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卷 53, 编号 11-12 (2018)

Research, Design, Calculations, and Operating Experience

Reducing Temperature of Heat Transferring Wall by Intensifying Heat Transfer During Heating of Viscous Liquids

Pechenegov Y.


The possibilities of reducing the temperature of the heat transferring wall by intensifying heat transfer in productive tubes of viscous liquid heaters to reduce the risk of tube coking are analyzed. A generalized relationship linking thermal and hydraulic properties of flows at low Reynolds numbers is derived for heat transfer intensifiers in the form of wire spirals and twisted tapes inserted into the tubes. It is shown that the design specifications of the heat transfer intensifiers, which ensure the desired level of heat-transferring wall temperature reduction, can be determined by the derived relationship.

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. 2018;53(11-12):685-689
pages 685-689 views

Porous Plastic Packing for Heat and Mass Transfer Processes

Golovanchikov A., Shagarova A., Vasil’ev P., Cherikova K.


The results of hydraulic tests of porous plastic packing for accomplishing heat and mass transfer processes are reported. The tests were carried out in a column with a rectangular cross-section of 125 × 125 mm using 10 × 10 × 2 mm porous plastic Raschig rings. The test results were used to derive graphical and analytical relationships that allow assessment of the hydraulic resistance of the sprayed porous plastic packing for different spray densities under different hydrodynamic column operation conditions. A comparative analysis of the reduced resistance coefficient was made for different types of dry packings from modified Reynolds similarity number.

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. 2018;53(11-12):759-764
pages 759-764 views


A Mathematical Description of Heat Transfer and a Procedure for Determining Temperature Characteristics of Electro-Ultrafiltration Process for Separating Industrial Solutions

Lazarev S., Khorokhorina I., Lazarev K., Bogomolov V.


A mathematical description of heat transfer is presented and a procedure is developed for calculating the temperature characteristics of electro-ultrafiltration process for separating industrial solutions in flatchamber type of apparatuses. The permeate and retentate temperatures, solution heating temperature, heating power, and amount of heat liberated in the process of separation of industrial solutions and effluents containing anionic surfactants, proteins, and phosphatic and biochemical substances are calculated by the developed procedure.

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. 2018;53(11-12):690-694
pages 690-694 views

Mass and Heat Transfer in the Use of New Polymer Composite Cooling Tower Fills

Baranov D., Skopintsev I., Noskov S.


Formulations of novel polymer compositions with different wettabilities have been developed for the production of cooling tower fills. The dependence of mass and heat transfer coefficients on the air velocity in the column unit (cooling tower) is shown.

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. 2018;53(11-12):695-698
pages 695-698 views

Influence of Turbulence on the Processes of Creation and Destruction of Water-Oil Emulsions During Crude Oil Desalting

Tarantsev K., Tarantseva K.


It is shown that the additional turbulence of the flow in the processes of electric desalting of oil will substantially intensify existing technologies. Turbulence facilitates the mixing of the emulsion, the convergence of droplets and increases the probability of merging of droplets. The electric field contributes not only to the convergence of droplets, but also to the destruction of adsorption films around the drops. Therefore, combining the treatment of an emulsion in an electric field with a turbulent regime of its motion leads to a sharp improvement in the quality of oil demulsification. It is concluded that in order to find the optimal parameters for the operation of industrial devices, a theory is needed that, in addition to the droplet motion mechanism in turbulent vortices, also describes deformation of droplets, as well as the processes of destruction and the confluence of droplets. For studying the processes of changes in the topography of heterogeneous systems and the diagnosis of turbulent flows, the most promising is the numerical method for modeling the structure of flows.

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. 2018;53(11-12):699-702
pages 699-702 views

Influence of Electric Field Strength on the Processes of Destruction and Creation of Water-Oil Emulsions During Crude Oil Desalting

Tarantsev K., Tarantseva K.


It is shown that the use of an electric field significantly intensifies the process of destruction of water-oil emulsions, because for each droplet size there is a critical tension at which they begin to disperse. As the dispersal of the dispersed phase is coarsened, it is necessary to gradually reduce the magnitude of the electric field strength and reduce the flow rate of the emulsion. At the first stages of the destruction of an emulsion with high water content, it is advisable to conduct dehydration by other methods, and electrohydrodynamic treatment is used only in the subsequent stages. At different stages of electrohydrodynamic processing, depending on the degree of dispersion of the system, it is necessary to vary the distance between the electrodes and electric field intensity in the electrocoalescence zone. It was found that the most rational design of electrohydrodynamic coalescers and dispersers from the point of view of obtaining maximum efficiency at the optimal energy inputs are multi-stage apparatuses in which the water-oil emulsion sequentially passes stages with varying parameters of the electric field.

