that the maximum explosion pressure, maximum rate of pressure rise, and deflagration index were linearly correlated to the initial pressure. On the other hand, the explosion time depended mainly on the ratio of gases and only in a limited range on the initial pressure. The experimentally measured explosion properties of LPG—air mixtures could be used in practice to study safe operation of safety valves.

Chemistry and Technology of Fuels and Oils. 2018;54(5):591-598
pages 591-598 views

Acetylene Solubility in High-Energy-Density Fuels Enhanced by Amines and Scrambled Cages

Xiu-tian-feng E., Zhang L., Pan L., Zou J.


High-energy-density (HED) fuels are widely used in aerospace engines bit suffer front slow trance and incomplete combustion. A proposed solution to this problem is dissolution of a flammable small-molecule additive, a g., acetylene, in the fuel. The solubility of acetylene in HED fuels JP-10 and QC at 298.15 K and pressure from 0 to 200 kPa was studied. The molar concentration of acetylene in JP-10 and QC fuels or a pressure of 100 kPa reached 0.60 and 0.75%, respectively. Studies of the dissolution of acetylene in the presence of Et3N and scrambled cages (1, 2, and 5 mass%) showed that such additives could increase significantly the solubility of acetylene in the fuel. The research results are of practical interest for improving the efficiency of HED fuels.

Chemistry and Technology of Fuels and Oils. 2018;54(5):599-605
pages 599-605 views

Preferred Seepage Channel Identification Based on Multifactorial Gray Correlation Analysis

Yang Z., Li Z., Liang H., Zhang R.


When studying oil reservoirs, we have the problem of identification of the preferred seepage channel. Conventional methods evaluate the influence of individual factors. The proposed Deng's relational analysis method lets us evaluate the influence of several parameters, their relative weight and correlation. In this paper, we present the basic principles for application of Deng's relational analysis as applied to liquid and gas flow processes. We have calculated the correlation degree and the weighting factors for different geological parameters, production parameters, and seepage directions, and have proposed a mathematical model for identifying the preferred seepage channel and we verify the model using a type A water drive curve.

Chemistry and Technology of Fuels and Oils. 2018;54(5):625-631
pages 625-631 views

Effect of Deformation of the Casing String on Annular Pressure Buildup

Xingquan Z., Tengfei S., Shujie L., Renjun X., Hui Z.


Annular pressure buildup (APB) is generated by thermal expansion of trapped fluids in the closed space of the casing string and threatens the structural safety of the casing string. In the present study a model for estimating deformation of the casing string in cemented and uncemented sections of a pipe based on the theory of elastic deformation is constructed. Calculation of a model of pressure buildup is performed by the method of multistring system analysis. The effect of deformation on pressure buildup is studied and a software application based on the technique of finite elements is used to estimate the deformation of the casing string. The investigations demonstrated that APB calculated with the inclusion of the cemented sections is less than where these sections are not taken into account. Casing deformation affects sections with different levels of the top of cement (IOC) in different ways. For the cemented sections the influence of deformation on pressure buildup is expressed more strongly. Computer verification of the model shows that the range of divergence of pressure buildup does not exceed 3%. Studies of the deformation of the casing string are of practical use in the design of casing strings and in the operation of deep-water wells.

Chemistry and Technology of Fuels and Oils. 2018;54(5):632-640
pages 632-640 views

High Pressure Mercury Intrusion Porosimetry Analysis of the Influence of Fractal Dimensions on the Permeability of Tight Sandstone Oil Reservoirs

Changhua Y., Ying G., Xiangyang S., Shouying L.


In this paper, fractal characteristics of sandstone in the Chang 7 section of the Triassic Yanchang Formation of the Dingbian oilfield, Ordos Basin, China were analyzed by high pressure mercury intrusion porosimetry and the fractal model. The influence offractal parameters on rock permeability is discussed. Results show that fractal dimensions (Df) of sandstone samples range within 2.759-2.987, with an average of 2.890, and the mean capillary tortuosity fractal dimension (DT) ranges within 1.194-1.553, with an average of 1.391; Df is larger than Dr There is a strong negative correlation between rock permeability and Df or Dr Both Df and DT decrease with decreasing porosity of sandstone samples, indicating that connectivity between rock sample pores becomes poor and capillary tortuosity increases. The seepage path in low-permeability (tight) sandstone is much longer than in moderate-permeability sandstone, which is an important reason for the low permeability of the tight sandstone oil reservoir Meanwhile, the fractal model is an effective predictor of the permeability of tight sandstone oil reservoirs.

Chemistry and Technology of Fuels and Oils. 2018;54(5):641-649
pages 641-649 views

Simulating the Process of Oxy-Fuel Combustion in the Sintering Zone of a Rotary Kiln to Predict Temperature, Burnout, Flame Parameters and the Yield of Nitrogen Oxides

Ying Z., Lixin C., Qiao L., Guozan C., Xuchu Y.


In this study, for predicting situations that may occur when using oxy-coal combustion technology in a cement rotary kiln, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) methodology was used to investigate the temperature distribution, burnout rates of coal, flame shape and release of NO x in conditions of oxy-coal combustion with different O2/N2 volume ratios ranging between 21% and 31% in the primary air in the sintering zone of a rotary kiln. Simulations were performed using ANSYS-CFX, a commercial CFD package. The results revealed a significant temperature increase in the rotary kiln, and the average temperature increase value was verified experimentally. Coal particles combust more rapidly near the burner, and the final degree of burnout increases simultaneously. Increased combustion efficiency reduces fuel consumption. However, shifting the ignition point toward the burner may reduce the service time of the burner, and the shortening of the flame kernel may lead to a decrease in the calcination time of cement. The content of oxygen in the kiln rises, but the change is slight and can be ignored for cement clinker formation. The amount of NO x, produced increases with increasing oxygen content in the primary air. The results of this study can be used to select the optimal sintering parameters for oxy-coal combustion in industrial production of cement.

