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The vascular plant flora of the Visimskiy State Natural Biosphere Reserve was studied. It comprises 530 species, 238 genera and 69 families of vascular plants. 510 species were classified as native plants and 20 species as alien plants (4% of the species composition). The top families in terms of the number of species are Asteraceae, Rosaceae, Poaceae, Ranunculaceae. The top genera in terms of the number of species are Alchemilla, Ranunculus, Carex, Poa, Hieracium. The geographical analysis revealed the dominance of Holarctic, Eurasian, boreal and boreal-nemoral species. The analyzed flora also contains the species associated with highlands and lower mountain belts. 10 endemic and subendemic species of the Urals, 24 species listed in the Red Data Book of the Sverdlovsk Oblast, and 2 species included in the Red Data Book of the Russian Federation occur on the territory of the Visimskiy Nature Reserve. The list of the flora of the Visimskiy Reserve is available in the GBIF repository.

Sobre autores

A. Tretyakova

Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin; Institute Botanic Garden, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Autor responsável pela correspondência
Russia, 620002, Yekaterinburg, Mira Str., 19; Russia, 620144, Yekaterinburg, 8 Marta Str., 202a

N. Grudanov

Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin; Institute Botanic Garden, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Autor responsável pela correspondência
Russia, 620002, Yekaterinburg, Mira Str., 19; Russia, 620144, Yekaterinburg, 8 Marta Str., 202a

D. Shilov

Visimskiy State Nature Reserve

Autor responsável pela correspondência
Russia, 624140, Kirovgrad, Stepan Razin Str., 23


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Declaração de direitos autorais © А.С. Третьякова, Н.Ю. Груданов, Д.С. Шилов, 2023

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