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. 2018;53(11-12):703-706
pages 703-706 views

Effect of Electric Field Nonuniformity on the Processes of Creation and Destruction of Water-Oil Emulsions During Crude Oil Desalting

Tarantsev K., Tarantseva K.


The effect of electric field nonuniformity on the processes of creation and destruction of water-oil emulsions during crude oil desalting was investigated. It is shown that electrodemulsification of crude oil in a uniform electric field is ineffective. To increase the efficiency of electro-desalination, it is proposed to provide in the apparatus three contact stages with various hydrodynamics of the emulsion flow and electric field strength. It is suggested to place electrodes in the horizontal body of the apparatus. For this, one electrode is executed in the form of vertical injectors for “dry” and/or initial emulsion, and the second – in the form of a flat Venturi channel. Any productivity can be achieved by increasing the length of the apparatus, and electric field nonuniformity and strength adjustments make it possible to obtain three stages of separation of the emulsion.

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. 2018;53(11-12):707-710
pages 707-710 views

Ozone Generator Aluminum Electrode Soldering

Storchai I., Smorodin A., Gorbatskii Y.


The creation of an entirely soldered ozone electrode component is proposed and implemented for the first time by the authors. Electrode construction with a ribbed plate insert within it is the most perfect heat exchange device from the point of view of effective heat exchange and uniform distribution of liquid flow through its section. Stages are considered for electrode preparation for soldering and a standard heating cycle is proposed for soldering and electrode with eutectic silumin. It is shown that as a result of the soldering thermal cycle metal structure becomes coarse-grained and favorable for subsequent electrochemical formation of a nanostructured anodic oxide coating 50–60 μm thick.

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. 2018;53(11-12):711-715
pages 711-715 views

Use of the Lorenz Cycle in Heat Pumps

Shatalov I., Antipov Y., Dubentsov K.


The use of the Lorenz cycle together with the inverse Carnot cycle increases the conversion efficiency of a heat pump by 25–30%. The Lorenz cycle may be implemented either through the use of nonazeatropic substances or by multistage circuits. The Lorenz cycle is more efficient at low temperature differences of the working substances.

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. 2018;53(11-12):716-719
pages 716-719 views

Design Development and Investigation of the Characteristics of Jalousie Separation Packing

Afanasenko V.


Features of the process of separation in structured packing are considered, a new design of jalousie separation packing is proposed, and results of experimental and analytic investigations of the new design are presented.

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. 2018;53(11-12):720-726
pages 720-726 views

Kinematics of Large-Diameter Multiple Rolling-Cutter Rock Drilling Bits Under the Conditions of Reactive Turbo-Drilling

Serikov D.


Special features of the kinematics of large-diameter multiple rolling-cutter rock drilling bits under the conditions of reactive turbo-drilling are considered. An analysis of the kinematics of the rolling cutters of drilling bits functioning with slippage of the cutting structures along the well bottom is undertaken. Factors that influence the magnitude and direction of slippage of the teeth of the cutting structures along the well bottom are determined. Shortcomings of the geometry of the cutting structures of rolling-cutter drilling bits designed for full-diameter drilling when used in reactive turbo-drilling units are identified. On the basis of these studies, it is concluded that fabrication of drilling bits of increased diameter with the use of sections of standard box-type drills is not an efficient approach for full-diameter drilling, since the geometry of the cutting structures of conventional drilling bits does not take into account the specific features that arise in the interaction of the teeth of the cutting structures with the well bottom surface under the conditions of reactive turbo-drilling.

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. 2018;53(11-12):727-732
pages 727-732 views

An Acoustic Low-Volume Flowmeter of Gaseous and Liquid Substances

Buzanovskii V.


The design and metrological characteristics of an acoustic low-volume flowmeter of gaseous and liquid substances (Reynolds number 0–2400) are considered. It is shown that the device possesses a simple design characterized by a high degree of precision of measurements and performance.

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. 2018;53(11-12):733-737
pages 733-737 views

Improvement in Endurance of Conveyor Hauling Chain Components Made of Structural Steels by Electrolytic Boriding

Gadalov V., Filonovich A., Borsyakov A., Kovalev S., Vornacheva I.


