Immunogenicity of human interferon-beta-containing pharmaceuticals


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Multiple sclerosis is a severe autoimmune disease with inflammatory component that continues to be resistant to treatment. One of the approaches retarding its progression is based on using nonspecific therapy with human interferon-beta (IFN-β)-containing pharmaceuticals. Neutralizing antibodies (NAbs) against genetically engineered pharmaceuticals developed by the patient’s immune system, which reduce their therapeutic and biological activity, pose a serious problem. Cell lines sensitive to IFN-β activity also quantifying NAb level are applied because direct measurement of IFN-β antiviral activity is complicated. This study was aimed at standardization and validation of a reporter cell system for measuring antihuman IFN-β NAb titers, and evaluation data were obtained with samples from 33 patients with multiple sclerosis.

Об авторах

V. Nazarov

Center for Molecular Medicine

Автор, ответственный за переписку.
Россия, St. Petersburg, 197022

S. Lapin

Center for Molecular Medicine

Россия, St. Petersburg, 197022

A. Mazing

Center for Molecular Medicine

Россия, St. Petersburg, 197022

E. Evdoshenko

Saint-Petersburg Center of Multiple Sclerosis and Autoimmune Diseases Clinical Hospital No. 31

Россия, St. Petersburg, 197110

A. Totolian

Center for Molecular Medicine; Saint Petersburg Pasteur Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology (St. Petersburg Pasteur Institute)

Россия, St. Petersburg, 197022; St. Petersburg, 197101

© Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2016

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