Isolation of large amounts of highly pure mitochondria for “omics” studies


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Ultracentrifugation on a density gradient remains the only reliable way to obtain highly pure mitochondria preparations. However, it is not readily available for any laboratory and has a serious disadvantage of providing low mitochondria yield, which can be critical when working with limited starting material. Here we describe a combined method for isolation of mitochondria for proteomic studies that includes cell disruption by sonication, differential centrifugation, and magnetic separation. Our method provides remarkable enrichment of mitochondrial proteins as compared to differential centrifugation, magnetic separation, or their combination, and it enables the strongest depletion of cytoplasmic components, as assessed by two-dimensional electrophoresis, mass spectrometry, and Western blot. It also doubles the yield of mitochondria. However, our method should not be used for functional studies as most of the isolated organelles demonstrate disturbed structure in electron microphotographs.

Об авторах

M. Afanasyeva

Engelhardt Institute of Molecular Biology

Автор, ответственный за переписку.
Россия, Moscow, 119991

A. Ustiugova

Engelhardt Institute of Molecular Biology

Россия, Moscow, 119991

S. Golyshev

Belozersky Institute of Physico-Chemical Biology

Россия, Moscow, 119234

A. Kopylov

Orekhovich Institute of Biomedical Chemistry

Россия, Moscow, 119121

A. Bogolyubova

Engelhardt Institute of Molecular Biology

Россия, Moscow, 119991

D. Demin

Engelhardt Institute of Molecular Biology; Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology

Россия, Moscow, 119991; Dolgoprudny, Moscow Region, 141701

P. Belousov

Engelhardt Institute of Molecular Biology

Россия, Moscow, 119991

A. Schwartz

Engelhardt Institute of Molecular Biology; Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology

Россия, Moscow, 119991; Dolgoprudny, Moscow Region, 141701

© Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2018

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