Results are given for a study of electrolytic boriding of components made of different grades of steel (steels 20, 40Kh, and 50), and boriding technology, results of metallographic and x-ray structural analyses, and a study of the quantitative change in FeB and Fe2B phases through the depth of a diffusion layer is provided. Comparative results of research show the operating properties after various forms of chemical heat treatment and heat treatment.

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. 2018;53(11-12):750-755
pages 750-755 views

Analysis of Methods for Improving the Efficiency of Coalescence Process in Electric Oil Desalination and Dehydration Plants

Tarantsev K., Tarantseva K., Krasnaya E.


The methods for increasing the efficiency of the coalescence process in electric desalination and dehydration of oil are analyzed. It is shown that one of the main reasons for the decrease in the efficiency of operation of the electric dehydrators is failure to take account of several phenomena that accompany the formation of chains of water droplets between the electrodes when water-oil emulsions break up. In this case, the dispersion phenomenon in the region directly adjoining the electrodes makes the most contribution to formation of a large quantity of fine water droplets and to deterioration of the electric dehydrator performance. To increase the electric dehydrator efficiency, it is proposed that the size of the electrode and its potential be so chosen that no dispersion occurs near the electrode or the electrode surface is protected with a coating that transmits electric charge in a quantity sufficient to sustain the coalescence process, but insufficient for the dispersion process.

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. 2018;53(11-12):765-768
pages 765-768 views

Study and Development of a New Method of Drying Petroleum Oils

Zagidullin S., Dolganov V.


A new method of convective drying of mineral oils using high-speed jet devices is proposed. In contrast to those known earlier, it provides active hydrodynamic phase contact conditions, and reduces the required process time from several scores of minutes to 3–5 seconds. The device used is simple and compact. The jet-type drier with a delivery of up to 0.6 m3/h has passed laboratory tests successfully.

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. 2018;53(11-12):769-772
pages 769-772 views

A Promising Method for Separating Binary Methanol–Water Solutions

Paranuk A., Khrisonidi V.


A technological scheme for drying binary solutions, which allows separating two-component solutions and complex systems using molecular size difference (molecular sieves), has been designed. Analysis of modern adsorbents produced by the domestic chemical industry was carried out, and the optimal parameters of the investigated zeolite adsorbents were determined for the regeneration and cooling processes that accompany the restoration of the adsorption properties of the adsorbents used. A mathematical model for calculating the adsorption of a water-methanol mixture on solid adsorbents has been developed and can be used for other processes, for example, for the drying of alcoholic solutions with components of polyhydric alcohols and water. A technique for calculating the separation units for binary systems is proposed.

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. 2018;53(11-12):773-777
pages 773-777 views

Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium of the Ethylene–Butane Mixture

Bondarenko V., Valyakina A., Borisenko A., Trotsenko A., Valyakin V.


The article deals with the investigation of the ethylene-butane natural gases mixture that is promising for practical application. A unit with a small volume cell created to obtain data on phase equilibria and thermal properties of binary mixtures of little investigated and rare substances using several experimental methods was presented. It is shown that it was possible to use non-standard measuring equipment to obtain sufficiently reliable results in a wide range of temperatures, pressures and compositions. Application of a new method to determine two-component gas mixtures concentration was demonstrated. The method of experimentation was described as well. The experimental results of ethylene–butane mixture thermal properties and vapor-liquid equilibrium that have expanded our knowledge in relation to this two-component natural refrigerant behavior in the low-temperature region and at high dilutions were tabulated. The comparison of the experimental and calculated data showed the possibility of applying the three-parameter cubic equation of state to simulate the thermodynamic properties of the ethylene–butane mixture without using test data of the mixture.

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. 2018;53(11-12):778-787
pages 778-787 views

Estimation of Changes in the Isotope Ratio of Oxygen Produced on Adsorption Air Separation Plants (AVRU-K)

Nikiforov Y., Kazakova A., Vorotyntsev V.


Quantitative estimation of the change of the isotope ratio of oxygen produced on adsorption air separation plants was carried out. The change of the isotope composition of the produced oxygen is determined by an insignificant increase in the mole fraction of 16О2 molecules.

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. 2018;53(11-12):788-792
pages 788-792 views

Correlation Between Volumetric Efficiency and Isentropic Efficiency of Piston Compressor of Thermal Pump

Mamaev V., Shatalov I., Antipov Y., Vallejo Maldonado P.


A relationship that establishes a correlation between the isentropic efficiency and volumetric efficiency of a piston compressor and that takes into account the dead volume, engine pressure ratio, and the state of the working body at the start of the compression process and its adiabatic index is obtained. With a pressure ratio greater than 3–4, the isentropic efficiency will be 3–12% higher than the volumetric efficiency.

