Analytical Quasi-Optimal Algorithm for the Programmed Control of the Angular Motion of a Spacecraft




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The problem of the optimal program control of the angular motion of a spacecraft (SC) as a rigid body with a quadratic functional of the energy spent on the maneuver of the SC and a fixed time of the transition process is investigated. The dynamic configuration of the SC and the boundary conditions are arbitrary and the control vector function is not limited. In the Poinsot concept, using the Pontryagin maximum principle, a quasi-optimal analytical solution of the problem is obtained, which is developed into an algorithm. Confirming numerical examples are given, showing the proximity of the quasi-optimal solution to the optimal solution of the problem.


A. Molodenkov

Institute for Problems of Precision Mechanics and Control, Russian Academy of Sciences, 410028, Saratov, Russia

Россия, Саратов

Ya. Sapunkov

Institute for Problems of Precision Mechanics and Control, Russian Academy of Sciences, 410028, Saratov, Russia

Россия, Саратов


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