
Adaptation of Drosophila melanogaster to unfavorable growth medium affects lifespan and age-related fecundity
Yakovleva E., Naimark E., Markov A.
Can Aging Develop as an Adaptation to Optimize Natural Selection? (Application of Computer Modeling for Searching Conditions When the “Fable of Hares” Can Explain the Evolution of Aging)
Markov A., Barg M., Yakovleva E.
Natural and chemotherapy-induced clonal evolution of tumors
Ibragimova M., Tsyganov M., Litviakov N.
Ants as Object of Gerontological Research
Shilovsky G., Putyatina T., Ashapkin V., Rozina A., Lyubetsky V., Minina E., Bychkovskaia I., Markov A., Skulachev V.
Genomics and biochemistry of Saccharomyces cerevisiae wine yeast strains
Eldarov M., Kishkovskaia S., Tanaschuk T., Mardanov A.
Structural Alterations in Human Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptors in Carcinogenesis
Mikhaylenko D., Alekseev B., Zaletaev D., Goncharova R., Nemtsova M.
The 4D Nucleome: Genome Compartmentalization in an Evolutionary Context
Cremer T., Cremer M., Cremer C.
Evolution of aging theories: Why modern programmed aging concepts are transforming medical research
Goldsmith T.
The Role of Transposable Elements in Emergence of Metazoa
Mustafin R., Khusnutdinova E.
Molecular genetic markers of intra- and interspecific divergence within starfish and sea urchins (Echinodermata)
Petrov N., Vladychenskaya I., Drozdov A., Kedrova O.
Presence of Old Individuals in a Population Accelerates and Optimizes the Process of Selection: in silico Experiments
Chistyakov V., Denisenko Y., Bren A.
Phylogenomic analysis of type 1 NADH:Quinone oxidoreductase
Novakovsky G., Dibrova D., Mulkidjanian A.
Externally regulated programmed aging and effects of population stress on mammal lifespan
Goldsmith T.
Phylogenomic analysis identifies a sodium-translocating decarboxylating oxidoreductase in thermotogae
Klimchuk O., Dibrova D., Mulkidjanian A.
Can Aging Be Programmed?
Mitteldorf J.
Programmed aging of mammals: Proof of concept and prospects of biochemical approaches for anti-aging therapy
Skulachev M., Skulachev V.
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