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. 2018;53(11-12):793-796
pages 793-796 views

Precision Balancing of Impellers

Beloborodov S., Tsel’mer M., Sviridov E.


Problems involved in preparing the impellers of the rotor of a centrifugal compressor for mounting and balancing are considered. The use of a set of patent-protected technical designs that support precision balancing of impellers is proposed.

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. 2018;53(11-12):797-800
pages 797-800 views

Research on the Mechanism and Kinetics of Oil-Product Adsorption from Industrial Wastewater by a Modified Hydrophobic Carbonate Sludge

Nikolaeva L., Golubchikov M., Minneyarova A.


Features of dissolved oil-product adsorption from industrial wastewater by a modified hydrophobic carbonate sludge are studied. The adsorption isotherm is obtained. The adsorption mechanism on the new sorbent is investigated as physical unactivated adsorption using thermodynamic and kinetic parameters. The Gibbs free energy (–(20.26–21.46) kJ/mol), isosteric heat of adsorption (0.9–1.17 kJ/mol), adsorption rate constants ((0.2–0.47)·10–3sec–1), and apparent activation energy (6.6–28.6 kJ/mol) are calculated. Adsorption under dynamic conditions is studied.

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. 2018;53(11-12):806-813
pages 806-813 views

Efficiency of Pulsed Delivery of Gas Flows to Gaseous-Emissions Absorption Units

Komissarov K., Fil’ A., Finochenko V.


Gaseous-emissions absorption technology based on vibroturbulization effects is developed. A diagram of the latest modification of the gaseous-emissions absorption unit with a jet apparatus is presented. Test results show that the proposed technology is efficient.

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. 2018;53(11-12):814-817
pages 814-817 views

Industrial Ecology

Environmental Effects of Cavitation Technology for Radioactive Waste Management

Kulagina T., Kulagin V., Popkov V.


Results from studies of the removal from storage and solidification of low- and intermediate-level liquid radioactive waste in inorganic binders (cementation) are presented. Cavitation technology for recycling radiochemical wastes from nuclear power plant decommissioning increases the extraction throughput and strength of the cement compound.

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. 2018;53(11-12):738-744
pages 738-744 views

Energy Production from Chlorella Algae Biomass Under St. Petersburg Climatic Conditions

Politaeva N., Kuznetsova T., Smyatskaya Y., Trukhina E., Atamanyuk I.


The alga Chlorella sorokiniana was cultivated under natural conditions of St. Petersburg with natural lighting, without aeration, and with stirring once per day. The controls were strains of the populations grown under laboratory conditions at a stable temperature under the same aeration conditions and also with aeration and periodic stirring. The main cultivation conditions affecting cell multiplication were aeration and stirring. Algal cells multiplied 3.5 times in 16 days under these conditions and about doubled under natural conditions of St. Petersburg. Negative environmental impacts manifested as an increased proportion of dead cells in the population that was found by methylene-blue staining of temporary medications. Thus, C. sorokiniana could be cultivated under St. Petersburg conditions. However, cultivation conditions with aeration and periodic stirring had to be adjusted. A scheme for using algae cultivated under St. Petersburg conditions to produce valuable components and biofuels was proposed.

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. 2018;53(11-12):801-805
pages 801-805 views

Materials Science and Corrosion Protection

Study of Coating Corrosion Resistance for Shelf Structural Objects and Oil Industry Equipment

Gusev V., Nesterenko N., Il’ichev M., Konovalov P., Tyuftyaev A.


Results are given for a study of the corrosion resistance of a number of protective coatings for offshore structures and shelf zone constructions operating under conditions of total and periodic immersion in sea water.

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. 2018;53(11-12):745-749
pages 745-749 views

Analysis of Problems Arising in the Selection of Corrosion-Resistant Materials

Tarantseva K., Korosteleva A.


The problems arising in the selection of corrosion-resistant materials are analyzed. It is shown that a number of them are caused by the existing differentiated approach to selection of corrosion-resistant materials. For making the right choice of corrosion-resistant materials and ensuring durability of structures, it is necessary to take into account a whole range of their properties, as well as their changes in the process of operation. An algorithm is proposed for selecting corrosion-resistant materials in case when sufficient information on corrosion resistance is available and the situation is well-tested, and in case when information is insufficient and the situation is untested.

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. 2018;53(11-12):818-821
pages 818-821 views