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The moss Buxbaumia viridis, protected in Russia, was for the first time found in the territory of the North-West of Russia for the past 150 years. Data on the distribution of Buxbaumia viridis in Russia and Europe, as well as its phytocenotic confinement, biological features and accompanying species are discussed. There is a noticeable increase in the number of localities of this species in Europe, including in forests with significant human impact. Monitoring of the Buxbaumia viridis population in the territory of the reserve “Kurgalsky” is recommended, as well as the search for new localities.


G. Doroshina

Komarov Botanical Institute RAS

Russia, 197022, St. Petersburg, Prof. Popova Str., 2

L. Kurbatova

Komarov Botanical Institute RAS

Russia, 197022, St. Petersburg, Prof. Popova Str., 2


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版权所有 © Г.Я. Дорошина, Л.Е. Курбатова, 2023
