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In the Arctic, permafrost and underground ice melting is one of the modern problems that requires constant monitoring. In the areas with spreading thick ice-wedge polygonal networks, the territories occupied by groups of mounds separated by trenches formed in the place of melted ice veins are a widespread result of thermokarst. The vegetation of such territories (referred to as massifs) is represented by territorial units of the first hierarchy levels with an intra- (mosaic of patches within communities) and supraphytocoenotic (micro- and mesokombinations: complexes, their aggregates and series) heterogeneity. The shape, size and vegetation of the mounds and trenches change under the influence of thermal denudation, and the vegetation of a whole massif also changes, so it can serve as an indicator of thermokarst intensity. The relief formed by thermokarst is typical of the landscapes of New Siberian Islands. According to the descriptions of 38 massifs made on Kotelny Island in 1974–1975, they were for the first time typified as territorial units of vegetation. In total, 7 types of massifs belonging to 2 classes are identified and characterized: baidzharakh massifs proper (with mineral mounds) and massifs with peat mounds (including 1 type of massifs). The first class comprises 2 groups of types: weakly differentiated massifs (microcombinations) and differentiated massifs (mesocombinations). In the first group, there are 2 types of massifs, in the second one – 4 types. Six distinguished types of baidzharakh massifs correspond to successive stages of massif transformation (a scheme is given). The heterogeneity of massif vegetation becomes more complicated with time, and becomes simpler again, when the massif is destroyed. Embryonal massifs are represented by microcombinations, a group of developed (differentiated) massifs – by mesocombinations, collapsing massifs – by microcombinations. The developed typology of the baidzharakh massifs as territorial vegetation units is convenient for practical work and using in monitoring and comparative assessment of thermokarst intensity in the Arctic areas with different flora and vegetation.


O. Sumina

St. Petersburg State University

Email: o.sumina@spbu.ru
Russia, 199034, St. Petersburg, Universitetskaya Emb., 7/9


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