Penetration of Polyphenols through Acetic Acid-Damaged Skin




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Our previous research has shown that derivatives of taxifolin, pentaglutarate of taxifolin and a conjugate of taxifolin with glyoxalic acid improve the mechanical properties of the collagen-based materials. During the degradation process of these materials, the biologically active polyphenols are released into the surrounding medium. To evaluate the penetration of polyphenols through burn-injured skin, two approaches were used. In case of pentaglutarate of taxifolin and taxifolin (they were used for comparison), polyphenols were labeled by fluorescent probe. In case of a conjugate, the fluorescent analogue was obtained. It was shown that the application of polyphenols on the damaged area of skin leads to the formation of fluorescent layer on its surface. It was found that hair follicles accumulate fluorescent derivatives of taxifolin and pentaglutarate of taxifolin. In regard to taxifolin, the fluorescence was observed in the deeper skin layers than that recorded for pentaglutarate of taxifolin, suggesting that taxifolin penetrate the skin more effectively. The fluorescent analogue accumulation in skin appendages showed lower values than that of other compounds. Thus, the data obtained demonstrate that polyphenols accumulate in hair follicles, from which they can be gradually released into the surrounding tissue. On the whole, our findings suggest that biologically active polyphenols are able to exert prolonged effects when they are used for topical application. This may be important while treating burns, especially second-degree burns, in which many skin appendages remain intact.


V. Shubina

Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Biophysics, Russian Academy of Sciences

Pushchino, Russia

Yu. Shatalin

Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Biophysics, Russian Academy of Sciences

Pushchino, Russia


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