Chemistry and Technology of Fuels and Oils. 2018;54(5):650-660
pages 650-660 views

Research on Dual Mode Pulsed Neuron Spectral Logging Method and Its Application

Jianping X., Zongxiao R., Dehua Y., Feng Z.


Pulsed neutron logging is one of the key techniques for monitoring residual oil saturation in the late stages of oilfield exploration. Dual mode pulsed neutron spectral logging is discussed, which can be used to obtain time spectra and energy spectra of inelastic scattering of gamma radiation during a borehole measurement. With optimized pulse radiation and measurement timing, the tool simultaneously measures Σ and C/O to calculate the residual oil saturation. In this paper, based on Monte Carlo numerical simulation, a mathematical model is proposed of the dependence of temporal and energy spectra of gamma radiation on reservoir parameters, and the characteristics of C/O and capture cross-section are calculated. An interpretation model is proposed that can be used to calculate oil saturation from the C/O-Σ cross-plots. Comparative analysis and field tests showed that dual mode PSL spectra make it possible to determinate residual oil saturation in an unknown porosity formation with increased accuracy, and have technological advantages over the single C/O energy spectrum and neutron lifetime logging.

Chemistry and Technology of Fuels and Oils. 2018;54(5):661-667
pages 661-667 views

Colloid Chemistry

Composition and Property Changes in Oil Dispersions After Hydrothermal Treatment of Rock-Forming Minerals with Hydrocarbon Solvents

Zaidullin I., Pitsenko A., Safiulina A., Lakhova A., Petrov S., Bashkirtseva N.


Group and elemental compositions and structures of hydrocarbon dispersions in super-viscous oil resulting from steam and heat exposure at 140-190°C and 3-6 atm in the presence of hexane and benzene are established using simplified models of terrigenous and carbonate reservoirs. A relationship between the composition and structure of the oil dispersions after steam-heat action and a temperature dependence of viscosity are established. Solvate shells of increased thickness around complex structural unit nuclei and a greater proportion of dispersion medium are distinctive features of the low-viscosity displaced oil. Studies show that the dispersion medium impacts greatly the formation and properties of the oil dispersion. Benzene in the displacing agent decreases the degree of dispersion of the system and the viscosity of the displaced oil.

Chemistry and Technology of Fuels and Oils. 2018;54(5):550-556
pages 550-556 views


Application of Integrated Quality Assessment Method to Select Polymer-Bitumen Binder

Evdokimova N., Luneva N., Egorova N., Imangulova E., Taratunin I., Luneva M.


The physical and chemical properties of polymer-bitumen binders obtained by compounding highly oxidized bitumen and modified heavy resid polymers are listed. It is shown that heavy resids of various nature can be used as plasticizers of highly oxidized bitumen structure and be modified by thermoelastoplastics to obtain polymer-bitumen binders meeting standard requirements. The quality of polymer-bitumen binder samples is assessed by integrated quality assessment method. It is demonstrated that this method can be used to select the composition offinished products having the best values of physical and chemical parameters.

Chemistry and Technology of Fuels and Oils. 2018;54(5):557-563
pages 557-563 views


Results of a Study of a Process for the Removal of Impurities from Diesel Fuel at the Site of Use

Ostrikov V., Vigdorovich V., Orobinskii V., Afonichev D., Zabrodskii I.


Results are presented for a study on the development of methods to remove gum, sulfur, and other impurities from diesel fuels at the site of use. The removal of dissolved impurities in diesel fuel is possible by a physicochemical method, having first enlarged these impurities using coagulants. The introduction of carbamide dissolved in water into the fuel permits a reduction in the content of gum and sulfur and an increase in the anti-wear properties of diesel fuel. The use of monoethanolamine in a mixture with isopropyl alcohol in the following step of fuel treatment increases the efficiency of the impurity removal process and further reduces the fuel sulfur and gum impurity indices.

Chemistry and Technology of Fuels and Oils. 2018;54(5):606-612
pages 606-612 views

Innovative Technologies in the Oil and Gas Industry

3D Reconstruction of Oil Refinery Buildings Using a Depth Camera

Li S., He Y., Yang X., Li Q., Chen M.


We propose a method for fast three-dimensional reconstruction of oil refinery buildings and facilities using photography with the help of an unmanned aerial vehicle (drone) and a depth sensor for depth image classification. We propose two workflows for object reconstruction for different applications. To use the depth sensors, we have developed a method combining the Structure from Motion (SfM) method for determining the structure of an object from imaging of motion in passive vision mode and the Structural Light (LS) method or Time-of-Flight (ToF) method in active (illuminated) vision mode. With low costs, the SfM method combined with a depth sensor let us obtain images large-scale objects at high speed, where the number of calculations is significantly reduced, the efficiency of 3D reconstruction is improved, and the uncertainty in determining the object parameters is not more than a few centimeters.

Chemistry and Technology of Fuels and Oils. 2018;54(5):613-624
pages 613-624 views


Correction to: Mechanisms of Mass Exchange Between Light Oil and Petroleum Gas in Low-Permeability Reservoir Development Process

Gushchin P., Cheremisin A., Glavnov N., Zobort P., Svarovskaya N., Khlebnikov V.


There is an error in the article metadata on SpringerLink, the first author's name is incorrect. It should read P. A. Gushchin.

Chemistry and Technology of Fuels and Oils. 2018;54(5):668-668
pages 668-668 views

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