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A new alien species Fraxinus pennsylvanica Marsh. has been discovered on the coast of the Caspian Sea (Talysh, Lenkoran). The article provides information on the discovered population of the species: its abundance, distribution, a brief description of the habitat conditions.

About the authors

R. T. Abdiyeva

Institute of Botany of the Ministry of Education and Science of Azerbaijan

Author for correspondence.
Azerbaijan, AZ 1004, Baku, Badamdar Hwy., 40

K. K. Asadova

Institute of Botany of the Ministry of Education and Science of Azerbaijan

Author for correspondence.
Azerbaijan, AZ 1004, Baku, Badamdar Hwy., 40

Nigar Mursal

Institute of Botany of the Ministry of Education and Science of Azerbaijan

Author for correspondence.
Azerbaijan, AZ 1004, Baku, Badamdar Hwy., 40


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Copyright (c) 2023 Р.Т. Абдыева, К.К. Асадова, Нигяр Мурсал

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